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Deadly Virus

Member Since 20 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active May 20 2013 03:50 PM

Topics I've Started

Could Platinum become a Nintendo first/second party?

14 September 2012 - 11:01 AM

Just a thought. First we had P-100, Wii U exclusive published by Nintendo. Now Bayonetta 2, which is the same, although Sega is involved as well.

With Sega in financial troubles, and Nintendo looking so eager to support Platinum even with more risky franchises, could it be possible that we might see them become even more close over the next few years?

It'll be interesting, that's for sure. I'll be awaiting the inevitable cries of "PLATINUM GAMES WERE NEVER GOOD!" if Nintendo ever decides to make a bold move and buy them out. :P

MGS: Ground Zero and MGS Movie announced!

30 August 2012 - 02:27 AM

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According to reports from attendees, Konami showed a brief demo of Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zero. The game will allegedly be an open-world title that runs on Kojima Productions’ FOX Engine. Snippets of footage showed Snake avoiding searchlights, riding a jeep, and calling a helicopter in for evacuation.

Supposedly it's a next-gen game, and the demo was run on high end PC hardware. The above picture is real time footage from the game that's running on Kojima's new FOX Engine.

In addition to this, a MGS movie was officially confirmed for the second time, this time with a different director. Hopefully this one will actually be finished, since I still think it sounds like an awesome idea.


Sony has officially announced that they will be bringing Konami’s hit videogame franchise Metal Gear Solid to the big screen. Deja Vu? Yes, I did write this exact storyin February 2007, but producer Michael De Luca never got it off the ground. This time the announcement was made to video game fans attending the Metal Gear Anniversary event in Tokyo. Banners on display read “Metal Gear Solid Hollywood Movie”, and featured the Columbia Pictures logo.
Hideo Kojima confirmed a new Metal Gear Solid movie project is in the works during the presentation, this time with Spider-man producer Avi Arad on board.  Arad spoke to the audience, saying that he struggled for years to bring comics to the silver screen and that ”video games are the comic books of today.” Kotaku quotes Arad as saying that they “will take our time and tell the story with all the nuances, ideology, cautionary tales needed.”

Wii U preorders "going well"

08 August 2012 - 06:28 PM


I swear, if this ends up being a repeat of when the Wii launched 6 years ago, I am actually genuinely going to be SHOCKED that Nintendo pulled this off. :P

Guess we better start getting our preorders in before they're all sold out... I had to wait until February to get my Wii after how crazy that launch was.

Mass Effect 3 Wii U will be a launch title

02 August 2012 - 12:59 PM

Just confirmed from the EA Summer Showcase. I guess we can add this to the list now. :D

RUMOUR: Nintendo looking to buy back Rare + franchises, Retro making Banjo Wii U

19 July 2012 - 06:12 PM


RARE, oh how we remember you fondly. We remember the days of Diddy Kong Racing, Donkey Kong 64, Conker’s Bad Fur Day, and naturally the original Banjo and Kazooie. I remember even after being bought by Microsoft how you still had one last trick up your sleeve known as Viva Pinata, an extremely under-appreciated gem from last generation. Now you are a shadow of your former self making silly casual Kinect games that no one is buying. Banjo and Kazooie has always been viewed a very Nintendo like franchise, one which died with Nutz and Bolts. Nintendo, according to this anonymous tipster, is looking to correct the great disservice in the killing off of this once beloved franchise.
According to the tipster, Nintendo is in direct negotiations with Microsoft to buy RARE, though the purpose of buying them seems to be all based around getting the rights to Banjo and Kazooie. Of course, we can’t forget the other key franchises Nintendo gets with the acquisition. Conker’s Bad Fur Day may have been shunned by Nintendo, but a sequel to that game should be embraced by the Nintendo brass if they want the Wii U to really be for everyone. Of course, this rumor doesn’t stop there - it goes as far as to suggest that Retro Studios is actually deep into development on a Banjo and Kazooie title, and that the talks with Microsoft have been ongoing for some time.
Every fiber of my body wants this rumor to come true, but I know better. You might as well take this rumor with 3 giant semi-trucks of salt because if I was a betting man (and I am), I would throw my life savings in the corner of falsehood here. But we can dream can’t we? RARE and Nintendo back together? Banjo and Kazooie back where they belong (and likely in a Smash game to boot?). For once can one of these anonymous tips be right? Doubtful, but God willing we will get our way.

Now I have absolutely no idea where they got this from, but it is VERY interesting. Let's hope this is true, because if it is, the next few years are going to be heaven for us long-time Nintendo fans.. :o

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