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#297707 Full on Gamer news bull.

Posted by Waller on 01 September 2014 - 04:14 AM

God damn Vivian James is lookin good.


It's more than just some nice art, though. 4Chan requested The Fine Young Capitalists to make a series of videos promoting women in the game industry, and so far it's turning out pretty decent.




Personally I think this sort of thing is much more beneficial to the industry than the usual finger pointing and complaining the journalists employ.

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#297429 Well, My IP is Now Blocked on This Site

Posted by Blake on 29 August 2014 - 12:28 PM


#297673 Full on Gamer news bull.

Posted by Waller on 31 August 2014 - 01:34 PM

Man, people will take any excuse to go on a witch hunt nowadays. If the problem is journalists being close to developers, there's a ton of stuff much more alarming than the possibility that a developer may have had sex with a journalist that name-dropped her game once months before the supposed relationship even started.


This is the only good thing that came out of this whole Zoe Quinn nonsense:




Vivian James, /v/'s mascot that was made out of donations to some "women make games" indiegogo in order to prove they aren't anti-women.

#297540 New ninty 3ds and 3ds xl

Posted by Raiden on 29 August 2014 - 09:53 PM

The themes you will be able to download and goes for all versions of 3DS. It's still not as good as Vita where I can use any wallpaper I want but hey it's still very welcome. This puts it closer to PS3 level.


I hope Wii U is not to far behind.

#297113 A Rite from the Stars for Wii U

Posted by risingoat on 27 August 2014 - 08:41 AM

I do like the art style and character design (particularly of the protagonist). The controls seem a bit odd to me, it seems from your Kickstarter page that you are influenced by point and click adventure games but I don't feel like it works well with the 3D levels as I found myself wanting to control the character with WASD instead of clicking. Of course that would mean changing the design of some of the puzzles (the monkey one for example) so I'm not sure if such a change to the control scheme would work with the way the game is designed at this point.


I did feel lost going in to each of the puzzles and I couldn't complete any of them. Either the puzzles are going over my head or it's the design of the puzzles that are the problem, I'm leaning towards the latter as it felt that they were trial and error. I got to a point with the monkey puzzle in which I couldn't find anywhere to click to move either character so I gave up on that, the light puzzle I gave up on after not having a clue what I was supposed to do; I figured I was supposed to shine them on the center but that didn't do anything and the statues green and red eyes didn't give me any help. I looked at the Kickstarter page after playing the game and I saw a screenshot relating to the spirit puzzle that I think could help me with it.


For an alpha it has a lot of potential and hopefully it can be improved even further as it grows closer to completion.


Hi again, CUD!


First of all, thank so much for your feedback. We have thought about using WASD controls as well as point and click, and that is still something to be decided. We will take your feedback into account.


On the other hand, we have received some feedback saying the puzzles were a bit difficult but, on the other hand, we have tested and seen players solving them quite fast. So it is a very thin line between being too easy and too hard for most people. Again, we will consider your feedback when re-leveling the game.


Finally, let me just tell you that there is always a logic behind every puzzle in our game. You might need to find a clue though. 


Thank you and cheers!!!


David - Risin' Goat

The spirit one, with the light is actually very easy once you notice one simple thing. I suggest clicking on the statue that holds one of the mirror thingy's as the lights beams have colors that match with the four colors on the statue. The Monkey I never completed and the swamp one I guess you need to get lucky cause I've had moments that I got it in no time and others that I spend ten minutes clicking and giving up.


I guess Akazury has a point on the wisdom puzzle, not the spirit one, btw. ;)


With regards to the monkey, you might like to read Hoku's tip in the beginning of the level. And about the swamp, you need to pay attention to the tempo. That level resets every time you play it, so you cannot learn the pattern.



David - Risin' Goat

Four colours? I did notice the eye colour but both statues had green and red eyes so I wasn't sure what to do with the blue and yellow. I might try it again soon.


Did you get stuck on the monkey one too? It go to the point where there weren't any places left to click, I think there's a specific way to complete it and I guess you cannot do it any other way but it seems a bit odd if that is the case.



Nope I just kept getting hit and needed to start over so many times that I gave up xD


You might like to try and interact with the monkey, as suggested in the beginning of the level. ;o)

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#295401 The Name Wii U is 'Abysmal,' Former Nintendo Indie Boss Says - IGN

Posted by Raiden on 09 August 2014 - 08:38 AM

With that phrase you reminded me of Sheldon in Big Bang Theory. hahaha

That show needs to die. Bring back IT Crowd

#296779 PSN Ddoss attack. Reasons why "PC MASTER RACE"

Posted by Nollog on 24 August 2014 - 04:10 PM


Well there's one thing the ps4 can do at 1080/60
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#296408 Full on Gamer news bull.

Posted by Tom on 20 August 2014 - 07:55 AM

This is why the creatures from the social justice corner of Tumblr should not be doing anything aside from brooding with each other.


Especially not getting involved with making video games.

#296365 Full on Gamer news bull.

Posted by Gimbal on 19 August 2014 - 10:44 PM

Zoe Quinn:

Probably slept with five guys to make money off a fake noble game and Patreon. Caused a ton of hate to be sent towards depressed virgins.(yes really) She did this while using her gender as a shield as more came to defend her without questioning anything. Formerly made porn videos(again, yes really) and is claiming people are harassing her by sharing what she shared.

Respected people and publications(Kotaku, Vice, Jim Sterling, Egoraptor) have been defending her without question. Jim even goes so far as to say it's wrong to question her. Watch the video and click the links for more information.


But more? 






And ho? 



^Read the comments and see who's convinced. 


Evil pathetic virgins. 



But hey we can still trust the smaller guys to tell us what's what right?


Thanks Jim Sterling(and YOU'RE the one who calls out rainbow?)



Egoraptor: https://twitter.com/...853183627370496






This is pretty great. Really it is. At first I was just mad but now I'm just happy it's out there. I should really get some sleep. I need to be at work in 4 hours.

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#295851 A Rite from the Stars for Wii U

Posted by risingoat on 14 August 2014 - 05:00 AM

Hi, everyone!

My name is David and I am member of Risin' Goat, a game studio based in Spain. We have been working for 1 year in A Rite from the Stars, an adventure game for Wii U & PC platforms.

The game action is set in the mystical Island of Kaikala where Kirm, a mute boy from the Makoa tribe has to overcome a series of challenges in order to become a legend among his people.

You can find more information, videos, gameplay, screenshots and download demos of the game in our Kickstarter page. We sincerely hope you like the game:


David - Risin' Goat


#295501 Hyrule Warriors Adventure Mode nostalgia!

Posted by Akazury on 11 August 2014 - 02:40 AM

I know it's a side mode. Do you not use swords in this mode?

It's because the actual fighting takes place in a Hyrule Warriors setting. At about 10 min

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#295315 #FeministsAreUgly currently trending worldwide on twitter

Posted by 3Dude on 08 August 2014 - 08:31 AM

I'm getting some confusion over who started the movement in the first place. Feminists or anti-feminists. The huffingtonpost seems to think it was Feminists that started it but I think they might be confused a bit. I don't know though.
"Feminism should be about fighting for equality, talking about the big issues like the gender pay gap, FGM, domestic violence and forced marriage."
I agree with that but at this point it's a bit late. I'm also not convinced those are the only issues they're focusing on even when they say so.

Same here. If it was started by 'anti feminists' I cant find anything under the deluge of responses to it.

But doesnt it seem counter intuitive to respond to something that dumb in the first place? By responding to a baseless claim about value via appearence, arent they themselves supplying valur to the concept of the importance of appearence over actual worth?
  • CUD likes this

#295191 MK8 Weird Mercedes-Benz DLC - Why does this exist?

Posted by NintendoReport on 06 August 2014 - 03:59 PM

Seems really out of place in Mario Kart. I don't think this deal with Mercedes will do much for Merc's business so I wonder what kind of deal they made with Nintendo. I read someone speculate that Nintendo paid Merc to do this to increase the game's appeal to an older audience which I wouldn't put past them.


Either way, I'm curious to see how the Merc-Benz plays in SSB and whether we'll get some Pepsi DLC later on.


You gotta catch up bro. you got too.





[The commercial] was quite a talking point, bringing a lot of people to the showroom. This is a new market segment for us, but it has exceeded our expectations. I can say that it’s going well.






The deal could also be a simple partnership or barter. Nintendo releases these cars into game as DLC which is promotion for Mercedes and in return Mercedes pushes out TV adverts with the likes of Mario and Mario Kart 8 mixed into their own marketing efforts.


No matter what, it seems to be something that works well for both companies and consumers get free karts to mess with.

#295167 Resident Evil HD "Remaster confirmed for PS3/PS4/360/XB1/PC

Posted by 3Dude on 06 August 2014 - 08:54 AM

Dont look at the screens if you dont want to cry.

No, seriously. There IS no hd remake.

Its just a port, of a gamecube game. Yes, THAT gamecube game.

No, it is not 3d. No, it is not re rendered background images, no, it is not the gamecube scenes re rendered for hd pre rendered back grounds.

Its the gamecubes 480x640 backgrounds, horribly, HORRIBLY upscaled to 1080x1920, and then zoomed in FURTHER to fake a 16x9 aspect ratio.

It looks like rainbow. REmake in dolphin blows it out of the water.

Oh, and 30fps.

Damn Capcom. Damn.

#295098 MK8 Weird Mercedes-Benz DLC - Why does this exist?

Posted by Raiden on 05 August 2014 - 07:03 PM

Mercedes not BMW.


BMW confirmed as a playable character in SSB.

What's so bad about a playable car in a fighting game with your companies characters?


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