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No Hate - But People Are Taking Another Look @ Wii U

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#21 NintendoReport



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Posted 22 May 2013 - 11:37 AM

It looks like Nintendo ONE this poll.

pun intended lol. nice WON !

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#22 Happy Monk

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 12:04 PM

People really are just waiting for the Wii U to pick up some awesome first party games. And maybe for it to go cheaper.

Bring the noise.

#23 Cozmo


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 12:44 PM

I actually thought the interface of the new Xbox was kind of cool. Id probably be to lazy to do any of it tho lol. Wat are you guys seeing that's so bad with the new xbox? I'm not trying to defnd it or anything. I'm just curious. I'm sticking with Nintendo all the way.

Edited by Cozmo, 22 May 2013 - 12:52 PM.

#24 Rockodoodle


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 01:01 PM

I actually thought the interface of the new Xbox was kind of cool. Id probably be to lazy to do any of it tho lol. Wat are you guys seeing that's so bad with the new xbox? I'm not trying to defnd it or anything. I'm just curious. I'm sticking with Nintendo all the way.


Nothing bad at all-just that it seems that most of the upgrades, improvements have more to do with overall entertainment and don't really improve the gaming experience.  It might have more memory and a faster chip, but is it that much better in terms of playablilty? I'm not kicking myself b/c I got the Wii U now instead of waiting for this release......

#25 Byakuya Togami

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 01:02 PM

And they are the only ones.  Wii U will also have several AAA titles releasing this fall, during the xbox launch.  Microsoft did not mention the budget with their "15 games" that are coming, I doubt that as many as 6 will be AAA games, maybe one or two, those are all exclusives.


Everyone seems to be missing my point. Somehow, the Xbox 360 managed on very little exclusivity. I've never even once said that the Wii U will sell less than the One. In fact, I think that this will likely be just another repeat of the last generation, with perhaps Microsoft doing slightly worse than last gen due to what they've been imposing.


My point is that it's got some things going for it. If Sony managed to do alright with the PS3 with a ridiculously high launch price, I'm sure Microsoft can do the same, even with their ridiculously greedy used games fee and DRM.

#26 Cozmo


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 01:08 PM

Nothing bad at all-just that it seems that most of the upgrades, improvements have more to do with overall entertainment and don't really improve the gaming experience.  It might have more memory and a faster chip, but is it that much better in terms of playablilty? I'm not kicking myself b/c I got the Wii U now instead of waiting for this release......

I noticed that too. That's y I say the wiiu will offer the best in gameplay experience. I was just expecting more people to like it rather than hate lol

#27 BrandedSwordsman



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Posted 22 May 2013 - 01:13 PM

I actually thought the interface of the new Xbox was kind of cool. Id probably be to lazy to do any of it tho lol. Wat are you guys seeing that's so bad with the new xbox? I'm not trying to defnd it or anything. I'm just curious. I'm sticking with Nintendo all the way.



#28 routerbad



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Posted 22 May 2013 - 01:32 PM

Everyone seems to be missing my point. Somehow, the Xbox 360 managed on very little exclusivity. I've never even once said that the Wii U will sell less than the One. In fact, I think that this will likely be just another repeat of the last generation, with perhaps Microsoft doing slightly worse than last gen due to what they've been imposing.


My point is that it's got some things going for it. If Sony managed to do alright with the PS3 with a ridiculously high launch price, I'm sure Microsoft can do the same, even with their ridiculously greedy used games fee and DRM.

I missed your point because the post I quoted did not drive home the point you are now making, one I agree with.

#29 Zinix



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Posted 22 May 2013 - 01:43 PM

While Mircosoft at the moment is under water right now for stupid decisions (No backwards compatibility, no used-game support, focusing on the casual market, online requirement) they shouldn't be counted out yet. Since what Microsoft showed us was a glimpse of what they have in-store for at the E3 event, we need to have higher expectations.   The Wii U isn't doing so hot right now either, it sold at least 6,000 (probably more) units in Japan last week, a drought of games, and arguably the worst launch in recent memory for a home console. Microsoft's direction with the Xbox One is completely different from the 360's approach, now they are trying to reach out to the casual gamer more than they did before. I have an idea of what Microsoft has planned for E3, and if it's isn't like what I hope, then this system is doomed to fail miserably while 360 users migrated to the the Wii U and PS4.


Wait until their conference happens, that conclude with your decision, you make yourself like utterly foolish and ridiculous by rushing to a conclusion.  

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#30 MorbidGod


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 01:50 PM

No one is going to mention the astounding lack of third party support for the Wii U, while the Xbox One will have more than six AAA games released within 12 months of its launch? Microsoft has companies like EA and other big name third parties backing them. Also, Gears of War and Halo are system sellers.

Wii U had a lot of third party support too. It faded. So can for the Xbox One (however unlikely, the whole used game policy is anti consumer pro publisher).
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#31 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 01:56 PM

Wii U had a lot of third party support too. It faded. So can for the Xbox One (however unlikely, the whole used game policy is anti consumer pro publisher).

WAIT! Did they actually go with always online and anti used games! I thought that was all stupid rumours!


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#32 Happy Monk

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 02:16 PM

While Mircosoft at the moment is under water right now for stupid decisions (No backwards compatibility, no used-game support, focusing on the casual market, online requirement) they shouldn't be counted out yet. Since what Microsoft showed us was a glimpse of what they have in-store for at the E3 event, we need to have higher expectations.   The Wii U isn't doing so hot right now either, it sold at least 6,000 (probably more) units in Japan last week, a drought of games, and arguably the worst launch in recent memory for a home console. Microsoft's direction with the Xbox One is completely different from the 360's approach, now they are trying to reach out to the casual gamer more than they did before. I have an idea of what Microsoft has planned for E3, and if it's isn't like what I hope, then this system is doomed to fail miserably while 360 users migrated to the the Wii U and PS4.


Wait until their conference happens, that conclude with your decision, you make yourself like utterly foolish and ridiculous by rushing to a conclusion.  

The Wii U actually had a rather successful launch, second only to the Wii's. It's since Christmas ended it hasn't been selling... Immediate post launch is where it's falling down.

Bring the noise.

#33 TheUltimateWaddleDee


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 02:40 PM

WAIT! Did they actually go with always online and anti used games! I thought that was all stupid rumours!

You have to connect to the internet once every 24 hours to use it. When you buy a game and play it, it installs to the hard drive, and the disc becomes useless. It locks that game to the account. If you want to play it on another account or system, you have to pay a fee (most likely the price of the game), so it's like buying the game again. This will cause used games to cost more than new (some to buy it from the store and some to pay Microsoft). It's a not good business move considering thaf their competition will allow used games.

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#34 Cozmo


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 04:04 PM

You have to connect to the internet once every 24 hours to use it. When you buy a game and play it, it installs to the hard drive, and the disc becomes useless. It locks that game to the account. If you want to play it on another account or system, you have to pay a fee (most likely the price of the game), so it's like buying the game again. This will cause used games to cost more than new (some to buy it from the store and some to pay Microsoft). It's a not good business move considering thaf their competition will allow used games.

Wow I wonder if this will f**k them over or are people too loyal to care.

I agree with him. I can't believe Microsof is doing this. I was confused at first as to why he wanted "Death" to off TV play BC it one of my favorite features, but after hearing his reasoning, I agree. Tho I still want off TV play, I would like games to use the gampad to its fullest.

Edited by Cozmo, 22 May 2013 - 04:06 PM.

#35 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 04:08 PM

You have to connect to the internet once every 24 hours to use it. When you buy a game and play it, it installs to the hard drive, and the disc becomes useless. It locks that game to the account. If you want to play it on another account or system, you have to pay a fee (most likely the price of the game), so it's like buying the game again. This will cause used games to cost more than new (some to buy it from the store and some to pay Microsoft). It's a not good business move considering thaf their competition will allow used games.

HOLY CRAPTHAT IS STUPID!! PEOPLE WERE RIGHT, Xbox is dooooooomed!!! Screw Microsoft!


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#36 Cozmo


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 04:16 PM

So what happens if you don't connect it to the internet once a day?

#37 A W Reezy

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 04:34 PM

So what happens if you don't connect it to the internet once a day?


You get a visit from Steve Ballmer and he steals your first born and smacks your wife.

#38 DexterousGecko


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 05:08 PM

the sad part of this is that people use it to say just how bad the xbox one is going to be, that people would go so far as to buy a Wii U. It's not a compliment for the Wii U people.

#39 Bonac


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 05:11 PM

You get a visit from Steve Ballmer and he steals your first born and smacks your wife.

Thats amazing lmaoooo....

#40 ZombiCarolyn



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Posted 22 May 2013 - 05:19 PM

Nintendo > god


but mfs don't know

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