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Member Since 17 Apr 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 26 2016 11:18 AM

#112993 Information of the Wii U Sampling Tour coming "Very Soon"

Posted by nintendo3DS on 26 September 2012 - 03:51 PM

It needs to just come closer to where I live.

#112394 Toys R Us selling Wii U for 419.99

Posted by nintendo3DS on 24 September 2012 - 01:14 PM

DARN. Retailers, Y  U NO SELL MOAR DELUXE? *cries*

#111454 violent mario game?

Posted by nintendo3DS on 22 September 2012 - 10:47 AM


#111239 Pokemon X For Wii U

Posted by nintendo3DS on 21 September 2012 - 08:25 PM

Do you think we will ever get a game like the beloved RPG games that are on the DS/GBA to the Wii U someday? We're getting B/W2 soon, but to have a brand new or maybe a sequel to Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald on the Wii U would be awesome.

But he has said this, "It would be very cool if you could play Black 2 and White 2 on the Wii U," Masuda says with a laugh just long enough to make it unclear if he was dropping a hint or joking completely. http://www.theverge....3348288/pokemon

Want ---->

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Yes, I know GameFreak is not interest in a Pokemon Snap sequel, unfortunately.

#110301 Question About Wii U?

Posted by nintendo3DS on 19 September 2012 - 07:10 PM

Well, there's several articles saying that on the side of the box you can see the words "Communicate with other Wii U owners in real-time with Wii U Chat."  http://zoknowsgaming...e-connectivity/

I've seen it myself. Zoom in on this picture and you'll see it. ^_^ http://sickr.files.w..._basic_set1.jpg

#108614 Rare Employees Would Have Stayed With Nintendo If They Were Still With Nintendo

Posted by nintendo3DS on 16 September 2012 - 11:12 AM

Famed Rare employee Chris Seavor has confessed that a number of high-profile Rare employees would have stayed with the company had they not been bought out by Microsoft in 2002. Seavor says that Rare founders, Chris and Tim Stamper, would have stayed with the company, rather than pursuing other opportunities.

If Rare were still with Nintendo today, do you think the company would have still been the same as it was all those years ago?

“Pretty much. Tim and Chris would still be around, Mark B, Simon, loads of other people who subsequently left as well… Even me maybe :) A company isn’t defined by bricks and mortar. It’s a people thing, so yeah , bar a few tweaks it would have been pretty much the same, both the good and the bad.”

I wish Rare was still with Nintendo. *punches Microsoft across face*

#108574 CoD BLops 2

Posted by nintendo3DS on 16 September 2012 - 10:07 AM

no thats jonathan holmes!! he's a legend XP he's the nintendo guy of destructoid, everyone loves him :D anyway, the quality of the gamepad really really shouldn't be a surprise, have you completely forgotten E3 2011's zelda experience?

i would love a link to this if you don't mind :)


#108548 CoD BLops 2

Posted by nintendo3DS on 16 September 2012 - 09:21 AM

Looks awesome! It is on par with the PC, BUT EVEN BETTER BECAUSE OF THE GAMEPAD! Can't wait to play with you all!

#108413 Launch Day Advice

Posted by nintendo3DS on 16 September 2012 - 05:06 AM

I've waited in line for midnight launches and camped out over night to get new consoles...several times. You will want to get there early. Figure the average chain to get 40-60 Wii U consoles..could be more or less. If you drive or have someone driving you and they are willing to take you to scope it out...drive by and check out for a line earlier. Some places will have people out in line all day...or if its in a Walmart they will be inside the electronics area since many are open 24/7. Worst feeling ever is to get there like an hour to a half an hour early only to be greeted by 50 people already there.

Step 1: Scope out the line of where you plan on going throughout the day if you have the time and a car/ride

I've never waited in line with anyone..always by myself, but every launch had some really cool people I made friends with in line and hung out with while waiting.

Also is you are going to be in line a prolonged period of time...3+ hours..you may want some munchies and drink....even if you just stuff a can or 2 of mountain dew in pockets and have a small bag of doritos...you will be thankful!

Now....this is important....depending on retailers..they do things differently...some of them will come out and hand out tickets to those in line...so if there are 80 people..and 50 consoles..they will hand them out from the beginning to end of the line. If you get a ticket..just wait for the doors to open and your good to roll. Some places are nice and will come out before hand to tell you how many systems they have.

Other places will do first come first serve...now...this is hit or miss depending on the location and if you have a bunch of jerks in line....waiting in line for the Gamecube..everyone was really cool and just filtered in single file. I've heard stories of other places being quite chaotic..but Nintendo fans are pretty cool..so I wouldn't be worried.

For me its a pretty fun experience...so I mean..not much to do but ..

Step 1: Scope out the line early - if no one is there don't worry....check it out often if its close to check when a line forms...
Step 2: Get in line - preferably with munchies and a drink...bring a lunch bag or something with a sandwich or snacks.
Step 3: Wait patiently and talk it up with fellow Nintendo fans
Step 4: Get super excited ...cause its the Wii U!
Step 5: Go into the store at Midnight.
Step 6: Get your Wii IJ
Step 7: Dance in the parking lot singing your newly acquired Wii U song
Step 8: Go home
Step 9: Play until you fall asleep with the controller in your hand


Lol, I just imagined myself doing that, but squealing my lungs out when I got a hold of the Wii U.xD

#108304 Wii U Gamepad Changes

Posted by nintendo3DS on 15 September 2012 - 07:32 PM

Guys, I asked him to show me the difference between the old one and the new one. There has been no thread that shows the differences. Probably just images of the new gamepad. Thank you Brian for doing this. :D

#107929 Two gamepad support... what dont we know?

Posted by nintendo3DS on 15 September 2012 - 06:51 AM

The only think that bugs me is that, if I break my Gamepad, I can't go to Wal-mart to buy a new one. But I'm VERY careful with things; especially video game things. :P

#107545 Nintendo not allowing photos of the Back of the Premium console

Posted by nintendo3DS on 14 September 2012 - 01:12 PM

Okay, if you said they couldn't show the back of the Premium Wii U. what about the Basic white Wii U?

#106244 Do you think the game pad should have been an optional extra?

Posted by nintendo3DS on 11 September 2012 - 03:55 PM

They need something to stand out from the crowd:

PS3 - Graphics Extraordinaire
XBOX 30- Online Haven
Wii - Motion Control Founder

Without the gamepad, they really would be just an upgraded Wii and I'm not sure if that would sell well for them.

THIS. What really would be so extraordinary about the Wii U without it's controller? JUST LIKE THE WII. The controller revolutionized gaming. While the Wii U probably won't, at least it's something unique.

#105743 This game should be on wii u

Posted by nintendo3DS on 10 September 2012 - 12:42 PM

That would be spectacular.

But I'd MUCH RATHER have a Super Mario Sunshine 2 or Super Mario 64 sequel.

#105647 Sept 13 Conference Video.

Posted by nintendo3DS on 09 September 2012 - 07:05 PM

I've been wondering the same thing, but I'll need it available to watch after it's over, I'll be in school.

Gotta love school. NOT. What time is the conference in PST?

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