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Member Since 24 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active May 07 2014 10:29 PM

#277851 Indie devs Nocturnal Entertainment sticks up for Wii U power/tech

Posted by grahamf on 18 March 2014 - 07:29 PM

yeah I know but there are still people on this site that think the opposite. but what ever.

Their loss. Especially those who constantly sell and re-buy the Wii u so often that the loss on resale is more than if they had kept their original Wii u and considered it a sunk cost.

Not pointing fingers though...

#266026 PROBABLY FAKE: New Star Fox Game Developed By Platinum?

Posted by NintendoReport on 11 January 2014 - 01:56 PM

Can't be real, Wii U is not powerful enough to run that opening screen.

#264445 If the Wii U is not powerful...

Posted by grahamf on 02 January 2014 - 01:14 PM

What confuses me to this day is the quality of 360/PS3 ports. If, at launch, those games were running on one core (or was in 2?), in a rushed and non-optimized environment, and now we are seeing the same type of issues?


This is a confusing way of expressing it, but I would presume the developers now have all resources open to them, more than twice the ram, 3x the edram, a modern gpu with more power, but the games are not showing this versus their counterparts. 


I realize this is not as simple as moving a game from your Steam library to a PC with different specs. However, is it really this difficult to put out a better product when it is compared side to side with a weaker system's version? It does not make sense, sending an inferior product out to die like this (no advertising, worst port), when they could promote their other versions or put the funds toward making products that will sell. 

IIRC there's a critical component on the Wii U that's asynchronous while crappy ports are synchronous, causing a bottleneck.

#230042 Any fall Wii U titles to pre order?

Posted by 3Dude on 08 July 2013 - 07:34 PM



#225540 Naturally lines have gotten longer outside of Paula Deen's restaurants.

Posted by 3Dude on 23 June 2013 - 12:18 PM

The South is dusgusting. Ive... Had the distinct displeasure of having to go to, or through on several occasions (columbus georgia and new orleans louisiana particularly).

I have been all over the world. I would rather be in just about any other country than anywhere near the south in the us.

Some seriously disgusting people there, morally and physically. I feel sorry for any non horrible people stuck there.

And that little outburst really had nothing to do with Paula Dean. It was just set off by reading the article and listening to them talk about how the deep south cant help but be a disgusting cesspool and how its not their fault.

#224919 IGN: if you only buy a WiiU "you're an ass____"

Posted by 3Dude on 21 June 2013 - 04:19 AM

Theres no bias in the gaming media.

By the way, dont click on the link, nor go to the site to post angry remarks.

Thats what they want, it makes them money.

Its why they keep posting these not good statements. Angry people with common sense post to argue about their travesties against logical thinking, brainwashed fanboys post to gloat, angry fanboys post to complain.

They all post back and forth arguing.

IGN makes money for every click.

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