COOL! (i like smashes like marth's, ganon's, or zelda's
i think a new smash for bowser could be like a combo of him and his 7 (or 8) for like a tag team of sorts.
think triple finish but you need to make an initial hit :/

Got any other ideas?
01 July 2011 - 10:49 PM
COOL! (i like smashes like marth's, ganon's, or zelda's
i think a new smash for bowser could be like a combo of him and his 7 (or 8) for like a tag team of sorts.
think triple finish but you need to make an initial hit :/
30 June 2011 - 02:11 PM
You know what? How about this...?I'm not bashin n final smashes at all. i enjoy them but i don't like that particular kind of smash
30 June 2011 - 12:33 PM
That's a very interesting idea.I think SSB2 should give each character 3 different final smashes.
Basic Final Smash: The smash ball looks like the smash ball we already know just being mostly blue. It allows the character to unleash a basic move eg Mario's Finale, Ness's PK Storm or Samus's Zero Laser.
Assist Final Smash: A smash ball taking on a mostly red colour which appears to emit a signal type wave. It sends the character floating behind the stage as his/her friends from his/her gaming history take on the opponents, Kind of like Pit's Palutena's Army. Possible examples could includ Sonic calling on his Wisp's to reek havoc on the stage, Yoshi calling the Storks to spear and carry off his opponents and Bowser sending out his Koopa kids to do his bidding.
Transform Final Smash: Smash ball is green and looks wavy as if it's about to hatch or transform. Allows the character to transform into something like how Bowser transforms into Giga Bowser or how Sonic turns into Super Sonic. Possible examples include Mario/Luigi using a Mega Mushroom and stomping on everyone, Kirby turning into a tank to crush and shoot missiles or Link turning into Wolf Link and does whatever Wolf Link does.
What d'ya think?
OK!I'm gonna start editing my posts too now. (It's the Yoshi one.)
"Are you guys done with the Ideas? I can do this all day but my ideas suck...."Luigi
1.Negative space
Same as brawl
Luigi pulls out his Poltergust 3000 and starts firing random elements in front of him (Water,Fire,Ice,Electricity just for fun)for 30 seconds Which varies in DMG from 20% - 35% per hit. His movements are similar to Spicy curry and when he uses B+up He fire downward launching him into the air.
3.Mr. L
Inspired by Super Paper Mario, Luigi will call his giant robot head of himself and jump into it. His robot will appear in the background where you can move him around but he always face the screen. Here luigi can fire Lazers(60%), Missiles(40%), and slow Cannon balls(50%). When the smash is over he will Fly towards the screen at highspeed crashing the robot and causing an explosion size of 3 bombombs but with dmg of 120%.
what do you think?
1. Hypermode
Samus goes into hypermode and now her attacks are 5x stronger with the exception of her charge which is completly changed. By charging your beam it shoots mini hyper particles for 5 seconds with a full charge each particle deals 3% DMG(but theres alot if you ever played metroid prime 3) Her suit falls off since hypermode instead of damaging samus.
2. Shoop da whoop
Same as brawl
Samus calls her ship down which fires missiles onto the stage but you view the firing from inside the ship (Similar to snakes) but you shoot rapidly and each missile deals 80% but you fire 8 missiles rapidly before reloading. Reload twice.
Zero suit samus:
Yes since she's considered a different character she gets her own set up. You can choose different smashes seperatly from normal samus
1. On the run.
Zero suit Samus jumps into the background behind the standing platforms as space pirates run around the map for 20 seconds, DMG is 25% on contact
2.The Chozo gift
The chozo ghost appears firing lightning bolts into the stage similar to pickachus for 30 seconds. DMG is 50% Upon contact with the bolts. At the end zero suit samus is given her power suit back.
3.Gunship Red alert
zero suit Samus drops a distress becon to her Gunship which is now desperate to save a suitless samus so this time is hovers in the background firing forward into the stage, it is now armored with shields for Zero suit samus (20% on contact), 8 capacity rapid fire missiles (80% each missile), and 2 super missiles (110% on direct impact). At the end of the smash the gunship flies into zero suit samus and she reappears as "Samus" from the top of the screen.
Are you guys done with the Ideas? I can do this all day but my ideas suck and i wanna see some more of yours
30 June 2011 - 12:12 PM
I guess you didn't see the very first sentence in this thread.personally i hate all final smashes like super wario or giga bowser. they're always overpowered, have too long of a duration, and basically cannot be dodged. Its supposed to be an attack, not a powerup
WOW!Amy Rose
Final Smash 1:Amy Pulls out her Piko Piko Hammer and creates a giant Heart Tornado that flies across the stage.
Final Smash 2:Cream Appears and Amy give Cheese her Hammer, then Cheese flys upward or straight foward, and if he hits anybody, It's like a homerun bat.
Final Smash 3:Amy uses her Tarot cards, and pick a random one. If she get's fire, a Giant Fireball crashes from the sky, and if she gets water, a Tidal Wave appears.
Plusle and Minun
Final Smash 1:The duo jump around the stage with Electricity flying around them.
Final Smash 2:A Giant Thundercloud appears from the sky and 3 Lightning bolts slam down.
Final Smash 3:Plusle and Minun paralyze the opponent with electricity, and then they slam into them as a giant electric ball.
LOL! They are pretty awesome. (I hope they keep Lucario and bring back Mewtwo! Those two are the best!best!
29 June 2011 - 11:51 AM
Thanks a bunch!! **(Yes i've already read it, nice thoughts dude...
Try this e-mail: - is a Nintendo E-mail address and they might tell sakurai about the final smash idea.
Only by looking for the Wii U's controller i can imagine lots of functionalities in smash bros. franchise...
Imagine the voice/video chat during a online match, you can see you opponent's face when shooted out from the stage; the touch screen could be used for extra functionalities like using final smash, for example; and an awesome idea (and it's what fox final smash could be like) is using the controller's giroscope to lead and shoot into your enemies on the stage during the final smash time.
this is just some ideas for the next games, hope they strive themselves to create not another game, but THE game that will revolutionize the way you play a fighter. sorry for the tirade