Member Since 13 Jun 2011Offline Last Active Sep 17 2013 07:47 PM
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In my honest opinion, the Wii U isn't being advertised enough. I mean, not much people know about it. The general public sure enough does NOT know much about it. /endrant

Yeah... they should find genius ways to advertise it like the Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon advertisements! :D
Mar 30 2013 02:37 PM -
Once more games start coming out, the Wii U will pick up. Hopefully, more games will be advertised.
Apr 01 2013 03:09 PM -

Asians are taking over the world. I'm not sure if resistance is futile though.

ummm, kai
if you want to be sciency and not racist then with our current population spread, everyones babies will be brownish white skin and slightly soggy (non asian) face
Jul 02 2012 10:50 PM -
Cerb, that's not true :P
Actually there is a political "team" is it called? That has that as an idea but it has to get votes first.
Jul 03 2012 03:11 AM -
But seriously, there are some stereotypes that just DO NOT apply. Never have I heard any "ching chong ling long ting tong" come out of any Asian's mouth.
Jul 04 2012 11:24 AM

Games are getting less interesting for me. I'm probably gonna resort to PC gaming for a while.

@009soulmaster He is right. I guess I'm another one of those complainers. I gotta stop, though.
@Crackkat @GameCollector I agree, even though I'm the one not making sense XD
Jun 30 2012 11:54 AM -
No hard feelings its just something mindless you did i s all. like people expecting super smash bros and the Legend of Zelda HD even though we just had Kid Icarus Uprising and Skyward Sword
Jun 30 2012 04:09 PM

For some reason, I just want to get the full version of Minecraft and a good computer to run it.

I should say a BETTER computer. Or just a better graphics card. (a dual-core 2GHz PC with only 1GB of RAM isn't acceptable to me. I'll just upgrade the RAM and possibly GFX)
Jun 18 2012 12:54 PM -
minecraft is harder to run than most people think, if you want to run it on highest settings, getting an HD texture pack and some cool shader mods
Jun 18 2012 01:10 PM -

Oh look, a large group of people freaking out over Toonami coming back. Wait a minute...I used to watch Toonami. YES!

You can watch the conference here: @OpBluewave

So, the Nintendo Direct conference in Japan starts in less than 50 minutes. @OpBluewave

Don't believe any Wii U rumors until E3 2012. By then, all (or at least most) will be revealed.