rayman origins on n3ds... really enjoying it
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Posted by GAMER1984
on 08 August 2015 - 08:41 PM
Posted by GAMER1984
on 05 July 2015 - 07:41 PM
Also can be determined by profit and again Nintendo won. No sentimental bull. Nintendo flat out won in sales and profit the 2 things that matter...that only really matter to the corporations making the consoles.
PS3 is my fave console last gen but Wii won.
but thats what mattered to sony and look at their console sales this gen. They mad ethe decision they needed to make for changes in hardware and such and they are WINNING this gen. nintendo did all that and really as far as Wii U their console after Wii have nothing to show for it. They are easily the most frustrating company in gaming. also rumored that there are so issues right now within Nintendo. Man I have no idea where they g from here. It is actually a lot worse than the average Nintendo gamer would like to acknowledge.
Posted by GAMER1984
on 30 June 2015 - 05:22 PM
Never Alone is not his lol he was just in the article because he is a Native who is also a game developer. 10 of them exist in gaming so it's rare. His game is Teachery in Beatdown City.
And how badly they represented them as a culture and as a people.
His should have been *this* meant to say this game looks cool. but reviews are saying it has some technical framerate issues
Posted by GAMER1984
on 28 June 2015 - 06:12 PM
Devils Third... if we get the damn thing in NA.
Yeah would be cool to see what the game actually offers. Looks like just plain fun to me no matter what the graphics look like. but yes they need to partner with someone to bring a yearly game around like that. doubt it would ever happen though.
Posted by GAMER1984
on 28 June 2015 - 05:54 PM
will say this much the whole family loves jumping on this game and playing online. I am sure that couldn't be the case with any 3rd party online "shooter" good job nintendo now make a game online that can substitute when you don't get a third party COD or Farcry.
Posted by GAMER1984
on 21 June 2015 - 09:25 AM
They take Native like tribes and whitewash them then mix them with Micheal Bays Transformers. Some of my Native friends were offended by this game and with Native blood in my family history I understand. Just looks meh and lame to me tho.
Posted by GAMER1984
on 15 June 2015 - 04:07 PM
Posted by GAMER1984
on 30 May 2015 - 11:28 PM
Posted by GAMER1984
on 25 May 2015 - 02:59 AM
well.... here it is guys. http://www.nintendo-...ent-720p-30fps/
“I can’t say too much but we’re awaiting E3 with baited breath. Don’t read wrongly into that… OK I’ll come clean. At the moment we’re running at about 23FPS on the WiiU. We’re awaiting/hoping for more of a hardware announcement at E3…
“Honestly, unless we really cut the looks back I think we’re looking to Nintendo’s next console. 720p yes. I suppose if they don’t announce something at E3 or soon after we will have a go at it.
“We could reach a fairly solid 30FPS but it might take a hell of a lot of work. On the other hand, about halfway through us finishing, Nintendo might announce a new console (I have zero knowledge on this BTW but I’ve heard ‘rumours’). Our work might just be the best thing that ever hit that new console in the driving sim genre.
“So we’re playing a waiting game at the moment and yes, economics do come in to it.”
Posted by GAMER1984
on 10 April 2015 - 02:31 PM
Nope CoD are just poorly made and up until AW was using IDtech3 tweaked which is pathetic,idtech 3 is 15 years old. Be like using the first Unreal Engine. The only poorly made Nintendo series but it's not yearly is NSMB.