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Member Since 19 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 07 2013 02:11 AM

#136833 Wii U selling a week earlier in europe!

Posted by Stormage09 on 23 November 2012 - 10:59 AM

In spain lol, too bad i preordered mine online and ill have to wait till the next week, maybe ill have mine by monday or tuesday

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#136374 Wii U Black Friday Deals Post Deals Here USA only please

Posted by Stormage09 on 22 November 2012 - 02:07 PM

What is this "black friday" of which you speak? i heard it mentioned on Guys with Kids earlier and being in the u.k. i have no idea what it is? or am i the only one? :blink:


#136042 Will you share your Wii U at Thanksgiving?

Posted by Stormage09 on 22 November 2012 - 06:05 AM

i dont get it, maybe because im from EU?

#135426 Rumor: Another Wii U patch coming next week, will fix freezing issues

Posted by Stormage09 on 21 November 2012 - 10:40 AM


#135359 2K: "There’s nothing in my body, doubting that the WiiU will be succesful...

Posted by Stormage09 on 21 November 2012 - 09:24 AM

finally some happy news u_u!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait form my wiiu :(


But there’s certainly no doubt from 2K Games president Christoph Hartmann who in an interview with MCV has expressed his unwavering belief in the power of Nintendo.

“Nintendo always impresses and surprises me,” he said. “The team there has so much knowledge built up over many, many years. Nintendo always finds its crowd."

“There have been people doubting the Wii U because they don’t really understand it. I wasn’t sure about the Wii and I was proved wrong, proved wrong by my own people, which I like the most because we sold a lot of Carnival Games. I believe the Wii U offers something special and we will be surprised how consumers will get attached.

“There’s nothing in my body, not a single piece, doubting that the Wii U will be successful.”

#135276 ZombiU 2 possible only if ZombiU sells well

Posted by Stormage09 on 21 November 2012 - 05:47 AM

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#134969 Wii U 'Has A Horrible, Slow CPU' Says Metro Last Light Dev

Posted by Stormage09 on 20 November 2012 - 04:36 PM

I dont think the 2011 e3 demos where true, many people claimed, that the demos run through a pc, behind the scenes and not an actual devkit... it was a marketing little lie... that will end up in a huge hoax... In the other hand, we all know that THQ got financial problems and they want to keep up the customers in the platforms they support...  360 and ps3.

lol this guy is a true hater, always negative comments, i dont really know why are you still around here

#134311 Funny mention about gamespot ZombiU review in miiverse LOL

Posted by Stormage09 on 20 November 2012 - 02:48 AM

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#133810 Developer on GAF already talked about wii u specs in the past

Posted by Stormage09 on 19 November 2012 - 03:23 PM

And he was right! ( about the tri-core cpu and slow ram )

this is from a very old dev kit that was less powerfull than the 360


and this one some time after that with more powerful devkits ( dont really kown the date or if it was the last devkit version )


he explains that you have to invest lot of effort and resources to make an "on par" port for the wii u from the 360 and thats why so many launch titles are now having different kind of issues, not because of the power itself but for its architecture, and he also says that titles build from the ground for the wii u will cleary show the real power of the wii u ( obviously more than 360/ps3 ) im hoping for the next zelda/metroid/bayonetta 2 to show that power.

he dont talks about how hard will be or not getting ports from the next xbox/ps, he mention it in the first post but thats from an old dev kid...

#133445 Tons of Sonic & All Star Racing WiiU footage

Posted by Stormage09 on 19 November 2012 - 09:31 AM

this is one of the best Wiiu launch titles so far, it has even more fps than  the 360/ps3 versions

#132659 Wii U known Hardware Issues/Software bugs so far

Posted by Stormage09 on 18 November 2012 - 03:57 PM

-Wii U cannot connect to wi-fi http://techforums.ni...age/78148#78148

-Wii U no outputting to tv "blue blinking light" http://techforums.ni...age/78161#78161

-Weird test Screen on the pad when syncing http://i.imgur.com/EjJeB.jpg?1

-Gamepad not syncing at all "Gamepad could not connect to a Wii U Console" http://techforums.ni...age/78152#78152

-Gamepad crazy Flashing http://techforums.ni...age/78113#78113

-Wii U not reading the discs at all "disc error" http://techforums.ni...age/78077#78077

-Tv screen is cut off on the sides "The screen is bigger than the TV" http://techforums.ni...age/78082#78082

-"bricked console" is you turn the power off while its applying a patch it will never work again.


#132231 zombi U review from ign

Posted by Stormage09 on 18 November 2012 - 10:19 AM

im done with all the zombiU review stuff, i will play it and decide if its good or not by myself, then maybe i will sell it back to pick another game

#131966 Wii U's RAM is slower than PS3/Xbox 360.

Posted by Stormage09 on 18 November 2012 - 05:28 AM

thats your problem guys, you think you are smarter than a company who has been building consoles for over 29 years, you dont know all the details to understad the situation just like i do too

#131426 Gamespot ZombiU review

Posted by Stormage09 on 17 November 2012 - 10:44 AM

EDGE gave it a 7, not bad, i dont think is a bad game honestly

now we have a 9,2 a 7 and a 4,5

the average score will be 7-7,5 i think, thats not bad, gamespot only complained about the lack of ammo and overusage of the mele... LOL thats what a survival is about dude no like a horsing call of duty!!!! that was quite a bad review

#130652 Nintendo Tvii for December, Youtube WiiU app at launch

Posted by Stormage09 on 16 November 2012 - 06:46 AM


the nintendo tvii thing only affects to the US... eu and japan does not have tvii for the moment :P

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