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Member Since 03 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 31 2013 05:49 AM

#234075 Worst developer / publisher name?

Posted by grahamf on 22 July 2013 - 10:23 PM


#233003 Pokemon RPG for Wii U

Posted by Abcdude on 18 July 2013 - 05:52 PM




#232845 Earthbound for Wii U releasing today

Posted by Falconberg on 18 July 2013 - 11:55 AM

To all you saying Nintendo is always looking to pinch a few extra Pennies out of their customers i have to say, "Y'all never had a Microsoft console, did you?"
Nintendo is one of the best for reasonable prices. It's the same people complaining that this year club Nintendo platinum rewards weren't good enough. Wanna know what Microsoft gave me for buying all the halo games and the gears of war games? Nothing! Absolutely nothing! They charged me extra so i could play the whole game (online), even though the online development is part of the cost of the game already.
Adding $2 is not that big of a deal. Relax y'all.

#231358 Watchdogs Pre-Order Poster

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 13 July 2013 - 05:31 PM

Or burn down the store  :)

Yeah, but then you get stuck with property damage lausuits as well as vandalism and no one wants to go through that. You have to exact revenge in a silent manner, like hacking into their database so you can cancel all powerup rewards cards and preorders, so no one will go to that store again, causing the store to close down. This is about Watch Dogs after all, might as well do it like in Watch Dogs.

#232033 Ubisoft: "We won't even start" a game if it can't be a franchise

Posted by Aiddon on 16 July 2013 - 06:11 AM

Nintendo needs to listen to these guys about marketing. We do live in a blockbuster world and never has that been more apparant than with the damage done by not marketing wii u, no matter how heavily invested in the hardware and software are.

Gone are the days of " if you build it, they will come."

Now you have to build it. Then advertise like mad.


And Nintendo goes AGAINST that typical blockbuster mindset because it's not who they are. Ubisoft (and by extension a LOT of other publishers) try to do this blockbuster mindset with EVERY game they release and that's not a good business strategy. This is like if in Hollywood EVERY film needed at least a $100 million budget (including the Oscar bait titles). Nintendo realized before everyone else that that mindset wasn't a good one. They release a variety of games of all shapes, sizes, and niches. So far their biggest hits this year have been a strategy RPG and a life simulation game. Not exactly something the other companies would think of as potential hot sellers. Furthermore, there's no point doing marketing right now, because it's the summer. There's nothing going on and there's little point competing against movies for ad space. They'll pump up their marketing when it's time.

#230991 Taking pictures in Pikmin 3 (Video)

Posted by TriplePower on 12 July 2013 - 04:34 AM

I hope there will be an option to save them on an SD card or something in 1080p resolution, otherwise the beauty of the photo would be lost due to MiiVerse worsening its quality.

#230818 Miyamoto: Wii U Is Even Easier Than Previous Consoles To Develop For

Posted by lucario23 on 11 July 2013 - 01:50 PM

Ok. You guys CLEARLY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS ACTUALLY BEING SAID HERE SO LISTEN UP!!!  When Miyamoto is saying that the Wii U is easier to develop for he is TALKING ABOUT THE ARCHITECTURE. The Wii U's architecture isn't the x86 stuff the other consoles are using, but they have actually made a CUSTOMIZED (not x86) architecture that is easy to develop for. NFSMWU was easily ported to the wii u and is a perfect example of this.  When Nintendo is saying they are struggling they are actually referring to learning how to use all the extra shaders, poly counts, etc. Implementing these on an HD versus SD level in an effective way is costly (you have twice the resolution you have to program to look well which costs more and takes longer to do). 


Miyamoto is saying they have a system to develop on that is not architecturally difficult to develop for. Nintendo is saying they are having trouble adjusting not to the architeture, but the costs and dev team sizes of upgrading to the new console with a lot more horsepower they have to utilize. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO CONTRADICTION HERE! THESE ARE TWO SEPARATE ISSUES. I REPEAT, THEY HAVE EASY TO DEVELOP FOR ARCHITECTURE, BUT ARE HAVING TROUBLE ADJUSTING TO IT. 


On a side note, Microsoft and Sony went through the same thing, they could just offset their losses through other branches of their company, Nintendo can't do that which is half the reason they are only now transitioning to HD.

#178193 Ubisoft, Watchdogs, and the Wii U....

Posted by Zinix on 02 March 2013 - 08:07 AM

I think it's going to be a lame port myself. Since they already said Wii-U is not selling enough. Although I really hope I'm wrong on this.

It's hard for something to sell when developers/publishers don't put enough effort in giving us quality titles. 

#230566 Wii U System Review

Posted by RETROBLAST on 10 July 2013 - 04:01 PM

I didn't get my PS3 until Christmas of 2011 - that was perfect !!! the system was out for years with tons of games and digital download top notch games were very cheap.  

I really think I will wait to get the PS4 until they come out with a slim version - not that I'm obsessed with it being slim but by the time a company comes out with a slimmer model, there are a lot of games out for the system, the good games that came out at launch are cheap, and kinks in the hardware and operating system have been worked out.

One thing I can say about Nintendo Games is that they maintain their value!  It is rare to find even a cheap used Nintendo game unless its two generations removed, and even then its rare.  Super Mario Bros Wii used costs almost what the game did when it was newly released.

#229720 Xbox One Is the New Sega Saturn?

Posted by Scumbag on 07 July 2013 - 03:13 PM

I hope Microsoft disappear just like Sega. Both companies are garbage.

#230453 Wii U System Review

Posted by EvilMoogle on 10 July 2013 - 04:42 AM

Nice review, it would have convinced me to buy a Wii U if I didn't already have one!  :)

#230489 Nintendo: Fire Emblem on Wii U would need to sell 700k to justify development

Posted by routerbad on 10 July 2013 - 09:28 AM

Keep in mind that console exclusives will continue to sell over the system's lifecycle if it is a good product.  Even if they don't hit 700k instantly, they will eventually meet and surpass that.

#230269 Nintendo to announce secret “brand-new types of games” for Wii U soon

Posted by Rockodoodle on 09 July 2013 - 02:35 PM

I think most people probably consider video games in general somewhat adolescent at best, not matter how adult the theme.....


My GF has two sons born 16 years apart. We play Smash Bros and MarioKart- a 43 year old, a 21 year old and a five year old. That's priceless. That's what's cool about Nintendo.  



If Mario and Zelda games are KIDDY, then I like KIDDY games ... I have a Vita and PS3, none of the ADULT games come anywhere close to the awesome game play found in Nintendo's KIDDY games!

#230111 Do you think people under rate Nintendo's exclusives?

Posted by Tsuchinoko on 09 July 2013 - 05:47 AM

I don't think they are underrated at all. Everyone who buys Nintendo systems are buying them for the obvious Nintendo exclusives. Who in their right mind would get them for third party support, that is just a plus on their already amazing exclusives.


I do think that other people crap on Nintendo games a lot though and I really hate it. I know a few people who think that since Nintendo is cartoony and not realistic makes it stupid and for little kids and doesn't have any depth whatsoever because of it.


I don't know why all this Nintendo hate has started up in the past generation.

#230092 EA: "Wii U is a Box that’s out of sync for EA’s online future"

Posted by NintendoReport on 09 July 2013 - 02:26 AM

EA's Wara Wara Plaza:


"Derp, Feels like an offline box"






All Other Wii U User's Plaza


"First thing you do when powering on the Wii U, is connect!"



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