Member Since 31 Jul 2013Offline Last Active Oct 21 2016 07:21 PM
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@splatoon yup , I was busy with my IGCSE and I haven't touched Internet for the past 6-7 month. My relationship with gaming in the past few month is as good as EA's ability to make decent games
Jul 06 2015 05:50 AM -
What's really annoying is that they tricked us and said it was running fine but now they are saying it's not even working well
Jul 06 2015 05:54 AM -

Hank Hill
I can't say I'm surprised. Did people /really/ expect the Wii U version to match or top the PS4/XBO/PC versions with worse processing power?
May 26 2015 07:46 AM -

You people are lucky , Thanks giving, christmas, Black friday, cyber monday. We muslims only get to holidyas during the year!!!!!!!!

All we do during our holidays is to do the morning prayer and thats it, nothing more and nothing less.
Nov 28 2014 02:17 AM -
@Big Boss- basically all free-market capitalism. Black Friday promotes the purchase of goods mass-produced in china and other countries, usually by people who are basically slaves.
Nov 28 2014 03:23 AM -