You can't even compare both versions of tracks. It's like night and day.
- Zinix likes this
Posted by Lebon14
on 17 December 2013 - 11:51 PM
Posted by Lebon14
on 07 October 2013 - 11:57 PM
It looks realistic I guess and stuff but it's still a racing game.
I dislike thse.
Well, don't judge it then!
i'm going to have to agree with Nollog (shock!) this looks like ass. I can see some serious pixelation. Not impressed.making something shiny and reflective doesn't equal good graphics. that first shot is the worst.
Those are screenshots and somebody also like to use heavily compressed JPG. JPG creates a lot of artifact. The first image is in 1080p and weights 367 KB. It's pretty darn compressed.
I'm not a realistic racing fan but I have to give credit for that kind of graphics. It looks amazing.
Posted by Lebon14
on 07 October 2013 - 04:54 AM
the wii u ui is an iphone clone.
grid based app launcher? check.
dock? check.
rounded rectangle icons? check.
its the fisher price version.
Metro is pretty savvy, but i never said to use metro on wii u.
the ui would benefit from modern design trend.
there are a lot of aspects that can be done better.
and that nintendo feel?
every console has a ui of its own. the wii was the first to try to emulate apples "aqua" look to some degree.
it was considered modern when the wii came out.
the wii u ui feels stuck back at that time. thats why most feel it's outdated.
hopefully we get a modern ui next year. and by modern i dont mean stale. but something that looks current and sharp.
*pinches his top part of the nose*
Do you think sincerely think that Nintendo wanted to "copy" Apple? I don't think they did. What they thought was probably "Hey! the 3DS UI is pretty good, so, we could use it on the U. But... there are too much options and so we need some shortcut. Let's put the most useful down there." And, it just happened to look like a dock from OSX and other Apple products. As you know, Nintendo avoid paying royalties like the pest. So much that they won't even pay for DVD playback (which needs DVD Forum licence), Or even CD-Rom!! For Blu-ray, I understand... you wouldn't pay rolyalties to one of your direct competitors, hmm? To top it off, they are copyright an*l-ist.
Personally, the flat "modern" look is just a fad. Oh wait. Apple used that flat look in iOS7. Then, something bad became good all of a sudden. And people hate Windows 8 for the Modern/Metro UI... go figure.
Anyway, what Nintendo really needs to focus on is to let people actually personallize their console. Add a wallpaper, change the color of the icons, folders, etc. Just a few ideas out of my head. Ninty has always the first to takes risks. So why not nnovate in the UI instead of following a fad trend? Why not innovate on something new?
Personally, I like the UI the way it is. Needs improvement, yes, but I still love its look.
Posted by Lebon14
on 06 October 2013 - 04:17 PM
I would like to thank you, Eye_Of-Core, for the hard work put into this. You definitely showed what the WiiU is capable of!
Posted by Lebon14
on 04 October 2013 - 10:43 PM
actually, it's not.
the wii u is awesome. the os ui is the complete opposite of that.
And look a the arrows on the sides of the home screen, they look ok. outdated, but ok. now tap one. notic how the highlight is now? the highlight should stop at the edge of the arrow object. insted, it extends onto the drop shadow. its visually a small error, but it is an astronomically huge error in terms of the person using the graphic tools to design it.there ae multiple others, but this is pretty obvious.
still can't believe someone was paid to do this. they really need to hire a quality graphic designer for the ui.
I also heavily disagree. Metro UI is by far the worst UI I've ever seen: flat, ugly, unintuitive. On a Nintendo console, it would be unsuable. You need multitouch which the Gamepad can't provide. On the TV, since you can't swipe away, you'll have to navigate manually in a mess of squares and rectangles. I've always hated the last XBox360 UI for a reason: everything's lost in a mess of flat rectangles. That's the main reason I've stayed with Windows 7 and I don't want Nintendo to fall for that stupid flat look.
However, I don't say that the WiiU UI is the best. Could it be better? Yes. Could it be faster? Most definitely.
Let's have a list of stuff that could be added and improved:
Operating System
- [CONFIRMED] OS Speed Boost
- Merge Wii Menu with Wii U Menu
- Merge HOME Menu with Wii U Menu
- Unified UI (Wii U, 3DS and Web apps such as Miiverse and eShop)
System Settings
- Optional Game Installs
- Transfer tool between Wii U's
- Enable Full RGB Color option
- Allow HDMI Video and Component Sound at the same time
- Parental Controls available through System Settings
Wii U GamePad
- Turn Off/On the GamePad's screen by pressing the POWER button
- Turn Off the Wii U by pressing the POWER button more than 3 seconds
- Enable Voice Commands using the Wii U GamePad's microphone
Wara Wara Plaza
- Wara Wara Plaza Plug-ins (example: Animal Crossing Plaza - Mii's turn into animals, city tree at the center, etc.)
- Add a Featured Shows section/icon (powered by Nintendo TVii)
- Access most Miiverse, eShop and TVii information directly, regarding a Mii/Icon (such as comments, yeahs and views)
- Ability to display more icons/rearrange them in different ways
- Add a hovering title above Featured Applications
- Real-time Weather and Current Time from your current location (powered by Google/Wii Street U) (example: if it's currently night time, it's night time in the Wara Wara Plaza too, if its raining, its raining in the Wara Wara Plaza too (Miis with Umbrellas = Awesome)
Wii U Menu / HOME Menu
- Folders
- Wallpapers (with Parallax Effect) free/sold on Nintendo eShop
- Miiverse tab in Wii U Menu (Preview Mode - Highlights, Friend List, Messages and Wii Chat U (prompt))
- Nintendo eShop tab (Preview Mode - Weekly Highlights)
- Nintendo TVii tab (Preview Mode - Favorite Shows Highlights)
- Notifications tab in Wii U Menu (Full App, similarly to iOS/Android)
- Personal Mii Customization tab
- Image Gallery application (USB HDD or SD Card)
- Video Playback application with support for subttitles (USB HDD or SD Card)
Mii Editor
- Customize your personal Mii with Nintendo-themed hats and other clothes bought with Accomplishment Points (similarly to StreetPass Mii Plaza on 3DS)
Nintendo Network ID
- Temporary Log-In on a Registered Friend's Wii U
- Temporary Game Sharing (24 hours max. for example) while logged in
- Cloud Saves (allows to continue a game on friends house, excellent for Super Smash Bros.)
- Unified Accomplishments System
- Save screenshots before posting them
- Merge with Friend List
- Allow for more than 100 Friends
- Profile Cover: attach a Game Picture taken by you as your cover(example: Art Academy sketches, Pikmin 3 photos), similarly to Game Pages
- Activity Log: Game Statistics and Game Library sharing
- Invite/Join Friend on an online multiplayer room (similarly to 3DS Friend List)
- Share with Social Media Websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr [[YouTube, Ustream,]] (currently only on Web version)
- [STRETCH] Gameplay Streaming / 10 second Game Video sharing
Nintendo eShop
- [CONFIRMED] Unified Nintendo eShop (Wii U/3DS/Web)
- Remote-Buy (Wii U/3DS/Web)
- Account based purchases (possible to transfer purchases to a different console if needed)
- Written reviews, published on Miiverse with a "Review" tag (up to 200 characters)
- Ability to Gift games.
- Better layout of games and categories (example: Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, Virtual Cosole, Indies, Videos)
- [CONFIRMED] Franchise-based categories (example: Mario, Zelda, Mega Man, Sonic, Metroid, Kirby, etc.)
Nintendo TVii
- Nintendo TVii comes to Europe
- Redesigned UI to match the rest of the system
- Video Playback directly on the application
Internet Browser
- More opened tabs simultaneously
- Web History (up to 1000 pages for example)
Wii U Chat
- [CONFIRMED] Enable as a Multitasking Application
- Cross-Game (Party) Chat / Video Call with Friends [during gameplay]
- [CONFIRMED] Wii U to Smartphone/Tablet/PC calls
- Unified Notifications System
- On-screen pop-up and prompt when a new notification is available (Friend is online, new Miiverse Yeah!/Comment/Message, favorite show is on air on Nintendo TVii, Accomplishment, new update available, etc.)
Download Manager / SpotPass
- Merge with Notifications
(from the Wii U Summer/Fall Update thread, took the liberty to remove some stuff, especially if it contradicsts my post)
...and keep that Nintendo feel.
Posted by Lebon14
on 25 August 2013 - 10:53 PM
THIS. Also why was the gun loaded to begin with? I wouldn't blame the video game here, I would blame the parents and the deceased grandmother for letting the kid playing the game. This is a "M" rated game! Kids shouldn't play these games, they should play games like Mario or anything E rated. Parenting fail. Seriously. Not the video game's fault.Why would you leave a gun out in the open with an 8 year old around?
Posted by Lebon14
on 11 June 2013 - 12:31 PM
My biggest disappointment, for me, was Super Mario 3D World. Yes, 3D Land is fun and all. Peach not being captive for once is a plus (then, again, Nintendo never really put effort plot-wise for their platformers) but.......... I expected so much more for a 3D Mario. 3D Land was perfect for the 3DS. Oh, look it sold amazingly, let's do an HD game with the same concept and add a Cat powerup.
The 2nd disappointment was the lack of 3rd support. Without this support, I feel that only Nintendo games are supporting Nintendo console.
Beside that, Mario Kart 8 looks awesome. Bayonetta 2 is growing on me. W101 too... and, of course, Pokemon X & Y. I could make a list but I really don't feel like it at all.
Posted by Lebon14
on 09 June 2013 - 11:04 PM
^ You are going to boycott pokemon games because it introduces new battling elements? You are afraid of doing over your good old move set you never had to touch? Or simply because of something trivial such as a NAME? "NORMAL" type as been around since day 1 and design a pokémon with no particular typing affiliation. Come on.
"Echo", if it is remotely true, won't be affecting existing move that much. I can see move like "Growl" or "Screech" become Echo instead of Normal. There are so many better ways to decrease attack and defense, are there? And, the moves that are going to make damage as this new type, if it exists, won't be abundant. The only move, until 5th gen, that will do damage and might turn Echo is Uproar.
Fairy is the long awaited answer of the opposite of Dark introduced in the 2nd Gen. Yes, it could have been simply named "Light" but "Fairy" is, imo, a broader term. "Fairy" is a pure creature wielding positive energy and light (imo). So, it covers much more ground than "light". Beside the new Eeveelution, Igglybuff line (Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff), the cleffa line (Cleffa, Clefairy, Cleffable), the Togepi line (Togepi, Togetic, Togekiss), Mew and some others that might fit. Now, do you really use those often? Besides Mew (which is pretty hard to come by firstly) which I cannot say for sure, I can say that your answer is "No". Slaking, imo, isn't going to change type any time soon.
About the Fairy one, if it turns to Light type, it should just be related to Dark, not Poison...
You fail to see the link right?
Poison operates in the background to do damage and it's very sly but not necessarily in the darkness: they can also operate in the broad daylight. Now, the Fairy/Light type is somewhat the opposite: sociable (being on the foregound if we can say that) and honest.
Dark pokemons are pokemon that loves the night. Like Ghost pokemon, they are mischievious but also very careful. They do not want to attract attention and want to do their move as fast and silent as possible. Fairies/light is just the general opposite and just doesn't want to harm other pokemon in the first place. They also want to be kind.
Dark and Poison BOTH relate to Fairy/Light type. Period.
Finally, everybody who gives crap about names is being stupid. These changes are here to bring more dynamics and probably to reduce the sheer amount of "Normal" type pokemons. I, for one, welcome, with open arms, this change.
Posted by Lebon14
on 08 June 2013 - 10:43 PM
Source: 4chan
Why do people rely upon 4chan for this kind of stuff...
Posted by Lebon14
on 05 June 2013 - 09:11 PM