Here's a couple things about me. I enjoy Smash Bros., Zelda, Metroid, Pokemon & Fire Emblem on the Nintendo end. I also enjoy Metal Gear, Devil May Cry and Final Fantasy on the Sony end. If there's anything else you'd like to know..hit me up. Peace.
"Many different values mix together, and the world becomes gray… That is unforgivable!"
Community Stats
Active Posts72
Profile Views12,513
Member TitleRed Koopa Troopa
AgeAge Unknown
BirthdayBirthday Unknown
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code
The City
I enjoy various manga and anime. When it comes to games, here are some more specifics for yah.
Some of my favs include:
Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem, F - Zero, Pokemon, Metroid, Pikmin, Kirby, & Star Fox.
3rd Party Support include:
Minecraft <3, Metal Gear, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasys 1-10 + tactics, & lastly Zero Escape(999 for now)
Hopefully we share some common ground and if not then hey...I look forward to the battle.