Member Since 15 Dec 2012Offline Last Active Jun 26 2013 07:21 AM
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If you want to get Super Smash Bros, just buy it from a second hand shop somewhere, or the internet, and buy a N64 with it.
Jun 26 2013 07:04 AM -

Finally found time to transfer all my Wii Data to Wii U, I love the loading screen. Now my mom is selling my Wii so I also formatted it.

It's spost to snow tonight. I hope we have no school tomorrow. I hate quiz's.

Yeah, I'm stuck doing the task where you are being chased by tons of guys in the task where you have to warn some people.
Feb 23 2013 07:04 PM -
Warn some people? I don't remember... I finished the game so it's hard for me to remember...
Feb 23 2013 07:08 PM -
I posed on Mii Verse but havent checked yet. i posted like 2 days ago :D
Feb 24 2013 04:09 PM