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Member Since 09 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 10 2014 09:29 PM

#271545 Watch dogs wii u delayed

Posted by Nollog on 10 February 2014 - 01:55 PM

For me, this is Rayman legends all over again, a game i for sure would have bought day 1, and now to this very day still don't own.
Been wanting Watch Dogs since the debute E3 trailer....now It's possible it will be on the back burner of games i get far after the release date.
The idea was to have watch dogs inbetween the big nintendo titles of mario kart and smash bros. once those games drop, i seriously wont be playing much else, and i for sure am not buying any $60 games. So this means by the time i decide to get watch dogs, it very well may be a $40 possibly even $20 game, and No i will not be purchasing for ps3, nor will i dish out $400 to get it on ps4.
 but that's on ubisoft, 1 less potential buyer in me,

Delay exclusive to port to other consoles.
Delay multiplat on only one console.

Why not use Rayman Logic, Ubisoft?
Delay all versions of the game so you can launch the Wii U version alongside the others.

#250240 I think you should read this

Posted by Kirby on 07 October 2013 - 10:20 AM

Well I was reading some of the comments on some fake, stupid, site about the reasons why the Wii U will fail (http://nintendo.abou...U-Will-Fail.htm) I saw this comment and I want to know what you guys think of it.


Get the facts please....

The Wii has sold 97 million units worldwide. That places it as the 5th best-selling console of all time. The PS3 has sold 70.2 million and the 360 70 million. There is no way, shape, or form that the Wii was a failure to any line of reason, common sense, or fact. Sony CEO Kaz Harai has already stated than the PS4 will not be much more powerful than the PS3. Sony cannot afford to make a system much more powerful than the Wii U because they are losing billions of dollars in every single division they have. In fact, right now Nintendo actually has a higher market cap than Sony (Nintendo 15 billion, Sony 11 billion.) The dev kit for the PS4 have already gone out to developers and based on the information that has come back they are only slightly more powerful than the dev kits for the Wii U. Its not all doom and gloom for Sony as a I mentioned earlier the PS3 is now at 70.2 million and it has leapfrogged the 360 in total system sales. Consider all the success Microsoft has had the past two years that is a good sign for Sony. I'm sure a lot of these bundles have help kick up PS3 sales. Just for the record I would like to explain that having the most powerful system NEVER WORKS in a console battle. Every console that has won a console war has either been weaker or the weakest of the bunch. The most powerful have always LOST. Least powerful or close to least powerful Atari 2600 NES SNES PS1 PS2 Wii all won their console race. SG 1000 Atari 7800 NEO GEO N64 PS3 all lost or are losing their console race. Had the Dreamcast no been so easy to hack and had a DVD player it probably would have won it's console war too. However because it was easy to mod and it did lack DVD, the next system up the ran away with it which was the PS2. It had a year start and even though the GameCube and XBOX were more powerful, their total system sales of around 35 million don't come anywhere close to the sales of the PS2 which are 154 million as the best-selling console of all time. So unless the 720 and PS4 offering something the the CASUAL consumer will want that the Wii U doesn't offer, it's going to be an uphill battle for those two systems. The core audience is smaller than people think. The reason why the 2600, NES, SNES, PS1, and PS2, and Wii won their battle is because the casual market got behind them. The Atari 2600 was a household name. Everyone had one. Then the NES took that to a higher level. The SNES didn't do as well as the NES but because it was the best deal for a 16bit system at the time it beat out the Genesis, TurboGrapx and NEO-GEO. The PlayStation came out just around the time CDs became really popular and gave casuals a nice CD player/video game system. With Sony known for their quality sound, it was a no brainer. Then the PlayStation 2 came around when DVD players were still quite expensive. Again, it gave casuals a inexpensive DVD player/CD player/video game system. With the Wii, it introduced motion-control to the causal market. With it being as inexpensive as it was compared to the $499 and $599 360 and PS3, it became an "and" rather than an "or." In addition to the casuals flocking to go buy it, core gamers either had a Wii and 360, a Wii and PS3, or all three. So, based on history the Wii U has a bright future ahead of it. I'm not happy about the storage limitations myself, but it is far from a deal breaker. I don't need to be convinced about the power because their already sufficient evidence to draw a intelligent conclusion on that. People still asking questions at this point either are trolls or idiots. A GPGPU (with a custom CPU based on the Power7 architecture, and a ATI E6760 GPU running Direct X 11 and on-board memory,) plus, 2GB of system RAM is enough specs for me. The graphics shown for the Zelda HD and Japanese Garden Tech demo (which were both confirmed to not only have been whipped together in 3 weeks, but only used 10% of the systems power) was enough for me to see what this system is capable of doing. Competition makes gaming more exciting and fulfilling for all of us. I WANT Microsoft and Sony to come out swinging with their next-gen consoles. That'll force Nintendo to up the ante, which will force THEM to up the ante, etc, etc. Wishing for a company to 'lose' is pretty selfish and stupid. People are going to hate Nintendo no matter what they do. I say to everyone hear whom has a brain to just sit back, and enjoy the ride.

#250247 I think you should read this

Posted by NintendoReport on 07 October 2013 - 11:11 AM


#229856 Is Zombi U A Good Game?

Posted by Phanto on 08 July 2013 - 07:29 AM

ZombieU is a great game. The problem it has is that most people were expecting of Call of Duty Zombie game and that's not what survival horror is, so they were disappointed. Survival horror isn't about taking on hoards of undead with almost unlimited ammo or just gunning your way blindly through the streets and killing anything that moves. It's about strategy, supply conservation, and using your brain to overcome problems. In that respect Zombi U is an amazing title and I think anyone who doesn't agree simply doesn't understand the survival horror genre.

#229779 Is Zombi U A Good Game?

Posted by Dragon on 07 July 2013 - 10:03 PM

I love it! I'd recommend it.

#225273 why no watchdogs wiiu 360 ps3 footage?

Posted by meitantei_conan on 22 June 2013 - 08:19 AM

Im afraid that the reason why ubi isnt showing any WiiU footage is because all it will be is the 360 port with some minor game pad features. Im not expecting it look like the ps4 version, but atleast better than the 360 and ps3 versions.



heres the footage waddle mentioned. 

#221608 The Wii U should have been as powerful as the Xbox one.

Posted by Skywalkman-GB on 14 June 2013 - 06:34 AM

sorry but the op is right, the wii u at the moment is horse scat, I mean its just sat there doing nowt, I have to wait ages for anything decent to come out FFS, windwaker till October ffs, that's 4 friggin months away, might as well pack it away, least it wont gather about a centimetre of dust!


I also think, that if you all thought the wii u was brilliant, you would not be in here bored reading posts like this, you would be playing the damn thing lol

#223909 Nintendo accepts blame for poor Wii U sales

Posted by ganados0 on 19 June 2013 - 12:53 AM

Nintendo had two years to do SOMETHING with Wii U yet all they did was twiddle their thumbs, talk rainbow and screw up. They can't fix this, they have nothing of mainstream appeal on the horizon, they are creatively bankrupt in their own forthcoming IPs and even Xbox One's smartglass shown Wii U up at E3.


As a gamer for a long time it seems Nintendo's been out of touch this past decade in their bid for non gamers.

#221142 Anybody Pre-ordering PS4?

Posted by ChrisTerror on 13 June 2013 - 11:23 AM

Pre-Ordering mine by the weekend :D

#220821 XBO uses 3GB RAM forOS

Posted by SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums on 12 June 2013 - 09:06 PM


#212812 Club Nintendo

Posted by SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums on 29 May 2013 - 01:01 PM

Urg Club Nintendo UK is horrible, so many stars with nothing to spend them on :(

#212729 Club Nintendo

Posted by Big Boss on 29 May 2013 - 10:48 AM

This post is experiencing technical difficulties. Please check back later.

#210176 Xbox One conference had fake applause coming from their own employees.

Posted by Nollog on 22 May 2013 - 05:09 PM

That much was obvious when they started talking and the crowd went absolutely bat rainbow with the claps and cheers.

#210667 What console are you getting this/next gen

Posted by SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums on 23 May 2013 - 07:22 PM

Already got a Wii U, considering greatly getting a PS4. Question: Who in the HELL are the 3 people who voted for Xbox One? Why? Whats wrong with you? Your basically paying companies like MS and EA to kill off the gaming industry, tell me I'm wrong in 10 years, please do.

#209767 Microsoft: "We purposefully did not target the highest end graphics"

Posted by Mushlikeahusky1 on 21 May 2013 - 04:41 PM

I am so freaking confused today! Xbox One has high grahpics Xbox One has low graphics EA loves Xbox EA crawls back to Wii U. Whats next Sega announces a console?

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