A pc costing the same price as a ps4 would be MAJOR CRAP in comparison,ps4 would DESTROY a pc at the same price point!!
The ps4 will exceed OC graphics for a couple years.
The reason?
Gpu. The thing is sweet. Most pcs wont have this level of gpu for a while. And it's been upgraded.
Plus, it's dedicated. No OC overhead.
In addition, game makers will be able to utilize the hardware fully rather than shooting for a common denominator on the OC side and then adjusting assets for high/ low settings, etc.
Ps4 is a beast.
In a couple years, OC will outshine console again.
But dang. The new Playstation has the potential to humble the almighty PC for a little bit.
This generation being the 8th. As in, if they build for Wii U/720/PS4 they will not be "downporting" you're just labeling the process based on your prejudice. The Wii U is perfectly capable of doing the same things graphically the PS4 will be able to do but in a different way, simply based on their memory architecture and utilizing whatever dedicated metal the Wii U has for certain shader operations. They both have very capable GPGPU's, and will both hold up quite nicely as the generation progresses.
That's what people fail to understand.
Wii u isn't a pc that just happens to be a console. It's purpose built. And very widely built. You do have to think differently when developing for it. And you do have to try harder. But you get very impressive results. "next gen" results.
When ps4, new xbox, and wii u are all tapped to full potential, the wii u will be the least impressive. But not by a crazy amount visually.
That's where Nintendo made some very smart choices in investing heavily into the enhancements to the gpu.
And the CPU is capable of handling anything the CPU should ever be tasked to do.
Nintendo thought thus through. And it even seems that developers will end up being better coders because of it. Let the CPU do what it's supposed to do and the gpu crunch the visual math, etc. it's easy to rely in the CPU. But you don't get performance that way.
The ps4 in contrast will make anything look great.
But when both shine, there will be a noticeable difference. But not like it was with the wii vs he systems.
Sony is winning the war of perception right now.
And they did equip their system with some serious hardware.
I can see this generation being much shorter than last.
Maybe 5 years.