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#58089 The Wii U is 2x the power of the Xbox 720

Posted by InsaneLaw on 28 January 2012 - 04:02 AM

Tenkay, 6x 100 is 600...
(the next bit isn't aimed at anyone specific)

None of the rumours considering the power of the consoles can be considered true.

You can't compare the PC graphics cards because consoles DON'T USE THEM as I've said many, many times on different parts of the internet.

The first gen dev kit for the Wii U may have been using a R700 to get developers projects on their system, but after that it would've been the companies own modified chipset, and a more powerful one at that.

Plus, the original rumour that stated that the Wii U was using an R700 stated that it was using a Power 6 PC, which was already proven wrong by the time E3 came around, since the Wii U is using Power 7 architecture, which believe it or not makes quite a bit of difference. Plus those kits were underclocked themselves, so it won't be just 50% more powerful than the PS3 (which is what the first rumours said, not the 360).

And of the CPU, we don't know how many cores and what sort of set up the Wii U is using, so we won't ever be able to guess it's power until it comes out or if Nintendo release the tech specs.

We don't know anything about the Next-Gen consoles and all these rumours are just made up guess work produced to get more reads/views, the only thing we do know is that the Wii U is more powerful than the current generation, and probably by quite a bit more than the rumours would have you believe, considering the ones that said it were actual developers.

#53405 Are You Getting the PS Vita?

Posted by AMAC on 11 January 2012 - 01:24 PM

I like how people constantly criticise Sony for a lack of innovation, yet when they come out with the touch pad on the back of the Vita - something which I'd call innovation - it's instantly written off as a gimmick. IMO, it's too early to judge whether it'll be a success or not. I think it's a decent idea, and I expect developers will find some pretty cool uses for it.

#46881 I would like to know my popularity

Posted by Waller on 11 December 2011 - 01:00 PM

Worthless thread is worthless. Making this kind of thread is not going to give you a good reputation.

#43103 Wii U predictions

Posted by Hyawatta on 22 November 2011 - 10:25 AM

Best Possible Scenario

When the XBOX, PS2, & GCN were out, multiplatform games were developed using the PS2 as the base console from which to port to the other platforms. The PS2 was the least powerful of the three; however, that did not hinder the development of those multiplatform games.

Currently, the 360, PS3, & Wii are out. Multiplatform games are developed using the 360 as the base console from which to port to the other platforms. However, the Wii does not receive most of these multiplatform games because the hardware is not powerful enough run them without significantly changing the games. The 360 is less powerful than the PS3; however, that does not hinder the development of those multiplatform games. Actually, many of the ports look or play better on the 360 than they do on the PS3 because they are better optimized for the base console that they are developed on.

When the Wii U comes out, multiplatform games will continue to be developed using the 360 as the base console from which to port to the other platforms. However, the Wii U will receive the best versions of those multiplatform games because of additional features that will be added to take advantage of the new controller. Also, do to the touted similarities with and ease of porting from the 360 to the Wii U, the performance problems that the PS3 ports would have will be replaced by performance enhancements for the Wii U such as running in native 1080p and at a solid 60fps rate.

When the Wii U, XBOXTEN, & PS4 are out, multiplatform games will be developed using the Wii U as the base console from which to port to the other platforms. The Wii U will be the least powerful of the three; however, that will not hinder the development of those multiplatform games. Likely, many of the ports will look or play better on the Wii U than on the other platforms because they will be better optimized for the base console that they will be developed on.

#42220 Super Mario 3D Land promoting animal cruelty?

Posted by Andy on 15 November 2011 - 02:00 PM

I just found the funniest comment I've ever seen on the YouTube video about the game PETA made.

I want to see Nintendo sue for this sh**. Reggie Fils-Aimes busting into PETA headquarters flipping tables over while Miyamoto goes apesh** with his Master Sword.

...that's how lawsuits work, right?

Now THAT is what I would like to see here.

#42168 -

Posted by Waller on 15 November 2011 - 02:38 AM

Because PONIES NEED TO WIN! And they haven't.

Fixed it for you.

My avatar is Lune from TWGOK. Seriously, it was begging to be made into an avatar, it was just perfect.

#41083 School!

Posted by Auzzie Wingman on 06 November 2011 - 06:35 PM

I feel as though schools are leaving parents to become lazy.

We go to school for education that will help us in the future. Unfortunately there are many things that schools do not teach about living after school is over. They leave that kind of task to parents, and a lot of parents nowadays are too crap to handle that.

The education system needs to be reviewed.

#40766 Steve Jobs more Influential then Miyamoto, What!?

Posted by Nico on 03 November 2011 - 11:24 AM

Apple is indeed a very influential company, and Steve Jobs was certainly an extraordinary man, but to say that Apple has done anything influential for gaming is, quite simply, a lie.  The only thing Apple has accomplished is creating a smart phone which can play Touch Based Games (a genre of game which Nintendo pioneered) the quality of a Flash Game usually.  There are rare exceptions, such as the exceptional Infinity Blade, which do make the Smart Phone Market (read: Not just Apple) a bit more hardcore, but overall you simply cannot get a true gaming experience without physical buttons.

Shigeru Miyamoto is absolutely and unequivocally the most influential player in the history of video games, with Nolan Bushnell right behind for pioneering (though not perfecting) Electronic Gaming.  Microsoft is almost single-handedly responsible for the rise of Online Gaming for consoles, marking it high on the list of influence as a company, and Sony is home to the (once creative, now lackluster) geniuses who invented the Dual-Analog as well as first used Memory Cards (which, though not as awesome as Hard Drives, are exceptional for being portable) rather than saving data to the game copy.

Apple, on the other hand, has contributed absolutely nothing to gaming (Mac is still trailing behind PC by years in gaming).  Smart Phones aren't the rise of a new generation of gaming, rather, they are simply a fad which only the simplest of minds could possibly conceive as more comprehensive and visceral than any true gaming device.

So, what's my point with all of this? The point is that I, along with many other people, know better than to say Steve Jobs was more influential to gaming than, well, pretty much anyone else (Even Zynga was more influential than him).  A survey of 1,000 people proves absolutely nothing, as that is an extraordinarily small percentage of even a single state's population, much less a country or the world.

Let people be entertained by their smart phone games, what with their bird flinging, finger-flick slashing good times. Meanwhile, I'll be off playing real games created by true professionals with actual talent.

#40727 Steve Jobs more Influential then Miyamoto, What!?

Posted by HaHa-No on 03 November 2011 - 12:37 AM

Oh my god... what crap. The iPhone probably wouldn't even exist if it hadn't been for the touchscreen DS. The games on it probably wouldn't exist if Nintendo hadn't saved the industry. This is ridiculous, even that site says it is if you read it all. The guy who made facebook helped gaming? Fat. Chance. One of my friends spent £500 on an iPad (ironically now complaining about having no money). He bought angry birds on it, one of my friends showed him Ocarina Of Time on his N64. Do you know what my friend said?
"Lol, that's crap compared to Angry Birds."
Once again, you learn why I only have a few male friends in real life -w-.

#40723 Steve Jobs more Influential then Miyamoto, What!?

Posted by Feld0 on 03 November 2011 - 12:15 AM

Only 1,000 people in the sample seems a little small. I'd also be curious to know a little more data on the participants - it really sounds ridiculous to think that Steve Jobs's overnight hit in the iPhone has had a greater effect on the industry than the Wii, DS, or hell, even the NES (besides saving the industry, save data was also invented on the NES - where would we be today without that?).

The data is not, however, invalid - it is completely true for the people that were surveyed. And I share my concerns with the author of the article...

Obviously, this group doesn't necessarily speak for the population at large, but the results are a bit unsettling nonetheless.

Most importantly, it makes us feel like old men, waving our canes in the air and complaining that the younger generation doesn't know a thing about gaming history. We'd be quick to remind them that when Apple was pushing personal computers upon the masses, Nintendo was busy salvaging the damaged video game industry. It was Mario, not Angry Birds, that pulled gaming from the fire.

What we don't like is the suggestion that such results are a sign of the times, and that over the next several years, a new generation of gamers will associate their favorite hobby with Apple, and not old stalwarts like Nintendo, Sega and Capcom.

Please, give us a moment to wipe away some tears.

It somewhat disturbs me when I go to school every day and the iPod Touch or iPhone is the "standard" gaming device. And it downright sickens me that while all my classmates waste their time away with Angry Birds, Doodle Jump, and Jelly Car, they give me a queer look every time I pull my 3DS out and are quick to label anything I open up on it as "childish". Pokemon? It's for little kids. Mario? It's for little kids. Zelda? It's for little kids. Radiant Historia, some game I've never heard of? It's for little kids, because it's on your DS (they cannot even differentiate the 3DS from the DS, but that's another rant for another post). [x TV show I'm watching through Netflix]? Looks legit, but it must be childish 'cause that's all Nintendo has on there.

All right. And then, they go back to launching red birds into green pigs. Enjoy your super mature, highly developed, and high budget $0.99 games.

I'm not saying mobile games don't have their rightful place in the universe, because they always have and always will. But my generation's complete and utter disregard for the products and companies that saved and shaped the industry is deeply disturbing. Seeing as I want to grow up and become a video game developer myself, I sincerely hope this trend turns around by the time I get my degree.

Because, y'know, I don't want to spend $150,000 and four years in DigiPen learning absolutely everything about programming to then go work in a world where serious talent is no longer profitable.

#39181 Wii U power

Posted by Vericitus on 29 October 2011 - 05:50 AM

Firstly its pretty stupid to say the least to argue the point that the 3DS has better graphics than the PSP when I have already stated the 3DS has a better gpu.

Uhh a few posts back you said "I love my 3DS but its not as powerful as sony's portable console that dates back to 2004."  Now you're saying it is more powerful, but the PSP has the faster CPU, measured only my Mhz and nothing having anything to do with advanced architecture like the ARM11 that's in the 3DS.  Sorry bud.

You also tried to prove the PSP is more powerful by comparing Ridge Racers, A crappy iPhone port to the 3DS, vs. a game Sony developed for the PSP probably a year ago, trying to do a "proof's in the pudding" comparison.  And yet you are trying your hardest to discredit the 3DS's "proof's in the pudding" comparison by saying the PS2 is more powerful than the 3DS or something because the PS2 version of RE4, which Resident Evil Revelations looks better than btw just on graphical effects alone, has "a lot going on inside and outside," whatever the hell that means.  Give it up, 3DS is quite a lot more capable than the PSP.  Deal with it.

You may believe the 3DS is powerful but currently there is no evidence to support that.

Posted Image

Find me a PSP or a PS2 game that looks better than this, amigo.  Capcom literally had to show the press a separate demo that turned off various effects like HDR and depth of field just to prove to guys like you that just won't believe the 3DS is this capable.  Apparently it still didn't work because they can't fix stupid I suppose.

I have both a wii and original xbox connected to a projector which is about six feet diagonal in screen size. The very idea that Mario Galaxy compares to Conker is so utterly stupid its beyond a joke.

Yeah I know, Galaxy looks and runs so much better.  Seriously, that clip you showed of Conker has the framerate dip when he's TALKING to somebody, with no action going on.  Mario Galaxy stays at 60 fps forever, AND has better textures, don't lie.  Believe what you want, but you're wrong, buddy.  (and you're Projecting these games?  Projectors suck for games, period.  No wonder you can't tell the difference.)

In fact I have another Game on Wii that beats out Conker too.  Sonic Colors, not only runs at a higher framerate, but also has gigantic worlds with many more graphical and particle effects going on at the same time.  Seriously, this is a losing argument for you.

No Metroid Prime 3 is not comparable to Half Life 2. It may have a better frame rate though. Half Life 2 does struggle at times on xbox but then its running a physic's engine which MP3 doesn't have to do. MP3 doesn't really attempt to simulate a real world either in physics or visually. Its more cartoon like working to the limitations of the wii.

I'd say they are comparable.  Metroid Prime 3 does have a physics engine.  It's not on EVERYTHING but the enemies do react with physics when struck with missiles and such.  And since the game runs better than Half Life 2 does on the Xbox (seriously, have you ever actually PLAYED that version.  The framerate gets horrendous near the end.  And it's a buitchered up version of the game too.  The Xbox clearly can't handle it, but they tried anyway.)

The ps2 is more powerful than the gamecube in some ways but it only has about 450 dmips of integer performance,"

Whoa holy carp.  Had to stop right there.  You have no idea what the hell you're talking about now.  Seriously, NO.  The Ps2 was in no way more powerful than the Gamecube in ANY respect.  Hell take RE4, which you seem so proud of on the PS2.  The Ps2 version was butchered to all hell from the GameCube version.  Not only did the game look half as good, it also had longer loadtimes times to boot.  Seriously, go look at comparison screens to see just how many effects they had to turn off for the PS2 version to even run.

Is it even worth it to talk to someone so misinformed?

The ps2 and original xbox both have 32bit colour.

*BZZT* Wrong.  PS2 had 24-bit Color, without the Z-buffer that both the GameCube and the horsing DREAMCAST had,

Mario Galaxy could have been done a lot better on original xbox,

Not quite homeboy.  All those special effects and stuff you listed after this not goodness would have taken a huge hit to the framerate.  Mario Galaxy does look better than any Xbox game.  Soul Calibur II is actually a perfect example of this.  The framerate takes a huge dive with 720p.  Also, I'm not sure that Dolby 5.1 has to do with graphics, but whatever.

Even now people still believe the wii is more powerful than the original xbox. We have basically reached the end of wii development and it has never achieved the level of games that the original xbox has.

Actually, RE4 was a first year Wii game, quickly ported to the Wii for some quick bucks.  And yet, RE4 looks better than every Xbox game I've seen.  Heck apprently the original Xbox couldn't run RE4, which is why it never got a port of the game.  That appeals to your sense of logic, right?

Anyway, done talking to somebody so misinformed.  There's no point for me and no hope for you.

#36753 Wii U power

Posted by Andy on 16 October 2011 - 07:38 PM

What Vericitus said.

I'd also like to mention that hiding specs in no way means that a company plans to under perform. I'm pretty sure the Gamecube didn't reveal its specs, but I had dial-up back then, so don't quote me on that. But I would point you to the PS2 which Sony revealed 'specs' about, most of which turned out to be true only in technicality, such as how many polygons it could do per second.

Also, I doubt I would reveal my specs if I were up against a company who is known for copy-pasting their competition's ideas...

Actually, Nintendo did reveal the specs for the GameCube, and they ended up being made fun of for it. From my understanding, what happened was before the release of the gen 6 systems, the big three were talking about how many polygons could show up on screen at one time on there system. Sony said that the PS2 could do 90,000 polygons at once. M$ said that the X-Box could do 140,000 polygons at once. Nintendo said that the GameCube could do around 30,000 polygons at once. Needless to say, this lead to quite a bit of bashing from Nintendo haters. However, what Sony and M$ didn't say was that that was the amount of polygons that the PS2 and X-Box could show if they were only showing polygons. They didn't take into account things like textures,  lighting and other effects when they made those statements. Nintendo did take those factors  into consideration when they said how many the GameCube could show, and it ended up being the middle console in terms of power. So basically, Nintendo got bashed for being honest about what their system could do. After that, I would also stay quiet about the power of my system.

#36703 Wii U power

Posted by Vericitus on 16 October 2011 - 11:13 AM

Desert Punk, you're cracked in the head if you think the 3DS isn't more powerful than the PSP.

Resident Evil Revelations.  End of discussion.  It runs effects completely 100% NOT POSSIBLE on PSP and at 30fps which is a far cry from basically any PSP game I've ever seen.

And no Wii game looks better than Conker?  Are you serious?  Try Mario Galaxy or Mario Galaxy 2.  Not only are the textures sharper and cleaner, but the game also runs at 60 fps locked.

As for Half Life 2, it's hard to compare since Valve didn't see fit to port that version of Source over to the Wii, but Metroid Prime 3 is in the first person, has comparable world and character size, and runs at 60 fps too, which is a far cry from that Half Life 2 clip you showed us, which struggled constantly.

You criticised Resident Evil 4 on the ps2 as it is inferior to the gamecube version graphically and there is no doubt it is but when you look at that game and then compare it to Resident Evil Mercenaries or Revelations that ps2 game looks absolutely amazing. There is much more going on, onscreen and its a fantastic game and its doing that at about 3x the resolution of 3DS.

Wow, just... wow.  You couldn't possibly be more wrong.  RE4 on the PS2 is nowhere near Revelations man.  Revelations is, once again, doing stuff like pixel shaders and things that the PS2 simply can't do.  (BTW this is hilarious isn't it, apparently the PS2 is more powerful than the 3DS, and the 3DS is more powerful than the GC, so that means that the PS2 is morew powerful than the GC.  Lovely logic coming from a  guy who claims to be fighting off fanboys, eh?)

Sorry dude, but you are wrong, You're just throwing videos and specs (like 32-bit color which *BZZZT* doesn't exist. It's just 24-bit color with an 8-bit alpha channel.  More useful as a bullet point than an actual imporvement)  around thinking that's all you need.  You're either a troll, or BADLY misinformed.

#33542 Anime Discussion

Posted by Waller on 28 September 2011 - 06:49 PM

Tomoya: Okazaki Tomoya
Tomoyo: Girl who went for student council and always kicks the sh** out of Sunohara.

That was a joke, notice the "Wait, there's more than one episode???" meaning he was seeing other kind of things. Not necessarily that kind of thing, but it was definitely something else.

#32930 Starrgrl's Music Composition (Moar music added 3/14/2012 :3)

Posted by Starrgrl24 on 25 September 2011 - 01:23 PM

I'll just dedicate this topic to my original music compositions. The first two I'm gonna post is really just me practicing different styles. I just have an image in my head and I compose whatever from it. :) I made these rather quickly so balance is gonna be an issue but oh well. Here are the music:

Posted Image

I was basically trying to copy the kirby music style (like kirby's dreamland series). xD Well...I came close. It was rather tricky composing the melody because I started off with the harmony, so it was very restricting. I still like it though. :)

Posted Image

I have an obsession with boss battle music because it's just so fun to compose! I was able to find a nice, catchy, yet short harmony. I abused the chromatic movements, but oh well. Chromatic scale ftw. xD

I do admit, my music are fairly short and even minimalist (well I tried to be like a minimalist). I like it that way. Best to keep things simple. :)

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