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Member Since 16 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 30 2014 09:42 PM

#236495 IGN: Nintendo should look to new hardware, If Wii U doesn't pick up

Posted by Goose on 01 August 2013 - 06:51 PM

History is repeating itself. Down to the articles.


#224353 Is it possible for the Xbox One to drop DRM/Used game block?

Posted by Goose on 19 June 2013 - 07:44 PM

Well according to multiple sources today the DRM functionality has been dropped. So... Cool I guess.

Damage has been done.

Also still $100 more expensive because of the Kinect.


#223913 Wii U marketing change (non-specific action-figure etc.)

Posted by Goose on 19 June 2013 - 01:21 AM

I think Nintendo has completly forgotten about advertisments and marketing, I watch quite a lot of TV and I'm still yet to see an advert for Wii U since it released, I saw one about a week before it launched.

I think Nintendo doesn't want to push the Wii U since there are no games on it yet, so they're holding back I guess? That's the only reason I can think of. 



Has anyone seen their new ads. OMG they are terrible! It's like they are trying to sell their system to 8 year olds. For crying out loud When you compare the "We would like to play ads" next to them it make the Wii ads look like AC/DC compared to Justin Bieber! Rant over...

Can you find a link to the commercials? I have yet to see them since I don't' watch TV. Do you see them often?

#169024 I'm starting a handheld collection.

Posted by Goose on 08 February 2013 - 08:08 PM

The Signature......it speaks wisdom

I'm considering getting one. I have Playstation Plus and my free games for the Vita are starting to stack up. Just waiting for that possible Price drom on February 20th.

#154086 G4 Memories

Posted by Goose on 30 December 2012 - 03:02 PM

I liked their coverage on E3 now where do we get to watch it at

Spike. They had Adam Sessler this year.

I hated G4. They destroyed TechTV, always talked about Nintendo in a condescending way, were 360 fanboys, and filled AOTS with airhead models and porn stars (literally porn stars...) to try and appeal to young guys. Young guys don't give a crap about these girls pretending to be gamers. We only ever watched it for Kevin.

#152883 Next Gen Graphics?

Posted by Goose on 28 December 2012 - 02:20 AM

Anything built for the Wii U, using a next gen engine will look great. All these early games are built using last gen tech and most on early dev kit builds. Soon as we get major exclusives and more developers getting ready to develop using next gen engines, we will see some great graphics.

Crytek said there is a game being developed for the Wii U with their Cry 3 engine.

#151412 Wii U Launch More Successful Than Xbox 360 And PlayStation3

Posted by Goose on 24 December 2012 - 12:39 PM


Better than the first 4 weeks of the Xbox 360 and PS3 COMBINED! 270 thousand less than the Wii in its first 4 weeks.

What do you guys think about this? One thing that pops out to me is that the reason all those Wii Us are still on shelves are because of improved supply lines (Like Reggie said). Not because of lack of sales.

#151184 Are people still buying the Wii?

Posted by Goose on 23 December 2012 - 07:17 PM

My dentist wanted to buy a Wii for her 3 year old. I told her about the Wii U. SPREAD THE WORD PEOPLE!

Also my friend was telling my how stupid he though playing Black Ops with the gamepad was. I showed him a picture of the pro controller and he never heard of it.

#151181 Why do people like My Little Pony?

Posted by Goose on 23 December 2012 - 07:15 PM

I saw a clip on YouTube of some guys in a store going through the children's toy section looking for pony figures...

#150654 Ubisoft Poised to Purchase THQ Assets

Posted by Goose on 21 December 2012 - 08:21 PM

Gives us a higher probability of THQ games on the U. Great news! Was really scared EA might swoop in...

#149992 Wii U Pro Controller disapointment, needs a fix!

Posted by Goose on 20 December 2012 - 10:08 AM

I agree with you. There is no reason that a game like Mario or NintendoLand doesn't support their own controller. It just forces you to buy more Wiimotes.

#149826 Flash co-creator calls Apple TV as "the ultimate gaming console"

Posted by Goose on 19 December 2012 - 09:42 PM

I think Valve will have an impact on the next Playstation and Xbox. Apple TV could be something along the lines of the Ouya if they choose to enter gaming seriously. Wii U will probably be something in the middle depending on how everything goes. Can't wait for E3 2013!

#148396 Rayman Legends confirmed to run at 1080p 60fps.

Posted by Goose on 15 December 2012 - 07:29 PM

90 percent of buyers can't tell the difference between 720-1080 or 30-60.

Still nice to hear though.

#147484 Official XBox 720 and Playstation Omni specs and technical discussions thread

Posted by Goose on 13 December 2012 - 04:40 AM

I'll probably do what I did this gen. Ignore Xbox (or play at friends occasionally) and buy a Playstation the last year of its life for exclusives.

8 gigs on a console is a waste, but I can see 4 gigs happening. I think one console will bite the dust this gen. I highly doubt the Wii U will fail. It's different enough and has enough exclusives to survive. And as much as people think it won't get casuals, those 100 million Wii buyers won't just disappear.

I think PC and the Valve console (whatever) will hit the PS4 or Nextbox, Steam didn't exist when these consoles were launched. The Xbox will undoubtedly be the biggest jump. PS4 will be slightly better than the Wii U. Similar to the difference between the Dreamcast and PS2.

Here's an example of DC

Posted Image

Now PS2

Posted Image

Posted Image

Essentially PS4 games will look better than the Wii U, but all will be able to run on a Wii U without sacrificing too much.

Xbox will be in it's own league directly competing with PC/Steam/Valve. There will be a lot of beautiful games on the Xbox 3, but I don't think that it will be much better than what we've already seen on PC. I used to think if a console were to fall this gen, it would be the PS4. Now I'm not so sure.

#147026 Please sign these petitions for wii u support

Posted by Goose on 12 December 2012 - 10:49 AM

I don't want either games so I don't think I should sign them digitally.
Also I doubt anyone cares enough, especially considering it'd cost too much since those games have been in development for far too long to fork a new system in realisticly.

Still. If a large amount of people show interest in these petitions and the developers see it, then it will prove that there is some market for their games on Nintendo systems.

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