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Member Since 28 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 17 2012 11:59 PM

#141041 Where is product code for Wii U - Club Nintendo

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 30 November 2012 - 01:47 PM

what a daft way to  register the wii u. lol, im only saying that coz i think i just linked my shop account to the wrong club nintendo account (DOH! :wacko: ), i've got 2 accounts, an old one i 've hardly ever used coz i forgot the login details for it (only had about 100 or so points on it) and my proper new one (with 3500 points on it), unfortunately THIS TIME i remembered the log in info for the old one NOT the new one! :blink:  how or why i don't know, so i guess i've missed out on those points now? :(

No idea. Try unlinking it, link it to your current account, go onto your account, and register it from there. Probably won't work, but worth a shot.

#140957 Club Nintendo - 1000 stars for Zombi U pack (UK/EU)

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 30 November 2012 - 10:34 AM

I managed to register my Wii U, and because it was a Zombi U pack, I got 1000 stars!

Here's the proof

(Image was massive, so just click on the link instead)

How I did it, was do it through eShop using this method - https://club.nintend...shop-account.do
Then on the computer, I logged into my account, clicked on...
> My Account
> See all my registered games and systems
> Next to "ZombiU Premium Pack(Black)" there was a blue link to register it/do a survey
> Completed survey
> Received 1000 stars

Let me know if it works the same for others with a Zombi U bundle.

#140916 Where is product code for Wii U - Club Nintendo

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 30 November 2012 - 07:30 AM

My club ninty book for my Wii U didn't have a serial number, I got worried, but when I linked my eShop account to my club ninty account my console registered itself.

Mine hasn't given me any points though by doing that. My account only has 750 points. 250 for Mario, 250 for Zombi U and 250 for actually registering an account with Club Nintendo. Nothing for Wii U, and I did this last night, and I still don't have any points for it.

#140647 WiiU EU Launch Thread!

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 29 November 2012 - 05:45 PM

Here's mine

Posted Image

#140274 Birthday Easter Egg

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 29 November 2012 - 06:51 AM

That's cute.

#138941 Tally-ho, pip pip and Cheerio, it's the British Wii U Launch Thread.

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 27 November 2012 - 05:22 AM

Wii U midnight launch for me @ GAME. Can't wait.

#138427 Gold Nunchuck available at Club Nintendo

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 26 November 2012 - 11:13 AM

I only need 900 coins... :(

#136390 Did anyone buy WII U with a ridiculous price?

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 22 November 2012 - 02:30 PM

I'm running up quite a spend myself I payed £20 off my ZombiU bundle so I owe them £340, I've put £50 away for Assassin's Creed 3, £50 away for NSMBU, £40 away for Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed, £10 for taxi's there and back, £5 for a couple of beers about 9pm before the midnight release, £20 for me and my fiancee to go for a meal just before they open and £20 for a Pizza the following night that brings it to......................A total of £555, that's all thanks to selling my Xbox and all my games lol

I get free buses, and the taxi will be shared home with a friend probably, so it only costs £5 each xD

#136377 Wii U Black Friday Deals Post Deals Here USA only please

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 22 November 2012 - 02:11 PM

GAME UK on release day are bundleing games with the ZombiU pack for really good deals.

But that isn't a Black Friday deal, and the deals aren't so great...

#136174 Did anyone buy WII U with a ridiculous price?

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 22 November 2012 - 09:34 AM

Did you really need to link the same item by the same seller, multiple times?

Did you really need to link the same item by the same seller, multiple times?

#136165 Did anyone buy WII U with a ridiculous price?

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 22 November 2012 - 09:26 AM

My Zombi U bundle is £349.99. It's cheaper elsewhere, but I want it at midnight launch and to have an experience out of it.

#135449 Rumor: Another Wii U patch coming next week, will fix freezing issues

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 21 November 2012 - 11:21 AM

I hope this comes out by the 30th though. ME NOT WANT BROKEN WII U :(

#135445 Rumor: Another Wii U patch coming next week, will fix freezing issues

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 21 November 2012 - 11:15 AM

I hope its real. If not it wont be too long until they do so from what Nintendo support is saying.

You should be more respectful.

#134958 post your net speed and update time here

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 20 November 2012 - 04:22 PM

Ouch! What ISP are you with I suggest Virgin Media.

No. Do not go with Virgin Media. If you have any problems with them, they will not deal with you and keep shrugging you off. We were with them a year, just coming off the contract now (Virgin asked us to leave because we had to keep ringing them every day with internet problems and they wouldn't fix them) and we're on Sky now (Sky internet comes back next week) and we're so happy to be back with Sky.

Virgin do not give a damn about you. They are not super fast. They are not who they say they are. They are greedy, dismissive, and rude.

Go with Sky dude. Never need to hear a peep from them.

#134751 Box Size?

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 20 November 2012 - 01:03 PM

Nothing like a shiny new console on christmas morning, the consoles I've recieved for christmas so far are GBA SP, GameCube and a PS2, I've owned tonnes of consoles but the rest I brought myself, always makes me wonder how big my game collection would be if I still had them all, lol.


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