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Member Since 12 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 16 2012 01:28 PM

#89700 the Wii U & 2nd Parties

Posted by DigitalGreenTea on 24 June 2012 - 09:55 AM

If the Xbox 360 is banned and Microsoft loses money, does anyone else wanna tell Nintendo that they should buy back Rareware?

Not really necessary due to the fact that pretty much all old Rare employees left.

#89043 Miyamoto Says Wii U “Might Not Be As Powerful” As The Next Xbox And PlayStation

Posted by Caius Casshern Sins on 20 June 2012 - 03:01 PM

Miyamoto can't answer it since the other companies haven't released there systems. He is also right that they have to balance cost with power. The PS3 couldn't find a good balance and that hurt in the begining. We will have to wait and see how it goes.

#88498 Greatest Game of All Time

Posted by RnR on 18 June 2012 - 05:24 PM

I believe Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time is the greatest thing ever made

other games that would be in my top 5 are

Tales of Symphonia
Goldeneye/Perfect Dark
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Marvel vs Capcom 2

what's yours?
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#87606 Amazing interview with Reggie... Lots of wii u details

Posted by Hinkik on 14 June 2012 - 01:38 AM

The Game Cube may not be successful but it's many Nintendo fans favorite console like me.
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#87163 Nintendo preparing a new Legend of Zelda title for the 3DS

Posted by Reaper Pin on 12 June 2012 - 05:16 PM


#85756 Nintendo should release the Wii U next year

Posted by giggity3000 on 08 June 2012 - 10:06 AM

To us Nintendo fans it has games, but what about the audience they are trying to win over? If it is launching in November then why are there no announcements of the big third party games that the PS360 gamers care about? Why is there no annual AAA games on there like Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, Splinter Cell, FIFA, NHL, Tiger Woods, Madden, etc?. Without those, the Wii U becomes another GameCube or Wii, a machine good for nintendo games only (which is fine for some of us, but not for the audience Nintendo wants, which is what the shareholders want too, which is the most important thing to Nintendo). I'm sure some people don't want to pay $250+ for a console that will only play 4 or 5 games a year from Nintendo and maybe 20 games lifetime. From a business perspective, the Wii U launch is awful.

I am one of the people nintendo tried to win over, i just dont care for mario party, NSMB, donkey kong, zelda, or nintendo land anymore. I still trusted Nintendo cause it has Metroid, pikmin, and smash bros while the other 2 (Sony & Microsoft) dont have any exclusives I enjoy so it'd be A dream to have nintendo's 3 first party games i love and the rest of the 3rd party games all in 1 console but now it seems unlikely. I'd rather wait and buy the Ps4 and xbox next then pay 300$ for A console with game droughts that are worse when i look all around me and see all those 3rd party games that i COULD have been playing instead of trying to raise money for next gen.                <<<< once again T_T
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#84973 Why I'm still excited for Wii U

Posted by Guest on 06 June 2012 - 10:44 AM

The conference wasn't horrible. It was just mediocre. The thing is, after the amazing E3's we've had from Nintendo the past couple of years, mediocre just isn't what we were expecting.

Though, I'm still pretty excited for Wii U. I just wish they could have shown a glimpse of more of their core games so that I'd have something to be really hyped up for. We all know that these games are there, and E3 didn't change that. I still know I'll be right there day one when Retro's game is released for example, no matter how late Nintendo decides to announce it. ^_^

It was horrible. Someone else on this topic stated that investors must had influenced Nintendo on what to display.... That has to be the case. Nintendo has been under fire for the last year they had so much to prove... They had to sell people on this console. Everyone knows it was a failure of a conference. Developers, journalist, analyst, gamer especially the core. There are so many Nintendo is doomed articles on the net right now it's not even funny... And yes some of those might be exaggerated but why do they have a reason to even assume that? Because nintendo gave them one.  Is amazing to me Reggie who likes to talk big and bad let this happen. The people they marketed this conference to don't even watch e3.... The people that watch e3 can care less about sing, wii fit, and just dance 4. Those are games you can market in commercials and they will do just fine for that audience. The people that watch e3 are core gamers that want to see the best graphics, new iP's, and reason for them to get excited about staying up all night gaming. Nintendo really does need a change at the top.

#84765 Nintendo should release the Wii U next year

Posted by Ixchel on 05 June 2012 - 08:34 PM

But the reputation is created by the most recent generation. The handhelds are also a slightly different issue.
However, I doubt most devs will refuse to make Wii U games based purely on the Wii. Devs are smart enough to release games on whichever systems can support the game, which usually results in the most money. :P It's mostly the consumers who get the idea that the system will trend the same as before just because of the brand.
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#83131 Gearbox: "We love the Wii U, very happy with it's tech"

Posted by Meelow100 on 02 June 2012 - 07:44 PM


“I love this platform. I’m very excited about it because it gives us a path to realise some things that are more future-looking than we could if we were only on the current generation. It’s up to Nintendo to talk about their specs and I must follow them. I’ve committed myself to honouring their confidentiality.” - Randy Pitchford
“It’s (Aliens: Colonial Mraines) going to look awesome! And it’s unbelievable how many things that exist in the Aliens’ franchise actually work for that controller. It’s been a real treat, quite frankly, because the controller and the features of the system enable us to do things we can’t do with the other consoles. We can always use more memory and rendering capability. I think that’s one of the most exciting things about the Wii U. Not only do you have the technology of what you can do gameplay wise but it will be one of the best looking versions of the game.” - Brian Cozzens

Very awesome!, Gearbox your making me love you :D.

#82659 Developer: “We Won’t Be Working On Wii U Due To Its Complexities”

Posted by JD2995 on 01 June 2012 - 08:04 PM


“Our one and only goal once we got the Wii U hardware was to get Darksiders II running on it. We didn’t even have running the game on the touch screen on our ‘to do’ list. but once we got it running, we just fooled around with getting it on the touch screen as a lark. It took all of five minutes and two lines of code, and boom! – there was the entire game running on the controller. Amazing.”

Sure IGN, I going to believe to a anonymous developers and ignore the REAL developers.

#81968 Final Fantasy XV leaked and for WiiU

Posted by Nollog on 30 May 2012 - 03:50 PM

Yeah you had to share it because you're a student trying to get hits for your college project on viral marketing.

#81795 Perhaps Nintendo knows what there doing .....

Posted by Nollog on 30 May 2012 - 07:05 AM

Because we want to play future games, in the next console which will be around for the next 5-6 years?
Not just ports of the last 6, and maybe 2 more years.
We're not all fanboys. :(
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#79625 Ubisoft employee leaks a massive load of Wii U info!

Posted by Soul on 20 May 2012 - 03:36 PM

You seem to be defending this random guy to death...Purhaps your the one who actually wrote it and you just want everyone to believe you. A few things this individual said we already know as fact, some is like uhhh wtf? and the other stuff is just BS. Its fake get over it. At E3 it will be proven.

COD...well theirs your problem right there. By playing that you dont get to have what you want. You sold your soul in gaming by supporting that abomination.

I dont get why people are calling it the Xbox 8? Care to explain that to me? What happened to Xbox 720?

Xbox 8 is the rumored name not Xbox 720 anymore it went from 720 to Durango to Xbox 8. It is called Xbox 8 to be equal with Windows 8 and 8th Generation.
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#77380 "The Intended Platforms UE 4 is aimed at have not been announced" Say...

Posted by Reaper Pin on 07 May 2012 - 08:02 PM

I dunno.
I just think extremely high-end tech stuff is not necessary for Video Games.
If Games are art, then why would you need expensive and pretty looking stuff? You can make the greatest painting with just a pencil, eraser, pen, and colors. You don't need highly expensive stands and super duper shiny colors and automatic brushes and sh** like that, you just don't.
Honestly, now, I hate the videogame industry, I just love games. I hate hate hate developers and their ambition to suck the living crap out of a gamer's money. I hate the idea of actually talented developers not being able to bring their ideas to life because of an stupid and unnecessarily  high budget cost. It just sucks. I don't want to end up having to pay $80-$90 dollars for a game, I just don't. I don't want to think about DLC being a major part of a videogame, I don't want monthly cost if games are going to be expensive. How I miss the days when games where just that. Games. Remember when you didn't have DLC? When a game was complete? When you payed for a Game, it was a full game, not, "Hey Gamers! Buy this for $60 even though it's incomplete and enjoy paying extra-money for stuff that could have easily been put in the final product, please support us! We love sucking the money out of you!" Or "Looks at these pretty graphics, Gamers! You should totally buy it because it's a 10-hour campaign (That will of course be "Expanded" with DLC,bro!) And with MULTIPLAYER!!!" I hate Epic, EA, Activision, etc. They are slowly but surely ruining the so-called Gaming "Industry."
Then again, this is coming from a 14-year old that has had an N64 and a Gamecube for as long as he can remember.

Before people say no Wii U support. He says "intended platforms." Wii U might not have been the intended platform for UE4, but may run it at the lowest setting. All speculation of course

Hey there, Linkhero1 xD
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#77343 Rumour: Clickable Sliders :D

Posted by Nin_Stream on 07 May 2012 - 03:35 PM

Dont need them to click. Thats only for sprinting or crouching in shooters really. Plus in shooters I dont think you should be able to crouch at all. Always pisses me off. As for sprinting just tap the touch screen.

Really? I don't care much. They look better, but how could they even click?

the majority of people would absolutely hate to replace the sprint and knife buttons on COD with touch screen controlls, this is just one example, i know COD isnt everything, but its an analogy

If you play COD you have no right to want ANYTHING in ANY video game.
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