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Member Since 27 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 16 2013 01:57 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Fez Creator Really Doesn’t Like The Nintendo 3DS

24 March 2013 - 12:58 PM

Let's see here...


->Claims that all japanese games suck

->Plays Monster Hunter 


->Calls a second touch-screen and 3D a gimmick

->Praises the Vita's rear-touch pad


->Says the bottom 3DS screen should also be 3D

->Ten seconds of thought would prove this to be a problem later on


:cough: So yeah...who'd this guy loan his brain to, and how can we get it back to him?


Can you spell hypocrite? in regards to the Fez guy.

In Topic: Mighty Switch Force! 2 Coming This Spring

23 March 2013 - 01:44 PM

So far this is only for 3DS. Don't worry though, I am certain there will be a Wii U version. It probably just won't come out until a few months or so after the 3DS version releases this spring.

In Topic: Wii U Petition

21 March 2013 - 02:39 PM

I agree that its marketing is not enough, but you're not signing it just because I did not include it in the petition? That's just silly...


No I am not signing it because I think it is a petition made from the wrong reasons.

In Topic: DragonBall Z Battle Of Gods 30/03/2013 Masterthread

21 March 2013 - 04:16 AM

Looks awesome! Can't wait for Super Saiyan God!

In Topic: If you were the boss of Nintendo, how would you reply to this letter?

21 March 2013 - 02:29 AM

Im 34 yrs old and ive always had nintendo, ive never owned any other brand. I do play xbox, and ps3 but as a buisness you guys at nintendo will always get my vote for inovation and the most amazing gameing moments ever and for that, i think of nintendo as an old friend. So i hope as friends you can be honest with me :) i loved the wii, even my friends love it (galaxy, no more heros, wii sports especialy), but as a gamer i wasnt buying anything like what my friend were, (i refused to by cheap mini games) every week they had a new game, so when you anounced wiiu with HD graphics and the controler i thought "finaly", then you showed a list of games and i was hooked, ive never played battlefield and when i saw it listed i was sold. (Now before anyone says its craap, i want to judge it for myself, thats what makes games great, wanting it, then playing it at home) Ive heard its bin canned, but ive just spent, $350 on wiiu. Now as friends, and you are, please tell me if this is gonna happen a lot, i love wii u but im a gamer and ive also got to buy a bluray player as my old one broke so its very expensive. I respect you guys always but what should i do? If there are some amazing cross platform games coming, and all the big devs are going to support wiiu, then cool as i get the best of both worlds, but honestly, in a year im i going to be walking in the game shop with my friends and walking out empty handed again? If so maybe this generation i should go elsewheere? im not rich and i cant have 2 consoles. I will never abandon nintendo and i love my 3ds, but i need a blu ray and i need to know if im gonna get the software you promised and the range, its perfectly ok if you guys took a gamble and it didnt pay off, i love that about nintendo and thats why you know you can pull off the ultimate console, i hope the wii u is it, but hey, if it aint, so what, but as friends, just let me know. Thanks guys x




First, I would like to thank you of your support for Nintnedo. And I fully understand your concern for the Wii U console. All I can ask is to please be patient. More games will come. Just give it time. We at Nintendo are doing everything we can to make sure that every Wii U console purchase is worth the investment.




Satoru Iwata


CEO of Nintendo.

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