While loading eshop I got this code and a message saying could not display page. Also anyone know why my Zen Pinball 2 packs won't work in the game?
Problem solved: New message appeared leting me know the eshop is under maintenance.
Still need help on Zen 2 issue.
- Wii U Forums
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Member Since 15 Dec 2012Offline Last Active Jun 26 2013 07:21 AM
About Me
I love the Nintendo Wii U and playing Minecraft. My favorite Wii U game is the one that comes with the black version, NINTENDO LAND!! I also run my own Minecraft server and like building and using mods. I love the More Explosions mod. I also hope that Minecraft gets made for the Wii U so I could be away from the computer and be on my Wii U more. Now that you know me, add me if you like.
Community Stats
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- Active Posts 45
- Profile Views 9,815
- Member Title Green Koopa Troopa
- Age 24 years old
- Birthday October 3, 2000
Texas, USA
Wii U, Minecraft, and Computers.
Nintendo and ZombiU
Contact Information
- NNID WolfeDude
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Topics I've Started
Error Code 111-1007
25 March 2013 - 03:37 PM
Would Gamestop Accept my 3DS?
15 March 2013 - 08:57 AM
My 3DS is barley used so I thought I might sell it to game stop, but I don't know if they will accept it if the left speaker needs repair. I also want to know what I would get from selling it. It has a few games downloaded btw.
iTunes Issue
10 March 2013 - 01:08 PM
Anyways to fix this? I've done what it has said over and over and still the same result.
Gamepad Buzzing
13 February 2013 - 06:48 PM
So yesterday while exiting softwear, my gamepad froze and started making a buzzing sound. I unplugged the cosole and everything returned to normal. But today when using the gamepad to turn off the console it beeped and turned off like normal. No other problems have poped up. Should I worry?
I'm New!
15 December 2012 - 05:11 PM
I am JTW and I am a newcomer to Wii U Forums! I like to play video games and have fun with my friends.I like to learn new things. I am getting a Wii U for Christmas and a whole bunch of other games. I hope that when I get it I can add some of you guys as friends.

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