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Member Since 13 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 12 2017 06:12 AM

#295084 MK8 Weird Mercedes-Benz DLC - Why does this exist?

Posted by lucario23 on 05 August 2014 - 06:40 PM

It is good to have you back sir. Forum life was boring without you. :D

#295055 Dan Adelman leaves Nintendo

Posted by 3Dude on 05 August 2014 - 11:46 AM

What's this 'twitter thing' you're referring to?

Adelman said he felt peoples pain concerning region locking, and he would bring the issue up (again) for whatever his voice was worth, and NOJ corporate pr flipped out afraid of damaged relations with partners whos owners of certain IP's in Japan, are different than the owners of aid IP's over seas (The entire goofy beurocratic red tape bs reason for Region locking) and tried to censor him, and then, even suggested instead of just stopping him from tweeting, they actually hand his twitter account to a pr suit to impersonate him.

Blargh. Corporate buttmunches crap all over everything, no matter where you go.
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#294861 NYPD Chokehold Death Ruled a Homicide

Posted by Socalmuscle on 03 August 2014 - 02:20 AM

New meaning to the phrase "cop killers"

The police are supposed to protect and serve.

Sometimes that means rough tactics in keeping law and order.

But this is far beyond any of that. A cop purposefully disregarded the panicked, scared, dying words of a man he could have prevented killing if he just eased up a bit.

Should be sentenced for willful manslaughter.

#294812 NYPD Chokehold Death Ruled a Homicide

Posted by Zinix on 02 August 2014 - 04:00 PM

The death of a Staten Island man who was put into an apparent choke hold by the New York Police Department was ruled a homicide today by the city's medical examiner.

The incident provoked outrage last month after a witness filmed New York Police Department cops placing Eric Garner in what appeared to be a chokehold while arresting Garner for selling cigarettes illegally. Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and 350 pounds, could be heard saying that he could not breathe.

After his death, officers told supervisors that they did not think excess force was used and initially blamed Garner's death on a heart attack before the film went viral.
The New York City Medical Examiner ruled that the cause of death was "compression of neck (choke hold), compression of chest, and prone positioning during physical restraint by police."
They said that acute and chronic bronchial asthma, obesity and hypersensitive cardiovascular disease were "contributing conditions" but still ruled the manner of death a "homicide."
The officer who was seen in the video placing Garner in the choke hold, Daniel Pantaleo, an eight-year veteran, was placed on modified assignment pending the outcome of investigations into the incident by the district attorney and NYPD Internal Affairs unit. The FBI also said it was monitoring the case.
Pantaleo's gun and badge were taken away pending the outcome of the investigations.
The District Attorney's office said it had seen the medical examiner's results and the investigation was ongoing. No charges have yet been filed in the death.
“We have been in contact with the Medical Examiner’s Office, who has indicated to us the cause and manner of death of Eric Garner on July 17, 2014. We await the issuance of the official death certificate and the autopsy report. The investigation into Mr. Garner’s death continues,” the DA's office said in a statement.
The city's police union, the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, released a strongly-worded statement saying that if Garner hadn't resisted arrest his death would not have occurred. They also called for a full "analysis" of Garner's death, citing his health problems.
"Police Officers don’t start their days expecting or wanting something like this to occur in the performance of their duties," PBA president Patrick J. Lynch said. “The ME’s report indicates that Mr. Garner was a man with serious health problems so there will have to be a complete and thorough analysis of all the factors that played a part in this tragedy."
"We believe, however, that if he had not resisted the lawful order of the police officers placing him under arrest, this tragedy would not have occurred," the statement said.



Justice has been served. Now the next step is to take the badges from these scum and give them 25 to life. 

#285543 Mario Kart 8 Online Disappointment + Why so many babies?

Posted by Dr.Legendaddy on 18 May 2014 - 06:30 AM

Why doesn't the block feature totally keep you from seeing people's threads?


omg then dont post here ffs



again I dont see why everyone must hate so much on this post? Its just my ( and a few others) opinion. No offense intended whatsoever. If its such a big problem to post ones honest opinion then just tell me how to delete it and I'll do.

#274773 Valve gives developers access to set game discounts

Posted by nbond3040 on 26 February 2014 - 03:57 PM

Have been enjoying using Steam on my new gaming PC and this sounds like more good things to come. More discounts, more updates and more devs will be attracted to Steam.


There is a resemblance to Miiverse I think with Steam. It's free to use, each game has their own forums and quite a few have achievements if your into that sort of thing. With the Steam machines coming out the dev control linked below is surely a sign of more improvements coming to Steam?




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#273734 Morality in Science

Posted by Penguin101 on 20 February 2014 - 03:10 PM

Say I cloned hundreds of thousands of humans, grew them at different ages and sexes, kept them heavily sedated unless absolutely necessary, deliberately infected half of them with every disease and parasite known to mankind, took data samples of the common genes in all the diseases and parasites that weren't common in the human body, created a plasmid that blocked those common gene types including cancerous gene mutations, and basically tested the plasmid out on the other clones until I perfected so it made the human immune system smarter, and then disposed of all the clones as humanely as possible. Hypothetically if I'd created a smart cure for every human disease on earth, would the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of human clones be worth the price of a disease free human race?


If you answered yes, then problems arise when pharmaceutical companies either fold possibly causing another recession OR they start developing new diseases. Now is this excusable in order to maintain global financial stability? AND if they didn't, does a disease free human race mean we overpopulate the earth even more and use up it's resources causing wars as more people try and live alongside each other? 


In another more simple question. If I created hundreds of thousands of white rhino using a cloning technique I pioneered through slightly unethical means in order to save a species, is it right first of all to save a species, is it right to improve my cloning technique through slightly unethical ways, and where does the species saving stop, woolly mammoths being reintroduced into the wild?    


Also the craze of biohacking is becoming ever popular. You can now buy your own do it yourself genetics lab online where you can splice open source gene types into other species. I've seen 8 year olds create glow in the dark plants, will it one day be ethically acceptable to modify our own bodies much like body piercings, will divers give themselves gills?

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#271322 Sonic Boom Announced for Wii U

Posted by Raiden on 09 February 2014 - 12:43 PM


#268187 Shadow Of Mordor first gameplay

Posted by Mushlikeahusky1 on 23 January 2014 - 08:41 AM

I had no interest in this game but now this game is looking AMAZING and I dont even like LOTR.



I love the wraith powers and i love the fact you can change the story like that.

#265735 Nintendo fires a deathblow to Patent trolls

Posted by Raiden on 09 January 2014 - 04:59 PM

That's is a good thing. It happens all the time tho 

A lot of small places say that they did this first or it's there basic tech and try to sue for it.


Hell apple planted pinch to zoom and have sue a lot of people for it.

Apple sued Samsung for curves. No better and bigger patent troll than Apple.

#265037 New Smash Characters confirmed!

Posted by Auzzie Wingman on 06 January 2014 - 05:19 PM


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#265024 New Smash Characters confirmed!

Posted by Blake on 06 January 2014 - 05:09 PM



#265023 New Smash Characters confirmed!

Posted by Goom on 06 January 2014 - 05:09 PM


#264370 Chicken takes drawing requests <(^)3

Posted by Horchata on 01 January 2014 - 10:17 PM

Draw Miyamoto eating a taco...


No wait, draw Eren in Titan form eating Miyamoto while Miyamoto is eating a taco.


#262935 Should Nintendo Remake/Reimagine Zelda 1&2?

Posted by Colinx on 22 December 2013 - 05:58 PM

I'm sick of remakes honestly. I think Nintendo should stop doing remakes for a few years now. I want new games. I'd rather they make new classics, then remake the classics.

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