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Member Since 30 Apr 2015
Offline Last Active Jan 30 2016 04:09 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: What music are you listening to at the moment?

17 January 2016 - 10:25 AM

Undertale OST Hopes and Dreams


In Topic: Devil's Third is Going to be a Good Game!

08 August 2015 - 10:51 PM

I'm still not convinced. It looks like it may be decent from the videos I've seen, but anything more than that, I'm not so sure. It kind of reminds me of Never Dead, and if you can remember that game, it wasn't very good...

In Topic: Zombi is coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC [ZombiU]

01 August 2015 - 04:41 AM




  • Minimap moved to screen, dissappears when not in use - Preserves minimalist HUD
  • Increased FOV with option to increase/decrease slightly, "but not so much that it takes away that claustrophobic feeling"
  • Two new melee weapons: shovel offers longer range and the ability to hit more than one zombie at a time, while the nail bat gives you more damage and a higher critical-hit chance (while also being able to hit more than one enemy at a time)
  • Flashlight has been updated with new options: switch to a wider, further-reaching beam at the expense of battery life and a greater risk of attracting zombies. It’ll also have to be kept off for 30 seconds to recharge
  • "Rummaging in the backpack still doesn’t pause the game. We’ve added a dedicated button to access the backpack...players won’t be able to see approaching zombies unless they’re coming from the sides of the screen"
  • Only one second-screen-dependent feature will not return: ZombiU’s single-system multiplayer


I would have rather they made the minimap an item that required you pull it up, much like the scanner in the Wii U version. They could have made it a physical map, or perhaps included it in the scanner in its own sort of tab.

I do like having a wider FOV, as I get terrible headaches and even feel sick to my stomach if the FOV is too small. This was especially a problem when I played Halo 3's singleplayer on the Xbox 360.

I'm not too fond of more melee weapons, as I feel it may end up making 1 on 1 encounters with zombies, and even group encounters of 2 or 3 less stressful and easier to handle, which in a survival horror game is a big nono to me.

The flashlight seems alright. I like their attempt at balancing it, though I will have to see it in action.


I'm very glad to know they still keep the game unpaused, and I'm curious as to how this is going to work now. They do mention you only being able to see zombies approaching from the sides of the screen. Not too sure, so I'll have to wait and see.


I never bothered with the multiplayer, as the singleplayer was more than enough to keep me busy. It's still a shame this won't be returning, though.

In Topic: Devil's Third Famitsu Interview

27 July 2015 - 11:39 PM

To be honest, the game looks pretty awful. There's not much in the way of personality, and it looks like just another below average third person action game, with nothing to really help it stand out. The swordplay, like the rest of the game, looks pretty bland. Games like Metal Gear Rising did swordplay incredibly well, and I can't settle for anything that doesn't at least match that quality. Uncharted had more engaging gunplay than this puts on display, and I thought Uncharted's gunplay wasn't all that good to begin with.

In Topic: The Great Splatoon Status Debate.

25 May 2015 - 11:19 PM

So with Minecraft, if you buy it now you're buying past versions and the current one.

So... If you buy the digital verson of splatoon in August? What are you paying for? The splatoon with the current version. It's simple, just buy the digital version in August.

I've explained this multiple times now.

"In August, if you purchase Splatoon via disc, you are buying the version that is on that disc. If you buy it digitally, and the digital version has been pre-updated to the current version with new maps and modes, then that is what you are buying. If you have to update the game after purchasing it in order to get those new maps and modes, then no, those maps and modes are not part of the game you are buying. The same applies to a new version of the game."


Even then, I still don't find it okay for Nintendo to charge $50 to $60 for the current version of the game and the amount of content it includes.

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