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Member Since 28 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 27 2012 06:18 AM

Topics I've Started

Welland Academy, Home of the Gifted

12 May 2012 - 04:37 PM

If you do not understand role-playing, familiarize yourself here: http://thewiiu.com/t...lay-guidelines/
Important Class Information: http://thewiiu.com/t...__80#entry80613

Prologue Story:

Dear Student,
You are receiving this letter to be informed that you are not alone.

You have a gift. You may have to us or we may have heard of you, but we know you and can help aid you in the growth of your abilities. Perhaps people do not know of your gift. Maybe it causes you problems. Well, rest assured that there is a place for those like you.

Welland Academy is a beautiful and luxurious boarding school for those with special gifts like you. We will tend to your needs and help you master your abilities while receiving an education. You will learn academics and combat, both to help you on your road through life. There are many dangers that this world can offer and all gifted must stand together for their own safety and the safety of the world.

The professors at Welland Academy are excited for the growth of our school. You are not alone and you can find a new home at Welland.

Headmaster John Pralen

Character Setup:
Physical Description:
Gifted Ability:
Background (optional)

Other Notes:
Begin by either entering the academy or showing that you've already been there
The ages should range from late middle school age to early college age


Name: Cy Masters
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Physical Description: Short black hair, dark skin, muscular build
Gifted Ability: Photokinesis (Power to control light)
Background (optional): Not much is known about Cy other than the fact that he came from a far away place. He seems to show a happy and friendly disposition no matter what.
Cy walked into the courtyard of the academy smiling and looking around. He wore dark, slightly baggy jeans and a tight black t-shirt.

"Wow," Cy stated with a grin. "This place looks even better than the brochures." Cy, with his bags in hand, sat on a nearby bench to enjoy the scenery. Cy had never seen greener grass and there was a beautiful fountain in the center of the courtyard that he couldn't take his eyes off of. The sun was shining bright, and rays of light seemed to radiate especially on Cy. Cy leaned back on the bench. "I think I'm going to like it here."

Hey! I'm new here.

28 April 2012 - 03:50 PM

So far, I'm thinking this place is pretty cool. I'm sure I'll enjoy the forums and be very active. Here's some info about me:

- I'm here because I heard about this place on another gaming site. I thought "What, a place where I can have interesting discussions about Wii U without trolls?! Sign me up!"
- I am ridiculously excited for Wii U. Crazy excited. And I'm hoping that talking about it with a cool community will make the wait to E3 less grating.
- My favorite genres of game are RPG (JRPGs, to be specifc), Fighting, Action/Adventure.
- I am a big Nintendo fan and support most things they do. I actually haven't always been a Nintendo fan, but they've won me over.
- I haven't been part of a forums in years (I'm not counting GameFAQs...), but I can be quite active.

I'm excited to become part of this community, it looks like fun!

▲▲ :)

That was a joke.

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