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Member Since 10 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active May 03 2013 01:26 PM

#141890 Forget about the specs..wiiU is next gen

Posted by RolledUp20s on 02 December 2012 - 12:47 AM

Seriously, the wiiU is an awesome console. The whole experience on the wiiU is unlike any other console out there now. The gamepad is brilliant, the graphics on trine 2, black ops & zombie u are quality. Miiverse is a great way to socialise, and is almost like a game in itself. Specs clearly aren't everything, the wiiU is more than capable of producing next gen games, new experiences.
   Makes ya wonder what the ps4 and 720 can do now, that will make them unique to current ps3/360..just increasing specs is pointless. Look at some of the games already on ps3 by the way, heavy rain, last of us comes out next year and beyond. They don't look like they can get much better.  
   The wiiU's unique gamepad and software makes this next gen gaming. ..the games are a plus ;)

#140796 The WiiU is just amazing

Posted by RolledUp20s on 30 November 2012 - 01:31 AM

I got my ZombiU Bundle today with AC3, Darksiders 2, NSMBU and Sonic & ASRT. I love it! BTW Club Nintendo in the UK is terrible, add me on MiiVerse people it's UnchainedGoku.

will do. my ID is RolledUp20s aswel..so, if you beat me to it

#140579 The WiiU is just amazing

Posted by RolledUp20s on 29 November 2012 - 03:22 PM

Everything about it just feels right. I got zombieU edition...haven't even got onto playing that as there's so much to do on the gamepad. Ended up buying Trine 2, it looks amazing on the gamepad...I've not even played the wiiU on my TV yet!! I just find the gamepad so good, miiverse is fun and having gamers a click away for tips & talking is great.

You're going to love it.

Trine 2 is worth it..got stuck at a dragon now though, pesky things.

ZombieU 2moro I think...it's abit late for carping myself now lol. Going to pickup black ops aswel..that will be cool just on gamepad. Happy times..

#140380 nintendo club pin code expired. eh?

Posted by RolledUp20s on 29 November 2012 - 10:16 AM

not getting any joy trying to join this nintendo club. i bought the zombieU edition. the pin code inside the zombieU case says it's expired and there wasn't 1 in the wiiU box? any help please?

#137954 Gamepad screen busted, Nintendo won't fix it for free

Posted by RolledUp20s on 25 November 2012 - 09:59 AM

If it fell..it's your fault. Why would they fix it for free? You should have just took it back the shop and played dumb..aslong as there was no visible damage..you may have gotten away with it. But to call them and basically say "I dropped it, it's broke, can you fix it for free" ? Not gonna happen

#137533 Black ops 2 - trash talk?

Posted by RolledUp20s on 24 November 2012 - 01:11 PM

What's with this review? Starting to annoy me now that almost all wii u games are reviewed as not as good as the 360 version?! Pfft

Dig­i­tal Foundry has found that the Wii U ver­sion of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is sub-HD and fea­tures a num­ber of prob­lems with the frame-rate. The report states that the frame-rate makes the PlaySta­tion 3 ver­sion feel smoother, while the Xbox 360 ver­sion feels like a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent game. Have you noticed prob­lems with your ver­sion of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 for Wii U?

While Wii U match­es PS3 per­for­mance in a range of game­play scenes, the more ambi­tious lev­els bring per­for­mance down to unac­cept­ably low lev­els.

The Wii U ver­sion match­es the look of the Xbox 360 game and thus gives it an edge visu­al­ly over the PlaySta­tion 3 release, but unfor­tu­nate­ly it comes up well short in terms of per­for­mance – an aspect that is all-important to the playa­bil­i­ty of a COD title. The frame-rate vari­ance is such that the PS3 game feels gen­er­al­ly smoother, while the 360 release feels like an entire­ly dif­fer­ent game in the more demand­ing lev­els. Bear­ing in mind the com­mon­al­i­ties in hard­ware design between Wii U and Xbox 360, we can’t help but feel some­what dis­ap­point­ed that Black Ops 2 under-performs so notice­ably.

#136850 Is Scribblenauts Unlimited Coming Out On The 30th In The UK?

Posted by RolledUp20s on 23 November 2012 - 11:11 AM

I wasn't  interested in getting this game anyway, but found it odd that it was delayed until next year. Seeing as its out in the US why would you do this? I can only think there's a lot of bugs they want to patch onto the disc rather than patches..but then, what about the US version? Have they reported bugs?
..demand can't be an issue, surely it doesn't take much to copy it to disc now it's released?
Strange anyway

#135444 Rumor: Another Wii U patch coming next week, will fix freezing issues

Posted by RolledUp20s on 21 November 2012 - 11:15 AM

Us uk buyers are going to have a 1TB patch at this rate :)

#134249 Gamepad skin/case

Posted by RolledUp20s on 20 November 2012 - 12:14 AM

I'm also looking for skins for the console and the gamepad. I wish I could find one like my avatar.

im sure gelaskins.com will have them up soon, you can even create your own on there...


wiiU isn't there yet, everything else is...just a matter of time

#133172 shopto.net no longer show my package UK

Posted by RolledUp20s on 19 November 2012 - 04:56 AM

Oh ye! You little beauty! I hadn't noticed that section b4. Woohoo !! :-)

Have you paid for it now then? Or will you just leave them to take it when it's dispatched? I'm wondering whether to just go ahead and pay now so it's all cleared by then

#133146 The list of what ports to get and not to get for WiiU

Posted by RolledUp20s on 19 November 2012 - 03:44 AM

Black ops looks better than the competition from what I've seen. Have u played it?

#130849 slightly worrying...

Posted by RolledUp20s on 16 November 2012 - 11:13 AM

on the shopto.net site i was looking up black ops 2 preorder for the wiiU..here's what it says....

Pre-release dispatch

Pre-order Call of Duty Black Ops 2 before 12pm on Thursday 30th of December 2049 to receive it by the release date of Saturday 1st of January 2050( UK & Mainland Only )

erm...exsqueeze me??

#129918 Anybody who wont get wii U at launch day?

Posted by RolledUp20s on 15 November 2012 - 10:12 AM

The way I look at new tech, if you don't buy on launch day and wait for a price drop, the 'new' tech is on the horizon by then. E.g ps4 x720..
So, ye ill buy launch day. I'd rather play it for 1yr than wait 1yr for a £70 price drop

#129216 ZombieU too intense?..

Posted by RolledUp20s on 14 November 2012 - 12:19 PM

This may seem odd but the more I watch of ZombieU, the better it looks..the more I want it. But I can't help wondering if its going to be too intense?!  There will be no chilling out with a beer in this game...or actually, a beer may help..
Anyway, it's just going to be brutal..around every corner there's another zombie trying to bite your face off!

This is the game that made me preorder a Wii U, it shows what the future of gaming can be like..
..might just get checked out by my doctor before I play this though 😖

#128523 **Zombie Spoiler**

Posted by RolledUp20s on 13 November 2012 - 05:37 AM

It's a zombie car, which has a zombie spoiler. Also..if you drove that into a zombie, I think you'd spoil the zombie..

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