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#305606 My Sonic Boom Wii U impressions

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 18 December 2014 - 03:04 PM in Wii U Game Reviews

Interesting, as so far I feel I enjoyed Sonic 06 MORE than this game.


I think perhaps its because I have gotten used to modern open-world games where there is so much more to do, as even my love of Sonic Adventure is not as strong as it once was.

I agree though that bugs and controls wise its definitely not as bad as 06, but with AC Unity, The Crew, GTA V and many others to choose from on PS4, I just don't feel motivated to play Sonic Boom at all.  I have pumped more hours into Pure Pool than this.

#303395 first Watchdogs WiiU screenshots and info

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 18 November 2014 - 08:26 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Dont know, but it wouldnt surprise me.


I haven't seen that on PS4, pretty sure I would have noticed it.


Personally, I really enjoyed the game as I didn't have the insane expectations that some people seemed to have.  I'm very much looking forward to Watch Dogs 2 HOPEFULLY properly optimised for the PS4/One/PC.


Then again I have also been enjoying Assassins Creed: Unity and still looking forward to The Crew even after playing the beta, so I'm guessing I wont have much credibility. ;)

#290450 Clarification required, potential sadness.

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 15 June 2014 - 04:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

If you both have a Wii U you can always take your Wii U around there and play it online with you both using your own console and Gamepad.  Unless if course only one of you has the game.  But seriously, are there ANY Wii U owner that doesn't have Mario Kart 8?


Does Mario Kart 8 have LAN support even?  I have been too busy with Watch Dogs to check.

#290447 Original Wii games image quality on Wii U

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 15 June 2014 - 04:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

I thought the same thing WITH my Wii and tried it on my old 14" CRT thinking it would come across a much sharper picture.  Overall I felt the smaller size just made it more awkward and a slightly more blurry but MUCH bigger picture played better.


On the Wii U, the picture over HDMI is notably better than playing on the Wii over component, on a HDTV.


The only thing you can really do is play on the Gamepad which is closer to Wii resolution but I also find that blurry due to the compression, even on Wii U games.

#290440 GC on Wii U possibility now (wishful thinking)

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 15 June 2014 - 03:42 PM in Wii U Hardware

Its highly likely that the GC support is still in the Wii U firmware (the Wii part), and I believe for the Wii functionality it includes all the hardware (apart from controller ports and memory cards) necessary to run GC games.  So it may only be minor modifications needed, not exactly going to hold back Wii U development.


It is a shame the drive cannot accept GC discs though.  The only reason I cannot get rid of my Wii is for GC games.

#290019 I like XBox One

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 12 June 2014 - 03:39 PM in General Gaming

Build quality is better on Xbox One?  I beg to differ.


It seems clear to me they hadn't a clue about case design so just picked a plain box and kept the PSU external so they didn't have to come up with a good design for the cooling.  To me a company that is able to build a case with a bespoke cooling system so they can keep the PSU inside the case is clearly superior when it comes to build quality.


When you see the two consoles taken apart the Xbox One looks like I threw it together from off the shelf PC parts, the PS4 is clearly more intricately designed from scratch.


Both consoles are flawed by how deep they are though, very awkward to fit on a shallow shelf which all previously consoles had no problems with.


Another thing about Xbox One is why have two USB ports on the back when it supports external HDDs?  That means they expect you leave them plugged in all the time and even the one on the left is awkward.  The PS4 clearly wins there too IMO with easily accesible USB ports, although a bit narrow so you cannot fit some USB sticks in without an extension.


Now before anyone comments, the Wii/Wii U I count as decent designs because the reason THEY have the PSU external is to keep the console as small as possible - clearly not the reason on Xbox One a its HUGE.


Of course the REAL build quality will only really be known in a few years when we see the failure rate on the hardware.  But in general I consider external PSUs a bad idea particularly for Xbox where it has a fan that people forget to keep clear of dust because its stuck down the back of a cabinet somewhere.

#290015 Bungie says it will get Destiny to 1080p/30fps on XB1

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 12 June 2014 - 03:30 PM in General Gaming

Everywhere else says 30fps for both.


That means either Xbox One will run more choppy, the PS4 version will look much much more pretty, or they scale down the graphics on both to make Microsoft happy.


I fear its most likely the latter, I just hope it doesn't become a "thing" to scale down PS4 games so they can have platform parity on performance.  Its bad enough some developers are doing this on PC already so it doesn't outclass the  console versions as much as it should.

#290014 has anyone else with a ps4 got the destiny beta yet?

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 12 June 2014 - 03:24 PM in General Gaming

Downloaded it earlier but haven't tried it yet.  I also got the Battlefield Beta code today too.

#287260 Wii-u and external hdd's?

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 30 May 2014 - 11:11 AM in Wii U Hardware

That should work fine.

#287257 WiFi works better than a Wii LAN/ethernet adapter! [FIXED ON WiiU OS 3.0]

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 30 May 2014 - 11:08 AM in Wii U Hardware

Same here its 20mbit. with normal wifi (80% of my connection). 3ds however sucks to dl with.


with 32gb internal.


The problem is its STILL 20Mbit max even on 100Mbit broadband which when downloading a large game is annoying.


That makes sense over WiFi, its only capable to around 30-40Mbit at best, but on Ethernet it should be able to hit close to 100Mbit.


That said, even the PS4 only goes around 40Mbit.

#287255 Wii-u and external hdd's?

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 30 May 2014 - 10:59 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yup its all or nothing, formats the whole drive to WiiU format.

#286691 Sony Lied: Watch_Dogs NOT 1080p on any Current-Gen Console

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 26 May 2014 - 02:44 PM in General Gaming

Way to go guys, lets insult the game before you have even PLAYED it.

From what I can see, there is WAY more going on Watch Dogs than Second Son.

I mean I LOVED Second Son, its a gorgeous game and their particle engine is insane.  But when it comes to physics and personality of the AI characters, even from the trailers Watch Dogs looks superior.

Am I the only person who realises just how much effort it takes to simulate wind interactions and the lighting of Watch Dogs so you can actually cause the blackouts?  Even the little things like being able to crash into an electricity sub-station to cause a blackout, not just hacking, its a level of interactivity we haven't really seen before.  I think there are going to be a LOT of little details in Watch Dogs that the trailers have yet to really get across, you have to experience them.

You can only ever get a true picture of how good a game world in when you actually PLAY it and feel the world around you.  Sure some of the animations might be choppy (I haven't seen it), but if there are 1000 more of those animations than any other game its totally excusable.

#286690 I tried watch dogs in my PC and here is my thougts.

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 26 May 2014 - 02:30 PM in General Gaming

Well if its got similarities to Saints Row but in a realistic setting, pretty certain I am going to love it then.  (although I have only played SR 1-3)


I find it hard to believe the graphics are THAT bad though, none of the footage I have seen looks particularly bad.  Maybe not as good as people hoped but that is no shocker for a cross-gen title.  I hope it does well so we get a current-gen only sequel that can really push the engine.  You can't use the extra CPU power if the game has to play the same on all platforms and those platforms include 8 year old consoles.

#286543 Question on Wii games

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 25 May 2014 - 02:28 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think its more a perception issue.  Wii games have ALWAYS looked jaggied to me, even when I still had my 14" CRT.


Sure its a bit more obvious on a big HDTV, but it didn't look notably better on the 14" CRT either.  The biggest improvement has been using the WiiU to upscale or playing them on the GamePad.

#286252 Demystifying the Wii U's "magic sauce"

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 23 May 2014 - 11:58 AM in Wii U Hardware

Indeed.  I am constantly surprised by how nice games can even look on the 3DS with its INSANELY low resolution by todays standards.


Do I wish it was higher resolution?  Sure.  Does it ruin the games that its not?  Nope.


The only reason resolution-gate is a "thing" is because some of us, me included, bought a next-gen console partly to finally HAVE 1080p games on console.  I already had it on PC and liked it.  Its more a value-for-money thing.


Then again, if ANY PS4/One game looked as nice as Mario Kart 8, I really wouldn't give a crap what resolution it was in.  Again yes, it would look even nicer in 1080p native, but its darn gorgeous game anyway.

#286251 Can I use a high speed microsd card in USB adaptor instead of a HDD?

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 23 May 2014 - 11:45 AM in Wii U Hardware

Nope. It's just for Wii data.


No that is the SD card port, they were referring to plugging in a USB SD card reader which is essentially the same as a USB stick.


That should work but it might not be as reliable as a USB stick which should have their own wear leveling.  Also as you point out, a HDD is a LOT cheaper per GB so the only point really is if you already have some SD cards to use or know the can reuse the one you bought for the Wii U later if you upgrade.

#285453 First Watch Dogs review- 7.2/10

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 17 May 2014 - 03:20 PM in General Gaming

I don't think it looks poor at all, still very much looking forward to it .... on PS4.


That review is awful, they don't seem to say much about the single player at all, positive or negative.  They just talk about the story and a little about the mechanics, not if the missions are actually fun.  Then they moan about the multi-player being lacking, not something I am really bothered about.


I mean its a shame it doesn't have coop play, but its not the end of the world.

#284790 Demystifying the Wii U's "magic sauce"

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 10 May 2014 - 01:34 PM in Wii U Hardware

Portal is but one game, and its a very unique one at that.  It doesn't compare to the many many console exclusives.


Its rather besides the point though as without PC we wouldn't have the healthy console indie market we have today.  I dare say it also contributes to iOS/Android software because there were already trained programmers thanks to the PC indie market.


We also must not forget that a lot of games which have gone on to do well on console wouldn't have existed without the PC indie/shareware market.

#283952 Logitech G27 wheel

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 05 May 2014 - 04:32 PM in Wii U Hardware

I own a Fanatec Forza Wheel but I really can't see how a wheel is remotely practical for playing this kind of game.


Wheels are for simulation or certain kinds of arcade racing games where it works as somewhere between arcade and simulation (eg Test Drive Unlimited).

#281976 Activision indefinitely postpones Xbox One version of The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 19 April 2014 - 03:44 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Sounds like a good headline to me. :P

#281701 Activision indefinitely postpones Xbox One version of The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 17 April 2014 - 09:31 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Confirmation the Wii U is easier to code on than Xbox One?


Yeah probably not, but it is amusing to see Xbox One getting similar treatment to the Wii U - yet this particular game IS "supposedly" on Wii U.

#280243 Nicalis Founder - "Wii U Gamepad is a waste of time and resources."

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 07 April 2014 - 02:03 PM in Wii U Hardware

I don't mind the feel of the gamepad.  Perhaps it's because I grew up on such handhelds as the original gray brick gameboy and sega's gamegear.  While we felt spoiled back then having such things, I think it might make some of us appreciate what exists now a bit more.  Sure, the gamepad felt bulky at first but it settles in nice.  As far as the Pro Controller, I'd say get it!  I can't think of any games I own that don't allow for it.  What games don't support it??


Its not a choice I make, my fingers hurt where they grip around the triggers after playing for a while.


Then again, we are all supposed to take way more breaks than we do so Nintendo can always say its our fault.  But the fact remains, I could play on Gamecube for hours without any problems, the controller was so comfortable.

#280239 So, turns out single USB powered drives do work

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 07 April 2014 - 01:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

What you also have to watch out for are USB 3.0 drives as they will only have a single USB connector due to USB 3.0 being able to output enough current, but when plugged in to USB 2.0 will not have enough current to work reliably.


Like said above though, a USB 2.0 drive designed to work on a single port should be fine, although I have never seen such a device.  Personally, I wouldn't risk using a USB 2.0 HDD without a Y cable no matter what as you can never be sure any USB host puts out exactly 500mA.  Its not unusual for them to be slightly under-spec and a Y cable ensures you do not have any problems.


Also, caddies that you put your own drive in sometimes only come with a single cable even though almost all 2.5" drives need a Y cable to work properly.  You most certainly CAN damage the drive by running it on less current than it needs as it will randomly fail to write data correctly and become corrupt, potentially even damage the platters as it may spin up/down at random preventing the auto head parking from working correctly.


However, if your Wii U is having problems with a USB 2.0 HDD plugged in, either the Wii U or the drive is faulty.  The Wii U should cut power to a USB port if a defective device is plugged in, I would be very surprised if they did not have sensible safety precautions on the motherboard to deal with that.

#279979 Mario Kart 8 Devs Praise Wii U Power - Show Off Visual Stunner

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 05 April 2014 - 04:34 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This game is finally making me feel happy to own a Wii U again.  I just hope I am better at it than MK7 lol.

#279413 Nicalis Founder - "Wii U Gamepad is a waste of time and resources."

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 01 April 2014 - 01:50 PM in Wii U Hardware

For off-screen play the GamePad is a great idea.  I don't get along with playing games on such a small low resolution screen myself, but I can see the merit for it.


Also when you compare it to PS Vita Remote Play, its leagues above.  The PS Vita only having 2.4Ghz WiFi makes it useless, too much interference and it just constantly loses the connection.  The same distance from the console, the WiiU GamePad works flawlessly.


However, its not very ergonomic and that is by far the most important feature of a game controller.  Its a big reason why I loved the Xbox 360, its what I loved about the Gamecube, which is why its so disappointing that Nintendo dropped the ball on the ergonomics this time.  I refuse to get a pro controller because it doesn't work on everything and I am losing out on the Gamepad functionality.  I have it, I might as well use it.


Still, at least Nintendo were thinking about gaming.  Xbox One is even worse, throwing away 25% GPU power compared to PS4 just for the sake of including a better version of Kinect, something already proven as pretty pointless for most games.

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