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- Age 26 years old
- Birthday October 15, 1998
Iam interested in computers and gaming consoles, hoping one day to start a company that can rival Asus, Toshiba and MS.
One day I will create the best game of all time. -
Halo,Nintendo,Arsenal and Merrikh
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#305857 Bayonetta 2 Sales
Posted by Mahmoodinho98
on 23 December 2014 - 03:47 AM
#299759 Just how badly CPU bottlenecked is the PS4/XBox One?
Posted by Mahmoodinho98
on 04 October 2014 - 06:08 AM
Xbox and PS are based on AMD A4 microprocessor, which is very low end apu. Put in fact that, Some AMD A8 based on richland architecture are bottlencking r7 240.
Lets remember that they have speciallised processors. I even heard a rumor that Xbox one processor is much faster than the one in ps4 but lets remember that this is just a rumor.
I can confidently say that core i5 is 6-10x more powerfull than that of next gen console.
I hope i answered you question .
- BrosBeforeGardenTools likes this
#289602 Just Got an Xbox One as a gift.
Posted by Mahmoodinho98
on 11 June 2014 - 02:42 AM
Congrats. It's a good machine.
And there is a rechargeable battery pack that can eliminate the need for batteries if you want.
Thanks I couldnt find any here in sudan(Sudan is a playstation territory)
Con: Also not enough couch co-op
Well thats one of the reasons I have a Wii U..Right???
Good stuff man, although the ps4 has it's advantages but it's still cool to have an X1.
Thanks bro...its just i dont feel like ps4 is going to give me something better that good graphics
Congrats! Have fun with Titanfall and Forza 5. I recommend play and charge battery packs.
If you want add me: Eskobar M92
Titanfall is amazing and I need sometime to get used to Forza and I will add you today insha allah.
- EskobarM92 likes this
#289584 Just Got an Xbox One as a gift.
Posted by Mahmoodinho98
on 11 June 2014 - 12:39 AM
So my aunt came today from america and brought me an xbox one as a a gift but it wasn't the kinectless version but the titanfall bundle. she also bought me alot of games.
here is the list of what she bought and what i bought
- Xbox one Titanfall bundle
- Xbox one wireless controller
- FIFA 14
- Kinect sports rivals
I bought
- Forza 5
- Battlefield 4
- Wolfenstien the new order
Here is what i think about xbox one
- Graphics
- Xbox live
- Support
- All in one living room device
- Cloud Computing
- Design
- Controller still uses batteries
Other than that I think xbox one is a true next gen console thats diffrent from ps4(which is just ps3 with more horse power)
So am really really happy today.
- Hank Hill and EskobarM92 like this
#289083 Ubisoft has Wii U titles waiting for Install Base
Posted by Mahmoodinho98
on 09 June 2014 - 11:34 PM
I think its a great Idea to wait for increase of Wii U instal base to increase rather than cancle the games all together.
So +1 for ubisoft
- Gimbal likes this
#287464 What do you guys think about Iwata?
Posted by Mahmoodinho98
on 31 May 2014 - 02:14 PM
#287454 Hello there!
Posted by Mahmoodinho98
on 31 May 2014 - 01:41 PM
welcome bro , every one her is friendly and funny.
Don't feel shy about asking any question; every body here is nice and friendly.
- brogoubabe likes this
#280940 Game Devs
Posted by Mahmoodinho98
on 11 April 2014 - 11:50 AM
Game Devs
You Devs out there who decided to not support the Nintendo Wii U for No Sensible reasons, you better listen to this
You always complain that your games don’t sell well but have you ever asked yourself Why? Devs out there support the Wii U with Bad ports and then complain of not selling well. A great example is EA Sports FIFA 13, it was missing so many key features for the game to be successful but still it sold okay for a bad port that had most of its amazing feature taken out.
But When I say this I don’t mean all Devs, There are Devs like Ubisoft who are doing their best regardless of the fact that their games are selling well or not. Ubisoft gave us AC4: Black Flag which is a beautiful fun and innovative game.
And then there is Activision Who kept giving us call of Duty Which is a fun and beautiful game that provides a nice, beautiful game play of shooting killing and war.
Then there is the stare of tonight show “Slightly Mad Studios” they are working their asses to provide Wii U with its best graphically looking game till now Project cars, this amazing and innovative game that truly gives us the beauty of Racing . Thank you slightly mad studios for yours great game that your giving us and thank you for your support.
For Devs that are not supporting us.
It’s not the end, all you have to do for the mean time is to port us games and I don’t think
that is very hard.
I know there are some game studios out there who want to dev for Wii U but their publisher is saying no, i forgive these guys.
Thanks for reading
Mahmood Bashir,
A future game developer
- the gamz girnalizt and NintendoReport like this
#280620 Insert Foot in Mouth - Pinball Arcade Dev says PS3 more powerful graphically
Posted by Mahmoodinho98
on 09 April 2014 - 02:25 PM
My 2010 droid eris is over heating with this
Didn't Bayo perform like crap on PS3 and yet the Wii U is getting Bayo 2 which clearly blows the 1st one out of the water.
Visit their facebook page and tell them how idiotic their comments are
I think we should start considiring who is game developer and who is not
- Ghost likes this
#276638 Wii U cant handle EA Sports UFC.
Posted by Mahmoodinho98
on 10 March 2014 - 08:19 AM
#276561 Wii U cant handle EA Sports UFC.
Posted by Mahmoodinho98
on 09 March 2014 - 07:22 PM
#270046 An online multiplayer Zelda could work...
Posted by Mahmoodinho98
on 02 February 2014 - 09:36 AM
- Kyle1503 likes this
#268551 What could Nintendo do for the Wii U? (please no stupid ideas)
Posted by Mahmoodinho98
on 25 January 2014 - 12:30 AM
because i never saw any advirtisment here in middle eastern channels involving wii u
and they should also disable reigon locking or make devs choose if they want to reigon lock their games or not
- storabajskorven, Mewbot and KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums like this
#263004 Downloading games vs. buying retail
Posted by Mahmoodinho98
on 23 December 2013 - 05:49 AM
Well i only use eShop for virtual console but until accounts are linked to internet not hardware i wont risk downloading full games
- LinkKennedy likes this
#262836 Super Mario 3D World wins Digital Spy's GOTY
Posted by Mahmoodinho98
on 22 December 2013 - 07:41 AM
I hope that in 2014 Rockstar is going to release GTA V for Wii U
People think mario sucks because "It's for kids"... That is Literally their ONLY REASON!
Well its just The name Mario has always been associated with Children but for me Mario kart and 3d world are awesome games
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