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Wii U won't be getting Unreal Engine 4

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#121 routerbad



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 01:56 PM

New Super Mario Bros 2 and New Super Mario Bros U are closer than any COD game.

They are on different platforms.  Also, the overworld is completely different between the two, NSMB2 doesn't have boost mode, most of the powerups are different, level design is completely different.  Difficulty is different, there are additional gameplay mechanics added to NSMBU.


Have you played both games?  They are quite different from one another.  This is also like comparing Uncharted for PS3 and Uncharted for Vita.  You may have missed the point.

#122 3Dude



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 02:01 PM

Cyanotic, on 29 Mar 2013 - 08:09, said:Don't bash the COD's of the world for following a winning formula and not taking risks because that's ALL Nintendo has ever done as well.
Mario, Zelda, Metroid.
Oh wow... way to innovate Nintendo. Same exact games for the past 25 years with slight changes over the decades.
And don't assume I even play COD, because I don't. I refuse to encourage developers rehashing the same idea's over and over again.
The only saving grace for the Wii U was awesome 3rd party support that used the gamepad in amazing ways that the other consoles couldn't replicate. Too bad that reality will never come into fruition, because 3rd party support is jumping away from the Wii U like it's the Titantic.

I clearly brought up cod not because i think or dont think you play it, but because it was clearly the basis of the context of the post you were responding too.

Are you sure you want to keep this as your argument? That nintendo only has 3 games they release over and over again?

Ill let you change your argument so you dont have to stick with a really really bad one as the result of a fanboy kneejerk reaction.



#123 thechamp80



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 02:03 PM

They are on different platforms.  Also, the overworld is completely different between the two, NSMB2 doesn't have boost mode, most of the powerups are different, level design is completely different.  Difficulty is different, there are additional gameplay mechanics added to NSMBU.


Have you played both games?  They are quite different from one another.  This is also like comparing Uncharted for PS3 and Uncharted for Vita.  You may have missed the point.

Both games have the same protagonist, same plot, mostly the same power ups. I know NSMB2 had the coin mechanic, but that was just them saying, hey we added something new! More Coins! Uncharted Golden Abyss(Vita) has an entirely different 12 hour story with brand new characters.  And guess what the main draw of the Uncharted games is? You guessed it, story.

#124 3Dude



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 02:05 PM

thechamp80, on 29 Mar 2013 - 08:17, said:Both games have the same protagonist, same plot, mostly the same power ups. I know NSMB2 had the coin mechanic, but that was just them saying, hey we added something new! More Coins! Uncharted Golden Abyss(Vita) has an entirely different 12 hour story with brand new characters.  And guess what the main draw of the Uncharted games is? You guessed it, story.

Ah, so you havent played either game.

Thought so.



#125 routerbad



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 02:08 PM

Don't bash the COD's of the world for following a winning formula and not taking risks because that's ALL Nintendo has ever done as well.


Mario, Zelda, Metroid.


Oh wow... way to innovate Nintendo. Same exact games for the past 25 years with slight changes over the decades.


And don't assume I even play COD, because I don't. I refuse to encourage developers rehashing the same idea's over and over again.


The only saving grace for the Wii U was awesome 3rd party support that used the gamepad in amazing ways that the other consoles couldn't replicate. Too bad that reality will never come into fruition, because 3rd party support is jumping away from the Wii U like it's the Titantic.

Slight changes?  Really?  Every Zelda game, since LOZ and AoL, has been very different.  There is a difference between reusing a formula, and rereleasing the exact same game every year.  It doesn't compare.  WW, completely different than any Zelda game before it, they are all very different from one another as far as gameplay is concerned.


Metroid, same thing.  Metroid and Super Metroid were vastly different. 


When is the last time you played SMB, then SMB2?  Completely different games.  Different play styles.  Same genre, same basic formula, but different games.  SMB3 was crazy different.  Like he said, the only two that are very similar are G1 and G2.


Your argument here is ridiculously weak and forced.  COD, BF, EA Sports titles (all of them), GTA, all the same game every time with no deviation in gameplay mechanics at all, maybe with a different, overblown storyline, and a few more polygons here and there.


You are really pointing out your own ignorance here, and defending yourself by stating you don't play COD, when no one mentioned you did reveals your petulance.

#126 Cyanotic


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 02:11 PM

Saying Nintendo "only has 3 franchises" wasn't even my initial argument. I just quoted the other guy who was going on a rant saying that "hardcore" gamers only play games that are copied and pasted year after year, such as COD.


And I said that every Nintendo fan must be hardcore, because that's all Nintendo has ever done.


You can read into that anyway you want.

#127 Nollog


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 02:14 PM

This thread and it's comments...



^This, Iwata is holding the company back, Nintendo seriously needs to take one out of Sony's playbook and give NOA a larger influence over the company at least that way Nintendo would know the interest of what modern devs and hardcore gamers crave.

I disagree.

NoA would run Nintendo into the ground and turn Nintendo into an FPS machine.

I don't want that.

What I do want is NoA, and NoE to have some voice over what Nintendo as a whole do, and be able to offer information to their regions as they feel fit, not be in the dark on everything until NoJ decides it's time to talk.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php:133) in /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/classAjax.php on line 328

#128 routerbad



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 02:14 PM

Both games have the same protagonist, same plot, mostly the same power ups. I know NSMB2 had the coin mechanic, but that was just them saying, hey we added something new! More Coins! Uncharted Golden Abyss(Vita) has an entirely different 12 hour story with brand new characters.  And guess what the main draw of the Uncharted games is? You guessed it, story.

No, they other than the primary SMB power ups, they have completely different additional powerups that are exclusive to each.  They both have completely separate overworlds and NSMB2 has 80 unique platforming stages.   Guess what the main draw of Mario games is...  Yep, platforming.


That's all well and good that the Vita game is different.  You basically just proved my point.  They are both separate games in their respective series' on a mobile platform that released close to the same time as the home console game released.

#129 3Dude



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 02:18 PM

Cyanotic, on 29 Mar 2013 - 08:25, said:Saying Nintendo "only has 3 franchises" wasn't even my initial argument. I just quoted the other guy who was going on a rant saying that "hardcore" gamers only play games that are copied and pasted year after year, such as COD.
And I said that every Nintendo fan must be hardcore, because that's all Nintendo has ever done.
You can read into that anyway you want.

Its pretty obvious what happened was that the issue at hand got dragged into an insult inanimate companies/products war rather than an intelligent argument.

Its why I didnt persue it.

Its funny, I remember being in near the exact same situation at this point in time in the 3ds's life.

Nintendos going to be fine. It will have an extremely different library of games, obviously, but fine.

You know, if nintendo ever shows all the games they have been hiding for WAY too long.

Who wants 3 consoles with the exact same game library anyways?



#130 routerbad



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 02:20 PM

Saying Nintendo "only has 3 franchises" wasn't even my initial argument. I just quoted the other guy who was going on a rant saying that "hardcore" gamers only play games that are copied and pasted year after year, such as COD.


And I said that every Nintendo fan must be hardcore, because that's all Nintendo has ever done.


You can read into that anyway you want.

Now you are making no sense at all, because no one went on a rant about hardcore gamers playing copy pasted games.  It was said that people who think they are "hardcore" gamers play the same copy/pasted games every year.


Nintendo never copy/pastes their games, each entrant is different, different mechanics, different challenges, different powerups, different weapons.  Every time.  COD is copied and pasted year over year.

Cyanotic, on 29 Mar 2013 - 08:25, said:Saying Nintendo "only has 3 franchises" wasn't even my initial argument. I just quoted the other guy who was going on a rant saying that "hardcore" gamers only play games that are copied and pasted year after year, such as COD.
And I said that every Nintendo fan must be hardcore, because that's all Nintendo has ever done.
You can read into that anyway you want.

Its pretty obvious what happened was that the issue at hand got dragged into an insult inanimate companies/products war rather than an intelligent argument.

Its why I didnt persue it.

Its funny, I remember being in near the exact same situation at this point in time in the 3ds's life.

Nintendos going to be fine. It will have an extremely different library of games, obviously, but fine.

You know, if nintendo ever shows all the games they have been hiding for WAY too long.

Who wants 3 consoles with the exact same game library anyways?

And two trolls joined the conversation.  That always leads to constructive discourse.

#131 BlueBlur


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 02:20 PM

I was refering...

What I do want is NoA, and NoE to have some voice over what Nintendo as a whole do, and be able to offer information to their regions as they feel fit, not be in the dark on everything until NoJ decides it's time to talk.

more to ^this...

NoA would run Nintendo into the ground and turn Nintendo into an FPS machine.

rather than ^this.

Edited by VGCrasher, 29 March 2013 - 02:21 PM.

#132 Cyanotic


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 02:21 PM

It comes down to this:


If you own a Wii U and plan on buying a 720 / PS4 or even gaming PC then you are golden. Best of both worlds.


If you own a Wii U and expect it to supply you with all the latest and greatest games that will be coming out in the next few years, then you are sadly mistaken.


/end thread

Edited by Cyanotic, 29 March 2013 - 02:22 PM.

#133 routerbad



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 02:25 PM

It comes down to this:


If you own a Wii U and plan on buying a 720 / PS4 or even gaming PC then you are golden. Best of both worlds.


If you own a Wii U and expect it to supply you with all the latest and greatest games that will be coming out in the next few years, then you are sadly mistaken.


/end thread

Yeah most people are going to have a Wii U and a PC for the most part.  There are people who simply prefer Nintendo games, I'll never understand why they limit themselves so, but they are out there.


Me personally, the Wii U will be my console of choice, along with my 3DS.  If there is something I either can't get or don't want on Wii U that is a multiplat, I'll get it on Steam.


If Sony show some really good exclusive games at e3 I'll start getting hyped for the PS4, until then, skepticsville for me.

#134 BlueBlur


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 02:25 PM

It comes down to this:
If you own a Wii U and plan on buying a 720 / PS4 or even gaming PC then you golden. Best of both worlds.
If you own a Wii U and expect it to supply you with all the latest and greatest games that will be coming out in the next few years, then you are sadly mistaken.
/end thread

I already play my 3DS more than my Wii, 360, PS3 and Wii U combined, all i need is some 3DS Pokemon games and then im golden for Next-gen B)

Edited by VGCrasher, 29 March 2013 - 02:27 PM.

#135 3Dude



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 03:27 PM

GAMER1984, on 29 Mar 2013 - 07:52, said:Yeah it didn't look as good as the PC version... But the rumors are its not running on final hardware which won't be available until summer. I don't know I would love to see that running on final Wii U just to compare. I'm really not a graphics whore but I hate to see devs not push a system and give us crap. I just want comparable graphics on my Nintendo home console. Give me another GameCube that's all I want the wii u to be GameCube 2 but right now what we have seen its not looking good.

Eh, epics confirmed its going to be pretty bad.

The ps4 cant support ur4's main light rendering technology: Sparse Voxel Octree Global Illumination, (developed by Andrew Scheidecker at Epic.)


Heres a whole press release where epic splooges over how its what makes ur4 so damn amazing. (and that its not even close to being the most demanding effect...)

And heres where epic admits it wont be coming to ps4, instead, last gen techniques will be used with higher textures thanks to increased ram, to simulate the effect via good old prebaking instead of real time.


Edited by 3Dude, 29 March 2013 - 03:28 PM.



#136 routerbad



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 03:29 PM

GAMER1984, on 29 Mar 2013 - 07:52, said:Yeah it didn't look as good as the PC version... But the rumors are its not running on final hardware which won't be available until summer. I don't know I would love to see that running on final Wii U just to compare. I'm really not a graphics whore but I hate to see devs not push a system and give us crap. I just want comparable graphics on my Nintendo home console. Give me another GameCube that's all I want the wii u to be GameCube 2 but right now what we have seen its not looking good.

Eh, epics confirmed its going to be pretty bad.

The ps4 cant support ur4's main light rendering technology: Sparse Voxel Octree Global Illumination, (developed by Andrew Scheidecker at Epic.)


Heres a whole press release where epic splooges over how its what makes ur4 so damn amazing. (and that its not even close to being the most demanding effect...)

And heres where epic admits it wont be coming to ps4, instead, last gen techniques will be used with higher textures thanks to increased ram, to simulate the effect via good old prebaking instead of real time.


3Dude, you really do have your finger on the pulse.

#137 GAMER1984



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 03:38 PM

Damn at this point give me something zelda HD demoish

#138 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:13 PM

God some of these devloping companies are just plain lazy, I'm getting to the point where I hope an industry crash happens, It might sort some of these assh**es out, I think one needs to happen every so often just to wake people up and let us start fresh.

#139 Gamejunkie



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:34 PM

Man, and I thought the Wii U couldn't look any worse. When you have game developers start to actually laugh out loud at the mention of the "Wii U" you know things are bad.
If UE3 was any indication of how popular UE4 will be in the next few years, then it's seriously over for the Wii U. Ha, what a joke of a console, seriously. Also, saying that UE4 is catered to "Next-Gen" makes me ROFL as the poor Wii U sits with ZERO 3rd party support going into 2014.
Don't worry guys... you'll have Mario to save you!


So, I'm assuming every single Nintendo fan who has bought the same exact Mario game over the last 20 years is "Hardcore" ?

Talk about trolling these forums.

#140 Keviin



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:38 PM

Sigh.. rainbow hit the fan. Again.
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