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Member Since 21 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 09 2015 05:13 PM

#302249 Sonic 2006

Posted by Xiombarg on 07 November 2014 - 03:26 PM

The problem with Sonic 06 is because it is nowhere near complete and was rushed out without any effort or real planning.  I might disagree with a few of the stylistic points, like more edgehog the shadow and hyper-realistic eggman, but the game had potential to be pretty damn good. But because they rushed it out in what, 6 or less months? The final product is pretty bad.


At least the soundtrack is great, though.

#69270 An Apology

Posted by Auzzie Wingman on 03 April 2012 - 02:21 PM

It'll be okay...

... once I stop confusing you with Collector.

#68879 -

Posted by Lady Rarity Pony on 01 April 2012 - 07:48 AM

I haven't noticed a change in fundamentalist Christians nation wide, though according to some statistics I was looking at, there has been an increase in general Christianity.

The media decides whom they wish to give a bad image of, and whom they wish to glorify.
Sadly the media chooses to give a bad image of Christians.

They're so quick to broadcast news about the Westboro Baptist Church and their hateful acts, yet the media wouldn't dare broadcast anything about the multiple Christian organizations that are actively fighting for gay rights and/or equal treatment of gays.

Your mainstream news channels are your local propaganda outlets. You'll only see what they want you to see.
Conspiracy theory? Should I even need to explain how this is not a theory. The media has been used all throughout history to manipulate the populace into believing groups of people are bad.

Would you like examples?

Those are but a few examples.

My point, for whatever reasons, the media enjoys broadcasting news reports that give the population an anti-Christian sentiment.

Is it true there are many hateful Christian groups out there whom view everyone else as heretics? Yes, but they are but a minority nation wide. There are many Christian groups out there whom actively fight for rights for all human beings, but don't expect to hear about them on your local news channel.
Should I even need to mention how the media attempts to give anti-Islamic sentiments? That's obvious enough, I don't think I need to explain that.

Personally I don't mind what anyone is. As long as they aren't using their beliefs as a HQ to launch hateful assaults on other groups, then they are fine with me.


Posted by Guest on 28 March 2012 - 12:54 PM

I was waiting on someone like you to respond.... Thanks. Yes not one quote I've heard have convinced me yet. It is what it is... It's a Nintendo system so Im going to buy it either way. I'm just saying as of right now not one quote from a developer has won me over thinking this console is going to be some powerhouse... And that's fine. I'm ok with twice as powerful as Xbox 360. But concern is people getting overly excited about these third party games that are basically ps360 ports that aren't going to do the console hardware justice. Like I said I'm getting games built from ground up on launch that I can see we have a more powerful console on our hands. That's just me.

#65050 E3 WiiU controller

Posted by Lord Pickleton on 05 March 2012 - 10:00 PM

I don't know if any of you mentioned it already, but I love how the Wii U has a Headphone jack. Now you can use your regular headphones and not have to buy some wireless ones. Don't know if you will need to buy a headset with mic since the controller already has a mic. Guess we just have to wait and find out.

#57138 PS4 and 720 more powerful than Wii U?

Posted by SuperCow on 24 January 2012 - 07:37 PM

What are you people doing debating about which console is the strongest in the 6th generation?
Your in this thread to discuss the topic title.

You know what happends to threads when you get too sidetracked...

The cookie monster comes and takes all their cookies?

I think I'll answer this thread though.

The answer you've all been waiting for!!!!!!
The defining moment of your lifetime!
The answer is:
We dont know for certain, and can only make educated guesses based on history.
Such a guess may or may not be true for this generation because no one can see the future.
In fact, history isnt entirely consistent regarding this ;)

#54454 Tell the Best Joke

Posted by StreetPassWanter on 14 January 2012 - 08:20 PM

Two men walk into a bar.

Man 1: Can I have some H20?
Man 2: I'll have some H20, too!

The second man died the next day.

#54417 -

Posted by Gruff on 14 January 2012 - 06:40 PM

I said Capcom, but can Nintendo subsidiaries count? Because then it would be Retro-Studios and Hal.

#53405 Are You Getting the PS Vita?

Posted by AMAC on 11 January 2012 - 01:24 PM

I like how people constantly criticise Sony for a lack of innovation, yet when they come out with the touch pad on the back of the Vita - something which I'd call innovation - it's instantly written off as a gimmick. IMO, it's too early to judge whether it'll be a success or not. I think it's a decent idea, and I expect developers will find some pretty cool uses for it.

#53519 Your hired to change the Wii U's name. What would you call Nintendo's...

Posted by Sage on 11 January 2012 - 06:58 PM

Nintendo shut your mouth you'll buy it no matter what it's named....

#53447 This is why Nintendo should have stayed home.

Posted by Crackkat on 11 January 2012 - 04:02 PM

dont see why you dont realise that this is bigger than your impatience!! nintendo cares more about success than impatience, it would be highly unwise to show microsoft and sony what the wii u can do while they're building their consoles as we speak!! its soo simple

#51653 What should Nintendo's online be called

Posted by Cobiwan on 05 January 2012 - 07:13 PM


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