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Member Since 20 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 30 2012 07:42 PM

#144528 2012 GoTY

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 06 December 2012 - 09:49 AM

I think Far Cry 3 is the overall best game of the year.

Wii U - ZombiU

Xbox 360 - Halo 4

PS3 - Far Cry 3

PS Vita - Uncharted: Golden Abyss

Yes indeed.  I ended up in Gamestop after work last night and impulse bought Far Cry 3.  After like 4 hours with it last night I can easily say that game is going to end up trumping everything on my list.  How that game was not on my radar I will never know.  I did not even get around to MP or Co-op.  it reminds me of a cross between AC 3, Dead Island, and Borderlands but better than all 3.

Kid Icarus: Uprising

I forgot about that one.  That and Ragnarok Odyssey on Vita are my favorite handheld games of the year.

#144461 Just sold my Wii U!

Posted by 3Dude on 06 December 2012 - 06:07 AM

cool story bro.

*goes bqck to drawing pictures of epic things that happened in metroid blast/ zombi u and posting to miiverse*

#143085 Best hardshell case for Wii U GamePad?

Posted by cannonshane on 04 December 2012 - 04:59 AM

Yeah there is a heap of screen protectors out there. I ebay is we're i usually get mine from. I generally only cost a couple of bucks. I

#142893 So for the final time I have to ask, should I get rid of my PS Vita?

Posted by BrosBeforeGardenTools on 03 December 2012 - 05:55 PM

Does it feel like you made a good decision?

Yes. Although I did make an even better decision later, and that was buying Scribblenauts Unlimited Wii U.

#142881 Best hardshell case for Wii U GamePad?

Posted by cannonshane on 03 December 2012 - 05:47 PM

I would suggest rubber ones. Only because a lot of the cheaper companies make hard plastic ones which are not cut 100%. With the gamepad being moved around etc it has the potential to scratch the gamepad from the inside. Much like the really cheap plastic phone cases can unless they are lined by cotton or similar.

#142875 on a scale from one to ten, how would you rate your parents?

Posted by Soul on 03 December 2012 - 05:43 PM

If anyone rates their parents less than 10, well lets just say I feel sorry for you..

Posted Image

#142496 Hello

Posted by CUD on 03 December 2012 - 06:09 AM

Welcome Lethal! It's your old pal CUD from the Vita forums. ;)

#142372 Hello

Posted by Xiombarg on 02 December 2012 - 10:00 PM

Whats illegal?  I assume you are referring to my avatar......I will change it seeing how it seems this forum does seem to be more kid friendly than I am use to.

No no, they're talking about the links you posted.  They think you are braking the rules for 'advertising' another site, but you aren't.

Welcome to the WiiU Forums.  I am Mournblade.

Anti-Spam Bots!