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#184410 iwata seriously needs to step down

Posted by naadofett on 19 March 2013 - 09:45 PM in Wii U Hardware

Was that really just one long sentence? There's something called punctuation.... Just saying.

#172877 The Gamecube thread

Posted by naadofett on 18 February 2013 - 07:02 PM in General Gaming

I'm glad I found this thread. I actually left my launch Wii hooked up after buying my WiiU specifically for the purposes of potentially playing my old GC games. Back in the day I bought the GC on launch day and then bought the component cables as well. I recently was considering selling my Wii and just getting a used GC + component cables (I unfortunately sold both years ago) only to find that GC's are easy to come by, but the official component cables are insanely expensive. Now I guess I'll stick with the Wii for my GC games. I just wasn't sure how robust the GC emulator on the Wii is vs using an actual GC for playing my games.

I popped in Rogue Squadron 2 for the first time this weekend in years and it's awesome. Now I'm looking at my GC library and realizing I'm going to have to go back and play more... Eternal Darkness, Mario Sunshine, Resident Evil, and more. I'm really, really hoping that when the WiiU virtual console comes out they'll be able to get a bunch of these old GC games on there also. I'll already be buying Wind Waker HD when it comes out.

#164682 Wind Waker HD Screenshots

Posted by naadofett on 29 January 2013 - 07:08 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I dont know if these screens are representative or just tests.

But it appears to mostly keep the old geometry, redo textures, and modernize the lighting engine.

I dont think i like the way the new lighting engine makes the characters look. They look too.... 3d.

I didn't even know there was a gold edition. That being said, I do have this:

Posted Image

#164334 Buying Wii u

Posted by naadofett on 28 January 2013 - 07:34 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I would imagine it would. I use the Nyko one on my Wii U that I used to use on my Wii.

#162385 Wind Waker HD Screenshots

Posted by naadofett on 23 January 2013 - 09:01 PM in Wii U Games and Software

For all us "old fogies" out there... I'm super stoked to see this announcement. I kept my Wii because it has GC support and still have ALL my GC games just in case I feel like playing again. I remember picking up my GC on launch night at Walmart *shudder* back in my final college days. So this is very exciting to me. To me this also begs the question: Will there be more re-releases of GC games?... Even if they are straight ports without HD updates. Very excited and felt 10 years younger when I saw this announcement!

#160075 Music in the background

Posted by naadofett on 16 January 2013 - 07:22 PM in Wii U Hardware

I agree with this. You'll be happily browsing through Miiverse, then you suddenly realise you're sat all on your own in a silent room...

It seems like such an easy fix to me. Just have the audio loop just the same way it does at the home screen. Maybe even add an option to disable the ambient sound in Miiverse, etc if you don't like it or something. But to start playing the audio and cut it off after a few minutes (or whatever the actual time is) seems really odd to me.

#159702 Music in the background

Posted by naadofett on 15 January 2013 - 08:08 PM in Wii U Hardware

On a somewhat related note, I wish the Miiverse background music/ambience wouldn't stop after a while like it does. That's kind of annoying.

#159701 Gamepad signal extender?

Posted by naadofett on 15 January 2013 - 08:05 PM in Wii U Hardware

its IR they are using. ..OP - is your wiiU in a cupboard? i had that issue until i put it on top of the cupboard (TV unit) ..now i can play in bed :) -

IR = more or less line of sight. Last I checked, IR doesn't travel through walls....

#159698 Iwata Talks Nintendo Wii U Performance and Miiverse

Posted by naadofett on 15 January 2013 - 07:59 PM in Wii U Hardware

Absolute rubbish. Tablets don't suck. They're just not good for gaming. For everything else they're far better then consoles.

I'll expand on this a little. I think tablets aren't the best avenue for "hardcore" gaming. I think gaming on tablets and/or smart phones is just fine if you're into the whole idea of a mobile experience where you can just pick up and play something "mindless" for a few minutes at a time. I think the touch-screen-only interface really hinders the gaming experience unless you buy some other peripheral, but that defeats the purpose of having the tablet/phone in my opinion. I do not think that gaming on a tablet/smart phone will ever be a substitute for gaming on a DS/3DS/Vita, etc, BUT I don't think that these devices are terrible either. You could also make counter arguments like: cameras on handheld consoles suck, the Internet experience is nowhere near what it's like on many modern smart phones/tablets, what about media playback and streaming services? Does that mean handheld consoles suck?

#152339 Question about HDMI switcher

Posted by naadofett on 26 December 2012 - 06:14 PM in Wii U Hardware

Does your monitor have a headphone jack? Many monitors that have an HDMI input also have an audio out jack. If so, just plug your headphones into that.

#152333 HDMI Flickers then goes black

Posted by naadofett on 26 December 2012 - 05:55 PM in Wii U Hardware

I wrote this in another thread:

Did you try HDMI inputs on another device? Maybe it's a handshake issue. I had an issue like that once with my PS3. If I plugged the PS3 into my Onkyo AVR (audio/video receiver for those who don't know), I would get intermittent video (video then blank screen, rinse & repeat). Then if I plugged the HDMI from the PS3 directly into the TV itself and bypassed my AVR altogether that soloved the issue completely. So, maybe this is a similar case.

This is the video I made of the problem ages ago.

#151933 Flickering pic/screen

Posted by naadofett on 25 December 2012 - 06:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

I don't think what he is having is a hdmi problem since the glitches are happening to individual models .

I guess I should've watched the video first. Whoops. Well, in any case, maybe what I wrote could be helpful to others who might potentially see what I did with the PS3 before.

#151926 Flickering pic/screen

Posted by naadofett on 25 December 2012 - 05:58 PM in Wii U Hardware

I know you said you tried different HDMI inputs, but did you try HDMI inputs on another device? Maybe it's a handshake issue. I had an issue like that once with my PS3. If I plugged the PS3 into my Onkyo AVR (audio/video receiver for those who don't know), I would get intermittent video (video then blank screen, rinse & repeat). Then if I plugged the HDMI from the PS3 directly into the TV itself and bypassed my AVR altogether that soloved the issue completely. So, maybe this is a similar case.

#150266 InterWorks Pro Controller U?

Posted by naadofett on 20 December 2012 - 07:57 PM in Wii U Hardware

I was real skeptical at first, but that video was pretty awesome. Bummer about the pre-order status, but I might order one or two anyway. I can always cancel if I change my mind. All I know is that's pretty sweet that you don't have to bust out the wiimote if you want to use your Wii stuff (at least nothing that requires full wiimote functionality anyway) and virtual console + being able to use it instead of the Wii U pro controller.

It being compatible with ALL Wii and Wii U games makes it a must have for me.
Im getting Mario Galaxy 2 for x-mas, I don't wanna have to use a nunchuk and wii mote... The wii U pro controller was a huge letdown for me as its not even compatible with the NSMBU game...

The only problem is that based on my experience with Mario Galaxy 1/2, I think it would probably just be easier to use the wiimote + nunchuck, BUT I could obviously wrong seeing as there are no impressions of a game like that with this new controller.

#146122 So it's odd seeing this many systems jsut sitting on shelves.

Posted by naadofett on 09 December 2012 - 08:43 PM in Wii U Hardware

And hey, don't forget... there are plenty on eBay. Haha. I don't know why anybody is even bothering to sell there now. Plenty of people are even lucky to break after ebay, paypal, and shipping fees. The Wii frenzy this is not.

#146119 Age of wii u buyers

Posted by naadofett on 09 December 2012 - 08:39 PM in Wii U Hardware

34 in a couple months

#141624 How do u 'use/charge' your gamepad?

Posted by naadofett on 01 December 2012 - 04:47 PM in Wii U Hardware

Yea its like pouring water into a bucket with a whole in it. It will fill up but will take longer then if it didnt have a whole in it.

Also here is the nyko battery pack

Posted Image

I liked this idea until I saw this picture... gag me with a spoon!

#140698 Wii U clock speeds are found by marcan

Posted by naadofett on 29 November 2012 - 08:30 PM in Wii U Hardware

Mario Kart, yes it's a karting game but still.

Wait a second, I like myself some Mario Kart, but I like sim racing in GT5 as well. Let's be fair, Mario Kart and GT5 are very different games in a very broad racing category. Mario Kart would be a much better comparison to Mod Nation Racers or something than GT5.

#140116 Noisy Disc Drive

Posted by naadofett on 28 November 2012 - 10:11 PM in Wii U Hardware

does it randomly start making a hissing noise? my wii u just did that

Not as far as I can tell. I don't think the noise I was describing is related to your issue.

I thought that was a normal thing that happens. Heck, the wii has done the same thing for years.

Usually, I only put a disc in when I want to play a game, and then eject it once I'm done playing.

You're probably right about the Wii. I suppose I could pop a disc into my Wii and see what happens with it as well. I just didn't think about it. To be honest, it's been quite a while since I actually felt compelled to play something on the Wii. The last time I turned it on was to do the system migration and there was no disc in the drive. Prior to that, I'm sure it had been at least a couple months since I used the Wii.

#138130 Noisy Disc Drive

Posted by naadofett on 25 November 2012 - 03:12 PM in Wii U Hardware

To be fair, the video I shot was with my iPhone not just a few inches away from the console with nothing else making any noise in my apartment at the time the video was shot. It was in the early evening so there really wasn't any real ambient noise to speak of and windows were closed so there was no outside street noise, etc. If I've got a disc in the drive and windows are open, people are talking, turn the stereo up to a moderate level and so on, you can't hear it. But if the environment is relatively quiet and I'm using the stereo at a lower level while a disc is in, you can hear it. Like I said, it's not like it's blaring loud, but it's there.

#137631 Digital Download Details?

Posted by naadofett on 24 November 2012 - 05:36 PM in Wii U Hardware

I'm still debating on how I want to handle new game purchases. I've got the 32gb deluxe with 25 gigs of space left, but I realize that with the games I'd like to get in the near future and down the road, that just won't be enough. So, I can get the physical discs like I've always done. I tend to like to collect the games and have them on the shelf. I still have all my Gamecube games on the shelf for that matter just in case I get the urge to pop one in.

A couple nice things about the downloads come to mind:

1. All the games are sitting right there on the U and/or external hard drive. I'm not concerned with taking games to a friend's house to play or use on a second console at home or something.

2. Quick access to any game without having to get up and pop in a disc.

3. Not having to physically use the disc drive and listen to it spin up all the time. No, that's not a deal-breaker and completely annoying, but it would be a nice touch for me.

4. eShop discount points.

5. Download games when you feel like it.

But then there are the concerns:

1. Have to get over the "collector" aspect of my mindset that likes to see games sitting on a shelf even if I don't use them regularly.

2. Can't sell a game at a later date, but then again, being a collector I tend to not sell them at all anyway.

3. Have to hook up an external hard drive, but this doesn't bother me too much overall.

4. What if the external hard drive and/or Wii U console itself take a dump. Is there some way you'd be able to re-download the games again without being charged for it?

5. How do the digital downloads of full retail games work? You obviously download them from the eShop, but then do they show up as a new "channel" on your Wii U menu interface? I'd rather not spend $60 to experiment and find out. I'm sure others here could explain how this looks/works.

#137049 Noisy Disc Drive

Posted by naadofett on 23 November 2012 - 05:35 PM in Wii U Hardware

Here's the Youtube video I made. Two apologies: 1) Sorry for the vertical framing and 2) sorry for the dim lighting conditions.

#136932 Thanksgiving embarrassment

Posted by naadofett on 23 November 2012 - 12:56 PM in Wii U Hardware

I just had my 1st complete freeze since launch using Nintendo Land (specifically my 2nd attempt at the balloon fight). Hasn't happened *yet* in NSMB.

Well, 5 minutes after my first freeze, it froze again in Nintendo Land right away when I restarted the game and tried to play the coin pachinko game.

#136777 Thanksgiving embarrassment

Posted by naadofett on 23 November 2012 - 10:15 AM in Wii U Hardware

With "core" gamers it could be tough. I'd consider myself a core gamer and to some extent wonder which games I should get for Wii U vs PS3, however, I'm willing to give the Wii U version of a game a chance unless the port was done completely half-arsed rendering it a complete waste of money. The way I see it: Wii U for Nintendo exclusives and PS3 for PS3 exclusives. Everything else in between is a toss-up depending on how the game integrates with the console. Clearly we know PS3 does game patch updates and hopefully the same will be done for Wii U if necessary. I also like the Miiverse aspect of the Wii U for games as well. If Nintendo can tidy up the OS a little bit (menu lag and maybe make it a few less steps to bounce between certain menu options) I would have no problem using the U as my primary console. As for now, I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt and am leaning towards 3rd party purchases for U vs PS3 unless it's a very sloppy port.

#136748 Thanksgiving embarrassment

Posted by naadofett on 23 November 2012 - 09:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

I've yet to encounter this freezing, but I won't hold my breath. As for the menus, it doesn't drive me crazy, however they are definitely noticeable and are a little annoying. I just really hope this can be sorted out via software optimization/patch.

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