Deadly Virus
Member Since 20 Oct 2011Offline Last Active May 20 2013 03:50 PM
Profile Feed

Deadly Virus
So how's the Wii U, guys? Still another 12 days for us in Europe. :(

Deadly Virus
Was at college all day and missed every last one of the Wii U conferences... Gonna be fun trying to gather up all the info I've been out of the loop on. :P

Sep 13 2012 07:25 AM

Deadly Virus
Just a couple more months to go until Wii U launch... I'm starting to feel the hype building up again. :D

Deadly Virus
Am I the only one who thinks Lego City Undercover looks amazing?

Deadly Virus
I noticed that too.. I guess they spend more time talking trash about games than actually playing them. :P
Jun 09 2012 11:40 AM -

Caius Casshern Sins → Deadly Virus
Your Profile picture is awesome. Where did you find it?