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#172519 Rumor: Sony takes shots at Nintendo as PS4 reveal date nears

Posted by PedanticGamer on 17 February 2013 - 07:20 PM

Considering how the 3DS is destroying the Vita should they really being talking smack about anyone? That is like a person in 3rd place bashing the 1st place winner. I loved my PS2 but considering how badly the Vita is doing and even PS3 tbh for me at least I think they need to stop trying to talk big and actual deliver. Hopefully they can but i'l wait and see

Well the ps3 probably generated more revenue for Sony then the wii did for Ninetendo. Look at the sales of Nintendo games vs Playstation 3 games and remember sony and Nintendo get around 30% of the money from sales of games on there console. Also Sony introduced how many excellent new ip's this gen (Resistance Trillogy, Demon's Souls, The Last of Us, Beyond Two Souls, Uncharted Trillogy, LittleBig Planet Series etc) whilst continuing some of the old ips (Killzone, Sly Copper, Gran Turismo, Ratchet and Clank etc). As opposed to Nintendo throwing out a rather lackluster number of admittedly good titles from ip's that have been milked to death (namely Mario, Zelda and Metroid) along with some casual dance and fitness games.

Nintendo may have sold more consoles last gen, but it is doubtful if they where as successful as Sony or Microsoft last gen, and they undeniably did not create as many new ip's or quality exclusives as Sony did with the ps3. Of course you can prefer what Nintendo offered, but don't delude yourself saying that Sony has not been delivering (as they so clearly have been in recent years).
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#172206 Prototype PS4 Controller leaked

Posted by Gaymer on 16 February 2013 - 08:58 PM

What does Nintendo have to do with Sony?

Hypocrisy has a lot to do with it.

#172204 Prototype PS4 Controller leaked

Posted by Gaymer on 16 February 2013 - 08:55 PM

Yeah, Nintendo is original.

#170643 Aliens Colonial Marines Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 12 February 2013 - 06:34 AM

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#170509 So sad :(

Posted by Cozmo on 11 February 2013 - 08:18 PM

Not having a different opinion isn't trolling. I've done multiple reviews on the site and have 90+ post

Second does anyone "giving" advice have a gf or piece of a** they are getting..

Point made


ooooh you hav 90+ posts. you must get all the ladies. im pretty sure that when you go to a girl and tell her "I've done multiple reviews on the site and have 90+ post" that she will fall head over heels for you instantly.

#170527 Post your forum screenshots/quotes

Posted by Gaymer on 11 February 2013 - 09:12 PM

Posted Image
Posting this in the 3DS forums' chatbox got me chatbanned, lol.

#168913 Even Rayman Legends Creator Protesting Wii U Delay

Posted by Abcdude on 08 February 2013 - 02:44 PM

Don't worry guys! There is still hope!

Knowing the game was 3 weeks away for release, they must have already printed the game, and packed them up. Only logical thing is that they must be sitting in a warehouse somewhere close to ubisoft HQ.

Now it's up to Blake and his trusty sidekick noonabites retrieve those copies before it's too late and the world is taken over by CUD, but on the way there they meet other adventurers such as abcdude and chaotix, while hilarity ensues. But before they can reach the gold septer of playstation, mignaga must save the trio before it's too late!!!!!!

Uncharted 4: Quest for Rayman Legends, out in theaters Febuary 38th, rated NC-17.

#167833 Ninja Gaiden Razors Edge confirmed for PS3/360

Posted by MiyamotosMom on 06 February 2013 - 04:51 PM

Considering how Ninja Gaiden has changed ever since Itagaki quit, it's not too much a surprise. It does beg the question as to whether or not games like Rayman Legends will maintain exclusivity though

Anyone who thinks Rayman Legends will stay exclusive has a few screws loose, that's all I will say on that.
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#167588 Edge: Next Xbox always online, no second hand games, new Kinect, Blu-ray drive

Posted by Nollog on 06 February 2013 - 06:37 AM

As long as Nintendo doesnt buy in to their crap I dont see a crash.

Why are you wishing death on the industry? We only want M$ to pay for their actions.

Because the only games worth playing now are indie games.
Who I want to die are the publishers who insist on paying more to advertise a game than to develop it.
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#166362 Adam Sessler on Fox News this morning: "Games are not made for children'

Posted by Ghost on 03 February 2013 - 11:12 AM

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Blake, I 'm disappointed at you. You know this is called DORA's Meth Cooking Club outside America. LoL nice pic tho.

#165575 Wife of Navy SEAL arrested for allegedly having sex with 16 year old boy

Posted by Xiombarg on 01 February 2013 - 04:01 PM

"16 years old"




Sounds like quite the double standard you have.
Think about if the genders were reversed, then people would be blowing up about this.

#165427 Wife of Navy SEAL arrested for allegedly having sex with 16 year old boy

Posted by Nollog on 01 February 2013 - 09:55 AM

Well that is just terrible, why wasn't she out supporting our troops instead?
They need that support to maim and murder people!

#164819 A conversation i had over Steam today

Posted by Nollog on 30 January 2013 - 07:39 AM

No bashing, insulting, or otherwise pointlessly slandering Nintendo or their competitors. We're a community of respectful Nintendo fans. If you're here only to talk trash, don't even bother joining. That said, blind fanboyism (be it of Nintendo or any other company) will not be tolerated, either - if you've got something negative to say about any of the big three, it's fine to do so as long as it's phrased constructively and you know what you're talking about.

I hope you're not bashing her opinion on the PC being a competitor to consoles.
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#164058 What GCN games should be remastered next?

Posted by jono on 28 January 2013 - 05:36 AM

None. No remakes/remasters, please, unless they're 20 dollars on the E-shop. I want to see just a virtual console.
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#160850 Is the graphic race worse now than in the early/mid 90s?

Posted by PedanticGamer on 19 January 2013 - 02:27 PM

I'm happy with the way graphics are looking right now, if they stay the same of get better I don't mind, just as long as they don't get worse.

Complacency is a terrible thing, we should always want strives to be made in game design so as games can continue to get better. More power doesn't just mean better graphics, it means more gameplay opportunities.
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