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Member Since 30 May 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 02 2013 08:10 AM

#241048 Anyone playing Splinter Cell: Blacklist

Posted by wombateer on 22 August 2013 - 12:57 PM

Great game, hopefully Watch Dogs is as good.

#239380 Splinter Cell: Blacklist Wii U Gameplay Video.

Posted by wombateer on 15 August 2013 - 09:07 AM

#238501 Wind Waker U Discussion

Posted by wombateer on 11 August 2013 - 08:36 AM

I sadly missed the first so i'm buying this . :)


Me too, because I went for PS2 and not a GC back in the day, and when I got a Wii (all the back catalogue games on my list I never got through.) And then I did the silliest of things. I gave the Wii to my nephew and became an Xbox 360 gamer. 


So this time around, I'm there.

#236158 According to GameInformer, Batman AO for Wii U will not have Online Multplayer

Posted by wombateer on 31 July 2013 - 08:07 AM







#216630 Wii U meta-rewards

Posted by wombateer on 06 June 2013 - 11:19 AM

Alright so I just read an article that stated Nintendo is thinking of implementing a reward system not unlike the Achievement system on Xbox or the trophy system on PS3 and was wondering if anyone else heard this rumour? The article stated that they will reveal this at E3 in a few weeks.


Also IF Nintendo actually does this would you hunt for them?


I would intensely hunt for them hoping to stay in the top 100 worldwide





Do you have a link to the article?

#216628 Nintendo said my ID was inappropriate so I had to delete it

Posted by wombateer on 06 June 2013 - 11:17 AM

Really? Are you really that surprised that it was deleted? I mean, why did you pick it in the first place? Was it because it was controversial, or was it because of personal status?


I applaud Nintendo and its foresight to know that the parent of their ten year old shouldn't see a message left in the Super Mario Bros U progress Miiverse feature by a "STDVirus."


What about a message left in Super Mario Bros U Miiverse by Dead Bunny? Is that not questionable. "Look mummy Dead Bunny..."  

#215363 Summer Update!

Posted by wombateer on 03 June 2013 - 09:54 PM

An achievement/trophy/accomplishment system similar to those on Xbox Live and Steam. Cross-game chat would also be really cool. 


Achievements from Nintendo 1st part games should come in the form of characters. For instance if it's a Mario game you are playing there is a Mario character to complete/build by completing challenges in the game. For each challenge completed (it gives you a piece) if you get all the pieces, then you are the proud owner of Mario a achievement/trophy .


Just a thought. 

#215361 Pachter Predicts Wii U Price Cut, Feels Nintendo Is Losing "Non-Tradition...

Posted by wombateer on 03 June 2013 - 09:49 PM

Everytime Pachter opens his mouth crap spews out. He never has anything legitimate to say. How the hell did that idiot get his job?


Because huge conglomerates pay him to predict sales, so if they keep paying, he has a job, unfortunately.

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