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Member Since 28 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 25 2015 02:42 PM

#251270 Sooo any mobile gamers here?

Posted by DexterousGecko on 13 October 2013 - 06:15 PM

Infinity blade is a poor punchout out ape with a midevil theme, and heavy focus on flashy visuals, and very very very very poor 'rpg elements' tacked on, aped from the like of soul caliber 2's 'weaponmaster' rpg mode, or ff dissidia's story mode.

Ingress isnt a video game. Its geo-caching for nerds with no land nav skills.

i totally loved the "campaign" in soul caliber! lol, it was so tacked on, but the progression!! THE PROGRESSION!!!! I'm a progression whore, unapologetically.

#251086 Watch_Dogs Comparison: Current Generation vs Next Generation Character Models

Posted by DexterousGecko on 12 October 2013 - 08:20 AM

gots to say, not that impressed with "next-gen" graphics so far ^^ my gtx 770 is doing just fine for now.

#248358 What's wrong with me? Trouble enjoying games

Posted by DexterousGecko on 27 September 2013 - 03:18 PM

feeling the same thing lately. I think I might just be getting too old for games? Who knows. Lately I want to do something strange, like take helicopter lessons or become an electrician! lol, must be a mid-life crisis!

#247875 GTA V is receiving near perfect scores

Posted by DexterousGecko on 24 September 2013 - 07:48 PM

*sigh* disappointing. Got to a scene that I can't skip and I refuse to go through with. It's frustrating when games try to be political and end up just frustrating their consumers. I guess I can just mess around with the open world bit without the plot.

#247573 WayForward wants to make a "Pony" game

Posted by DexterousGecko on 22 September 2013 - 05:15 PM

fair enough, all the little girls need videogames as well ;)

#240521 Minecraft is now available on Sony consoles

Posted by DexterousGecko on 20 August 2013 - 01:42 PM

It may be the oxycodone I'm under, but Minecraft sucks. It's overrated and boring.

I've heard that how boring minecraft is directly correlates to the creativity of the player..hmm ^^


on topic, hell yeah, I still have a ps3!

#235597 Any Final Fantasy Fans Here?

Posted by DexterousGecko on 28 July 2013 - 01:53 PM

Final Fantasy for me really got me serious about gaming. Final Fantasy I, where you created your characters, walked into town with 400 gold and nothing else, it was an amazing experience. Back when exploring a cave could be dangerous because you might not make it back to town if you ran out of healing supplies and magic. It was brilliant. No story really, just gameplay.


FF2 was next, wasn't as excited about it, but still loved it. The "OMG! did that just happen????!!!" moment came when cecil became a paladin and you started leveling from level 1 all over again. Brilliant!


3, 4, 5 didn't come to NA back in the day, so I thought 6 was actually 3. FFVI remains my favorite game of all time to this day. The only possible negative thing I could say about that game was that the destroyed world bit was a little lacking.


I never got into VII as much as my friends and everyone else seemed to. It was cool yah, but FFVII for me is when Final Fantasy started to get these bizarre plots going. I'm not sure what changed at Square, but suddenly everything was bizarre aliens coming to earth, my main character not really being who he was supposed to be, and lots of other weird stuff. The Aeris bit was crazy though, me and my friend couldn't believe she didn't come back. (and we wtf at the ending, lol, sat there for 20 minutes after the credits stopped expecting something better to happen).


VIII was the only final fantasy other than 13 that I didn't finish. The story and the characters again where bizarre and uninteresting. The combat was convoluted, and I just never really got into it. 


IX - I absolutely love 9. I don't really like cutesy graphics or characters but the darker tone of the story was very engrossing. They stuck with simple gameplay and didn't have an insane story too and that was a good thing. The characters really made that game.


X - was the first time I was wowed at the graphics of FF. Story of course was bizarre (wtf Japan!) and the characters annoying as hell most of the time (WHY did tidus have to laugh like that!!!!) but the gameplay and sid parts of the game were awsome and I loved the freedom (illusion at least) of the spheregrid.


x-2 - creepy lets give you 3 teenage girls in skimpy costumes with an UNLOCK-ABLE SKILL THAT LETS YOU LOOK UP THEIR SKIRT (I mean REALLY?) didn't get far in that one.


XI - bleh


XII - my second favorite Final Fantasy, most people detested it, but the only reasons I hear why is that it was too different for a final fantasy and the story wasn't this crazy epic. For me It was a nice change. Finally the characters seemed actually human and had human reasons for why they were doing things. I absolutely loved the gameplay, probably more than the story. All the stuff you could do (hunting, leveling, secret weapons, etc) was just amazing. I really loved the combat system as well, I liked trying to make the best combination with the gambits that I could. Heck, I still play FF12 to this day!


XIII - *sigh* what to say? I bought a playstation 3 for the SOLE purpose of buying FF13. It went multiplatform, it went back to the insanely annoying characters with an insanely bizarre story. And it just wasn't fun. I kept thinking I was in the tutorial, and then I realized that the whole game (minus after hour 25..) was the same.


XIII - 2 - learned my lesson (finally). No more Final Fantasies for me.


^^ As you can see, I LOVE Final Fantasy!

#228456 Reggie Points To PlayStation 2 In Defense Of Wii U Power

Posted by DexterousGecko on 03 July 2013 - 07:36 AM

Difference being, PS2 excelled at having third party games.


#227999 Iwata is fed up with inaccurate reports in the media

Posted by DexterousGecko on 01 July 2013 - 01:50 PM

this made me laugh. "Iwata FED up with inaccurate reports.."


Article is about people amplifying his words to seem more aggressive. lol


poor guy. even the article makes him seem aggressive

#227900 Microsoft Thought They Owned Donkey Kong When They Acquired Rare

Posted by DexterousGecko on 01 July 2013 - 06:07 AM

misleading much? ONE person noticed a POSTER and said a passing remark? comon. We can do better than this trashing Microsoft.

#221679 Pachter declares the PSVita dead

Posted by DexterousGecko on 14 June 2013 - 08:24 AM

Did you realize this is Patcher's wife?



and? What? You're making personal attacks against his family because of what he said? that is immature and inappropriate.

#220223 I think Nintendo did a pretty great job at E3 but...

Posted by DexterousGecko on 12 June 2013 - 07:05 AM

See, what I believe is with the wii, a lot of non Nintendo bought the system. They were moms, dads, uncles and aunts. Families in other words. they bought it for the casual have fun experience. Wii fit, wii sports, etc. Now that Nintendo seems to be focusing (seems...) on "core" gamers, they've lost that family group a little. The problem is now they're left with real Nintendo fans who love Nintendo games. I wonder if a new Metroid or Starfox would really bring that many gamers from other systems over. If you're a huge fan of metriod or starfox, wouldn't you already have a Wii U? It seems that people that like those games also like other Nintendo games.

#218855 PS4 to sell for $399

Posted by DexterousGecko on 10 June 2013 - 07:57 PM




#217972 Pre E3 thoughts

Posted by DexterousGecko on 09 June 2013 - 07:48 PM

I'm expecting lots of journalists acting like pr for the companies their supposed to be covering objectively. So not much ^^

#217499 EA considers Wii U next gen

Posted by DexterousGecko on 08 June 2013 - 02:59 PM

*sigh* Remember, this is EA we're talking about. They'll say anything and everything and it's opposite if they think it can make them money. Don't think they care about the Wii U either way. If it can make them money, they'll say they love it. If Microsoft pays them money, they'll say Sony and Nintendo are dead. EA PEOPLE. EA

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