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#311829 Black Ops 3 headed to Wii U?

Posted by GAMER1984 on 10 April 2015 - 12:53 PM

I'm not a huge fan but...

Source: http://ca.ign.com/ar...intendo-account

The official Call of Duty website now allows registered users to link their Nintendo Network ID, hinting at a possible Wii U release for the recently announced Call of Duty: Black Ops III.

NeoGAF user catmario discovered that upon registering, users are asked to link their Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, Steam, and/or Nintendo Network account IDs. I have since gone through the process myself to verify, and was greeted with the following screen.


It's worth noting that the last Call of Duty game to appear on Nintendo's tablet-centric console was Black Ops II, which launched back in 2012. Oddly enough, this was last title developed by Treyarch, the very same studio tasked with creating the upcoming third entry in Activision's popular sub-series.

How did they get that last part wrong. Not remembering the COD ghost came to Wii U in 2013

#311805 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by GAMER1984 on 10 April 2015 - 07:46 AM

http://m.neogaf.com/...d.php?t=1026724 wow! I guess something is better than nothing.

#311796 Black Ops 3 headed to Wii U?

Posted by GAMER1984 on 10 April 2015 - 04:21 AM

Interesting to see the link to NNID account there. Do we know if BLOPS2 had the special update and subliminal marketing embedded in it?

Not sure but it does say something that for modern warfare it didn't have the NNID link available.

#311791 Black Ops 3 headed to Wii U?

Posted by GAMER1984 on 10 April 2015 - 02:59 AM

Well personally I have black Ops 2 and Ghost on Wii U. I am not sure if there are many COD fans on here but it could be coming. Also to note Treyarch has a dedicated Wii U dev team of about 30 people I believe. There was a rumor that this game would be coming to Wii U hopefully if true they have given the Wii U team ample time to make the game shine on Wii U from a technical standpoint as the other were always sort of a letdown with Ghost not even reaching native 720p. I digress and apologize a this site http://www.hardcoreg...o-wii-u/143638/ has noticed something interesting that may point to the game releasing on Wii U.

#311788 Splatoon Voice Chat... the reason we wont get it

Posted by GAMER1984 on 10 April 2015 - 02:40 AM

I don't think it's BS. One of the main reasons I don't like online multiplayer is specifically because of voice chat. 99% of the time, it's not used for anything other than a podium for 9 year olds and immature 30-something neckbeards to scream how much they're going to do your mom, or blasting random, garbled music as if it was being played through a potato.

Everyone understands that but for him to take the option away from potential million of gamers because he had a bad experience is probably not the best decision. So many options from allowing it to be enabled or disabled.. also a mut option where guess what you just do not hear what anyone is saying. There are people that have Wii U friends that would like to chat with them also. I mean I am going to enjoy the game and so will other but I hope he hears what the gamers are saying and asking for on this one and make a change. Plain and simple they will lose many potential customers making decisions like this.

#311400 Retro Studios - New Game Engine? New IP Or Metroid? Wii U

Posted by GAMER1984 on 02 April 2015 - 01:39 PM

Wow! You made a thread about this. Well as with all rumors salt is involved but do you guys remember this... seems relevant



Posted by GAMER1984 on 30 March 2015 - 11:18 PM

only need 1 and thats the NNID:gamer1984

#311156 Frozenbyte is pleased with sales of Trine: Enchanted Edition on Wii U

Posted by GAMER1984 on 30 March 2015 - 02:13 PM

Did my part on day 1. Finished the game and it has actually become one of my favorite gaming series ever. I love the characters, the gameplay, and the graphics. If they dont bring T3 to Wii U I would be very disappointed.

#311145 Nintendo Direct - April 1st - NO JOKE 6pm EST / Treehouse Live Afterwards

Posted by GAMER1984 on 30 March 2015 - 08:16 AM

Im down whenever the next direct takes place.  

#311079 AMD revealed the Nintendo NX?

Posted by GAMER1984 on 28 March 2015 - 01:56 AM

Dont want to put too much into this... because I am enjoying my Wii U so much.  So AMD pretty much came out recently and said they secured work for at least one new console. here is the link http://gamingbolt.co...ew-game-console and here is the actual quote....


"Speaking of future opportunities for AMD, Devinder Kumar, chief financial officer of AMD said, “I will say that one [design win] is x86 and [another] is ARM, and at least one will [be] beyond gaming, right. But that is about as much as you going to get out me today. From the standpoint [of being] fair to [customers], it is their product, and they launch it. They are going to announce it and then […] you will find out that it is AMD’s APU that is being used in those products.”


to me this screams Nintendo NX... I mean what other console manufactuer do we know is going to launch a new console (NX has been confirmed) I know all of them start working on their next one as soon as the current one is released. here is another link http://powerleveled....ing-processors/ and the quote


"The other thing I’ll mention in the semi-custom business which you probably picked up in the announcement that we had in October earnings call is we’ve been having a lot of interest in the semi-custom business, the semi-custom business is very unique, whereby it takes AMD’s core IP, we use it across market segments, across customers, across products, customer interest has been high and we projected earlier this year that we would have at least one to two semi-custom design wins and I’m pleased to report that we have those design wins, the work to design the products that has already started, the contract assigned and those parts get introduced in 2016.

We didn’t say at which space it is in. I’m not going to give too much detail. I’ll say that one is x86 and one is ARM, and atleast one will be on gaming, right. But that’s about as much as you going to get out me today, because the customers from the standpoint to be fair to them. It is their product. They launch it. They announce it and then just like the game console or the parts you find out that its AMD’s APU that’s been used in those products."


If you look at the bolded we can see where the Nintendo NX is the likely candidate. Iwata said we would get further info next year which is "2016". I could totally be wrong but I think AMD was talking about the NX here.  What are you guys thoughts?  







#311047 Legend of Kay Getting Remastered for Wii U , PC

Posted by GAMER1984 on 27 March 2015 - 07:18 AM


Yeah I am hoping they have a trailer or more details listed in the product description at least. The game is now searchable on Amazon and will show up in upcoming games.

A few details about the remaster, no trailer as of yet.

  • 10 years after the initial release comes Legend of Kay - Anniversary
  • High-resolution textures; new, more detailed character models; modern rendering techniques and crystal-clear surround sound
  • 25 different levels with over 15 enemy types and epic boss battles
  • 3 different primary weapons (sword/hammer/claws) with distinct combat styles
  • Online rankings: compare your score with your friends' and compete against the best in the world

  • If it is well done and a decent price then I am all in

    #310767 WII U first thoughts

    Posted by GAMER1984 on 19 March 2015 - 07:40 AM

    If one thing, what Nintendo fans can take away from the Wii U when all is said and done.. is that we got GREAT games. That's really all you can ask for. I am excited to see what the future holds but the Wii U isn't done with yet... more great games to come.

    Not done you are right. Looking forward to seeing what 2016 holds. Only thing we can pen in is metroid. I am hoping and praying that we see a Pikmin 4 on wii U hardware. Needless to say 2016 will be very interesting

    #310758 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

    Posted by GAMER1984 on 19 March 2015 - 04:18 AM

    Yeah a lot is going to happen! and of course e3 will set us up for next year. I assume Star Fox late Fall and Zelda November?

    Kind of makes sense for an August release date for X.

    Yes but whats for December? I think E3 will answer that. The big remaster rumor might be the game for December. Cant wait to see what they have up their sleeves

    #310642 Say Hello To A Forum User With A Matching Image

    Posted by GAMER1984 on 16 March 2015 - 10:44 PM

    Hello Gamer1984




    Check out his profile here http://thewiiu.com/u...4199-gamer1984/







    Profile: http://thewiiu.com/u...imatewaddledee/

    #310538 Wii U eDRAM vs x360 eDRAM

    Posted by GAMER1984 on 14 March 2015 - 06:04 PM

    nah look at many topics in Wii U specs forum and find these two spamming it up with that tripe and the topic is lost. it's their fault ESP a MODERATOR who is supposed to set an example.


    what I meant is that I guess some asked why I made another thread like this. I was just curious because it kind of pisses me off that hardware is there and no one is taking advantage of it.

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