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#133024 Are people over-criticizing the Wii U?

Posted by naadofett on 18 November 2012 - 10:22 PM in Wii U Hardware

My initial impression was that the loading times seem a little long, but they didn't rub me the wrong way. It'd be nice if they can improve that somehow though. Otherwise, the touch screen seems to work fine for me and the interface doesn't really bother me.

#132657 Wii U Basic vs. Deluxe popularity

Posted by naadofett on 18 November 2012 - 03:53 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think the Deluxe is definitely more popular although the 8gb units are definitely selling out as well. When I was able to grab a Deluxe at Best Buy this morning (by the skin of my teeth) the BB employee handing out numbers went through every single Deluxe, but still probably had about 10 or so 8gb ones left. I was 11 of 12 Deluxe units and there were only a couple people in line behind us that reluctantly went with the 8gb instead of nothing. Fry's sold out of Deluxe units for walk-ins (the lady said they only got about 5 extra), but they had about 8 or so 8gb units, but were ONLY selling as bundles. I walked into a Target about 20 minutes later and got the very last Deluxe there. They did not have any 8gb units on hand, but don't know what they started with. I found it odd there was even a Deluxe left. Went to a second Target in town 10 minutes later and they were 100% sold out.

Before I made my attempts this morning, I got on the waiting list at my local GameStop and they were already booked on preorders for all types. I was #1 on their waiting list for an 8gb unit and got on the list for a Deluxe and was probably around 24th in line. This was about Two weeks ago I got on their list for the Deluxe and one week ago for the 8gb. So, clearly at this store, the Deluxe was in significantly higher demand.

#133028 Are people over-criticizing the Wii U?

Posted by naadofett on 18 November 2012 - 10:28 PM in Wii U Hardware

I checked on the Nintendo support site and they are aware of any slowness in the menus and plan to fix it someday. Im pretty sure they will.

Oh I'm sure they're looking at it. When I registered the U on club Nintendo I made sure to point out this issue as well as a couple of other small issues as well. Pass along the info in multiple ways. Nothing ever goes without a hitch on day 1 so I'm not exactly concerned right now. With the time I've spent with the system so far (albeit not too much), I'm overall plenty happy with it so far.

#164334 Buying Wii u

Posted by naadofett on 28 January 2013 - 07:34 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I would imagine it would. I use the Nyko one on my Wii U that I used to use on my Wii.

#184410 iwata seriously needs to step down

Posted by naadofett on 19 March 2013 - 09:45 PM in Wii U Hardware

Was that really just one long sentence? There's something called punctuation.... Just saying.

#172877 The Gamecube thread

Posted by naadofett on 18 February 2013 - 07:02 PM in General Gaming

I'm glad I found this thread. I actually left my launch Wii hooked up after buying my WiiU specifically for the purposes of potentially playing my old GC games. Back in the day I bought the GC on launch day and then bought the component cables as well. I recently was considering selling my Wii and just getting a used GC + component cables (I unfortunately sold both years ago) only to find that GC's are easy to come by, but the official component cables are insanely expensive. Now I guess I'll stick with the Wii for my GC games. I just wasn't sure how robust the GC emulator on the Wii is vs using an actual GC for playing my games.

I popped in Rogue Squadron 2 for the first time this weekend in years and it's awesome. Now I'm looking at my GC library and realizing I'm going to have to go back and play more... Eternal Darkness, Mario Sunshine, Resident Evil, and more. I'm really, really hoping that when the WiiU virtual console comes out they'll be able to get a bunch of these old GC games on there also. I'll already be buying Wind Waker HD when it comes out.

#127313 is it too late

Posted by naadofett on 10 November 2012 - 03:56 PM in Wii U Hardware

I went back to the GameStop where I got on the waiting list for the deluxe unit this morning. I asked about getting on the waiting list for the 8gb white unit and I got put on that list also. He said I was #1 on the 8gb wait list since everybody else went for the 32gb system. He's pretty sure I'll have one before Christmas. I don't know how many preorder units they're getting, but we'll see when I get my hands on one from the next shipment.

#126855 is it too late

Posted by naadofett on 09 November 2012 - 06:06 PM in Wii U Hardware

Nowhere I have been has been taking anymore preorders and the online retailers definitely seem not to. I had to settle with getting on the local GameStop wait list and wait for more shipments after launch day.

#126867 is it too late

Posted by naadofett on 09 November 2012 - 06:24 PM in Wii U Hardware

Not in Australia, can get a deluxe edition just fine. In the US I believe you can still find a basic model pretty easily, which to be honest is more worth it for most people considering they were complaining about Nintendo Land before the bundle was announced, but now all of a sudden they are calling it the best deal.

Well, Nintendoland aside, what about the extra hard drive storage space and the bonus points you rack up when purchasing games? Isn't it something like 10% of the game's retail price ends up going towards credits that can be used in the eshop or something? That could pay off. Plus then there's the matter of aesthetic preference between black vs. white for some people. So $50 isn't THAT big of a deal with all of that considered. Unfortunately it could also mean longer waits.

#135007 Box Size?

Posted by naadofett on 20 November 2012 - 05:26 PM in Wii U Hardware

I'd cut out an ad for a Wii U and put it in a card or tiny package. Make the kid think they would get one, but it probably wouldn't be for a while until they are out of stock. Then pull a Christmas Story move.... "oh hey, I think there's one more present over there". Kid then proceeds to loose their mind. Classic.

#132647 toys r us doing buy 1 get 40 percent off all wii u games black friday

Posted by naadofett on 18 November 2012 - 03:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

There were two friggin tents set up in front of Best Buy this morning where I live. I was talking to the guys in line and they told me they were camping out for Black Friday! I thought they were just dedicated Wii U customers. I don't care what the deal is, I'm not camping out for a week to wait for Black Friday. I think people have been killed during Black Friday a couple times over the same number of years here in the US. I think it's mostly been due to being trampled or something. Then again, I think somebody was killed during the PS3 launch and maybe even Xbox 360.

#137049 Noisy Disc Drive

Posted by naadofett on 23 November 2012 - 05:35 PM in Wii U Hardware

Here's the Youtube video I made. Two apologies: 1) Sorry for the vertical framing and 2) sorry for the dim lighting conditions.

#138130 Noisy Disc Drive

Posted by naadofett on 25 November 2012 - 03:12 PM in Wii U Hardware

To be fair, the video I shot was with my iPhone not just a few inches away from the console with nothing else making any noise in my apartment at the time the video was shot. It was in the early evening so there really wasn't any real ambient noise to speak of and windows were closed so there was no outside street noise, etc. If I've got a disc in the drive and windows are open, people are talking, turn the stereo up to a moderate level and so on, you can't hear it. But if the environment is relatively quiet and I'm using the stereo at a lower level while a disc is in, you can hear it. Like I said, it's not like it's blaring loud, but it's there.

#140116 Noisy Disc Drive

Posted by naadofett on 28 November 2012 - 10:11 PM in Wii U Hardware

does it randomly start making a hissing noise? my wii u just did that

Not as far as I can tell. I don't think the noise I was describing is related to your issue.

I thought that was a normal thing that happens. Heck, the wii has done the same thing for years.

Usually, I only put a disc in when I want to play a game, and then eject it once I'm done playing.

You're probably right about the Wii. I suppose I could pop a disc into my Wii and see what happens with it as well. I just didn't think about it. To be honest, it's been quite a while since I actually felt compelled to play something on the Wii. The last time I turned it on was to do the system migration and there was no disc in the drive. Prior to that, I'm sure it had been at least a couple months since I used the Wii.

#136434 Noisy Disc Drive

Posted by naadofett on 22 November 2012 - 03:53 PM in Wii U Hardware

So nobody else here has a consistent "whirring" sound while a disc is inserted? I find it hard to believe I'm the only one. Maybe I'll need to make a youtube video so my description is clear.

#136203 Noisy Disc Drive

Posted by naadofett on 22 November 2012 - 10:09 AM in Wii U Hardware

Has anybody else noticed their disc drive to be a little on the loud side? It seems anytime a disc is inserted it is spinning regardless if you're playing a game or not. Let me be clear, it is not making any strange loud noises, clicking, snap-crackle-popping, but you'd think the disc would spin up when first inserted then sit idle until you actually start up a game. I have a feeling this is normal, but thought I'd check. Do you think this is something that could be resolved by a software fix? Something in the software that would tell the disc drive to remain in "hibernation" until a command is sent to the system to play a game off the disc and then spin up the drive.

#136424 Noisy Disc Drive

Posted by naadofett on 22 November 2012 - 03:32 PM in Wii U Hardware

It's definitely not the fan. The sound is only there when there is a disc in the system (whether playing the game or not) - unless the power is off, of course. As I said, it doesn't sound completely abnormal. I'm just surprised the drive spins the disc at all times when inserted in the console w/power on.

#159698 Iwata Talks Nintendo Wii U Performance and Miiverse

Posted by naadofett on 15 January 2013 - 07:59 PM in Wii U Hardware

Absolute rubbish. Tablets don't suck. They're just not good for gaming. For everything else they're far better then consoles.

I'll expand on this a little. I think tablets aren't the best avenue for "hardcore" gaming. I think gaming on tablets and/or smart phones is just fine if you're into the whole idea of a mobile experience where you can just pick up and play something "mindless" for a few minutes at a time. I think the touch-screen-only interface really hinders the gaming experience unless you buy some other peripheral, but that defeats the purpose of having the tablet/phone in my opinion. I do not think that gaming on a tablet/smart phone will ever be a substitute for gaming on a DS/3DS/Vita, etc, BUT I don't think that these devices are terrible either. You could also make counter arguments like: cameras on handheld consoles suck, the Internet experience is nowhere near what it's like on many modern smart phones/tablets, what about media playback and streaming services? Does that mean handheld consoles suck?

#151926 Flickering pic/screen

Posted by naadofett on 25 December 2012 - 05:58 PM in Wii U Hardware

I know you said you tried different HDMI inputs, but did you try HDMI inputs on another device? Maybe it's a handshake issue. I had an issue like that once with my PS3. If I plugged the PS3 into my Onkyo AVR (audio/video receiver for those who don't know), I would get intermittent video (video then blank screen, rinse & repeat). Then if I plugged the HDMI from the PS3 directly into the TV itself and bypassed my AVR altogether that soloved the issue completely. So, maybe this is a similar case.

#151933 Flickering pic/screen

Posted by naadofett on 25 December 2012 - 06:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

I don't think what he is having is a hdmi problem since the glitches are happening to individual models .

I guess I should've watched the video first. Whoops. Well, in any case, maybe what I wrote could be helpful to others who might potentially see what I did with the PS3 before.

#124493 Gamepad Review (I tried out the Wii U at Best Buy)t

Posted by naadofett on 04 November 2012 - 05:47 PM in Wii U Hardware

Eh, I'm waiting till I get my own Wii U (black) to experience playing it first time rather than just playing at best buy.

I remember before the GameCube came out and the demo unit got installed into the Best Buy where I was going to college. I was there regularly playing the crap out of Rogue Leader (Rogue Squadron II). Then once it came out, I played the crap out of it some more. Playing it the store didn't impact my feelings of using the controller, BUT that being said, I'm kind of in your camp on this one. I didn't play the Wii either until I got it on launch day.

#135907 Wii U Video Chat

Posted by naadofett on 21 November 2012 - 10:36 PM in Wii U Hardware

Has anybody actually used the video chat application? What do you think? I don't know anybody with a Wii U so I haven't tried it. I've "friended" several people, but I haven't crossed the awkward barrier of requesting a video since I don't actually know these people.

#136135 Wii U Video Chat

Posted by naadofett on 22 November 2012 - 08:48 AM in Wii U Hardware

Wii U Chat Roulette?

#133891 Trying to narrow down my list of games to get my hands on...

Posted by naadofett on 19 November 2012 - 05:00 PM in Wii U Games and Software

No Mario?

#136431 Wii U Black Friday Deals Post Deals Here USA only please

Posted by naadofett on 22 November 2012 - 03:49 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think the Toy R Us deal is pretty much the main Wii U Black Friday opportunity this year. What I'm curious about is if the 1st game is at 100% and all subsequent games are 40% off or if you're limited to only one discounted secondary game.

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