Random comics update. I bought the Fury's Big Week trade for my dad's b-day, and Batman #42 for myself.
I was surprised by the length and price of Batman. $4.99 again, but it also felt twice as long as Kanan, so I guess I'm alright with it. I really liked how it's such a great jumping on point. I mean, my brother gets a few references since he's watched so much of the DCAU, but I can just as easily enjoy simply thinking "New villain making superpowers? Cool."
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Member Since 07 Nov 2012Offline Last Active Aug 03 2015 07:22 AM
About Me
Hey. Thanks for visiting my profile. So I'm Portal. I am a big fan of StarWars, Lego, and obviously the WiiU. I have been following the WiiU since its announcement at E3 2011, although at the time I really wasn't wowed. I have a blog, Portals' Portal. Just click the above pic and you'll be right over there. I try to keep a steady stream of quality content. Thanks for checking out my profile and I hope you like my blog!
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- Active Posts 1,075
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- Member Title Pokey
- Age 25 years old
- Birthday August 9, 1999
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Near Cherrypoint, NC
Nintendo 3DS and WiiU, StarWars, and Korra.
StarWars and Korra
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- NNID AwewomeMii
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: Comics Thread: Ultimate Detective Guardians of the Multiversity, Now with ACTION
31 July 2015 - 04:34 PM
In Topic: Final Fantasy Explorers is coming to the West on the Nintendo 3DS in 2016
30 July 2015 - 08:18 AM
I know what the first 3DS retail game I'll be getting next year is.
In Topic: Best game ever?
29 July 2015 - 06:56 PM
So like, EAD, second-party, or Nintendo published? I immediately think of the Galaxy games. Metroid Prime, and Kid Icarus: Uprising. Not in that order.
In Topic: Dragon Quest XI - PS4, 3DS, NX
28 July 2015 - 05:18 AM
I was really excited when I saw the announcement. Now I have more than one reason to get a New 3DS later on. Except SE thinks the west doesn't want DQ. Still waiting on DQ7 and DQ8...
In Topic: Resident Evil Revelations 2 Coming to PS Vita August 18th
24 July 2015 - 06:16 AM
And it's not on 3DS either. You know, 'cus the first game was originally on 3DS and sold the most in comparison to other platforms.$40 digitally with no physical version. When the physical PS4/XBO versions are $30 new.
Complete digital versions are $25.
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