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WII U first thoughts

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#1 KDoom11



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Posted 19 March 2015 - 07:03 AM

What can be said by someone has been on Nintendo side since the NES when given on as a boy four by my father, to the leap of 3D with Mario 64 then the handheld years of the Gameboy's to the DS's the 3DS's. With this generation we see a leap from motion controls of the WII to a more stable market with gamepad but this idea was taken with much disgust I have to say playing Super Mario WIIU was great experience for solo runs the size of the gamepad was not painful or as weird as many would say. The console is a slick White or Black theses colors are good for two reason white to shown off to older friends of the family of and black to hide the marks left by the children it marketed at. The picture on the TV was hard to see much different from the Xbox 360 of the last generation I believe this leap in more mature but cute charm will invest more fans than newbies but is a fun blast with friends and family


 My Score Is A 8/10 (Great)

#2 NintendoReport



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Posted 19 March 2015 - 07:07 AM

Welcome to the forums.


I agree, the size of the gamepad I found quite comfortable. The only big complaint I had about it was battery life but that was remedied by the larger internal battery I purchased a while back. It added a bit of weight to the gamepad but it was easy to adjust and I got accustom to it.


Off TV play is superb and the library of amazing games is more then enough to justify my launch purchase..

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#3 GAMER1984



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Posted 19 March 2015 - 07:18 AM

Welcome to the forums.

I agree, the size of the gamepad I found quite comfortable. The only big complaint I had about it was battery life but that was remedied by the larger internal battery I purchased a while back. It added a bit of weight to the gamepad but it was easy to adjust and I got accustom to it.

Off TV play is superb.

I am still very much sadden by what the Wii U has become in the market. I saw a article that title summed it up very well. WII U THE CONSOLE EVERYONE LOVES BUT NOONE BUYS. It is very sad but I still think the nintendo future is that much brighter. What they have shown with Wii u is they are still by FAR the best at bringing quality and original creative titles to the gaming world. I think the NX platforms are going to remedy a lot and position Nintendo for the next decade.

#4 NintendoReport



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Posted 19 March 2015 - 07:32 AM

I am still very much sadden by what the Wii U has become in the market. I saw a article that title summed it up very well. WII U THE CONSOLE EVERYONE LOVES BUT NOONE BUYS. It is very sad but I still think the nintendo future is that much brighter. What they have shown with Wii u is they are still by FAR the best at bringing quality and original creative titles to the gaming world. I think the NX platforms are going to remedy a lot and position Nintendo for the next decade.


If one thing, what Nintendo fans can take away from the Wii U when all is said and done.. is that we got GREAT games. That's really all you can ask for. I am excited to see what the future holds but the Wii U isn't done with yet... more great games to come.

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#5 GAMER1984



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Posted 19 March 2015 - 07:40 AM

If one thing, what Nintendo fans can take away from the Wii U when all is said and done.. is that we got GREAT games. That's really all you can ask for. I am excited to see what the future holds but the Wii U isn't done with yet... more great games to come.

Not done you are right. Looking forward to seeing what 2016 holds. Only thing we can pen in is metroid. I am hoping and praying that we see a Pikmin 4 on wii U hardware. Needless to say 2016 will be very interesting

#6 KDoom11



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Posted 19 March 2015 - 08:23 AM

What I really loved so far is the Super Mario WII U it reminds me of how kids expect a mario game in the 80's they do not look at the older games then play this Mario and think wish this was like this because they never played them so no judge means it could be the very game that starts them of

#7 NintendoReport



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Posted 19 March 2015 - 08:27 AM

What I really loved so far is the Super Mario WII U it reminds me of how kids expect a mario game in the 80's they do not look at the older games then play this Mario and think wish this was like this because they never played them so no judge means it could be the very game that starts them of


I think that is part of the appeal to older gamers regarding the NSMB series in general.. brings back memories of the older 2d mario games and it is a great way to introduce the younger generations to the series without being overwhelmed. 


If you haven't done so, check out New Super Luigi U, it's DLC or you can get it as a physical disc. All revamped stages with Luigi and a lowered timer. Challenging. Another worthy Wii U title/DLC.

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#8 KDoom11



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Posted 19 March 2015 - 08:29 AM

Yes I will not start with the argument Mario or Luigi but this game makes it a good choose for those who find Mario to easy 

#9 Rockodoodle


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Posted 30 March 2015 - 06:54 PM

I am still very much sadden by what the Wii U has become in the market. I saw a article that title summed it up very well. WII U THE CONSOLE EVERYONE LOVES BUT NOONE BUYS. It is very sad but I still think the nintendo future is that much brighter. What they have shown with Wii u is they are still by FAR the best at bringing quality and original creative titles to the gaming world. I think the NX platforms are going to remedy a lot and position Nintendo for the next decade.



Yeah, the neighbor comes over and plays the Wii U- but he wants to get an Xbox so he can play stupid Minecraft.....It's very sad to see Nintendo's place drop so far.  I would be more understanding if the quality wasn't there, but it is.

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