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The Wii U should have been as powerful as the Xbox one.

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#41 ccccombo



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Posted 14 June 2013 - 12:21 PM

Lol @this thread.

Wii u games looked awesome. Mario and Mario Katy characters looked like something from a Pixar movie.

Smash is very early and already on its way to achieving picaresque character models.

X and bayonetta were insane.

Basically the wii u looks nearly as powerful as x1 right now.

Ps4 trumps both in the power department and that was evident.

But wii u is right up there despot being cheaper and a year older.

The x1 graphics concerned me actually. Metal gear was a lot less impressive than I hoped. Titanfsll looks ok.

Ryse looked really good.

But nothing looked like the Division or anything.

I don't see how anyone can possibly come away anything but excited about how wii u games look when built specifically for wii u.

The games look gorgeous and truly next gen.

Great job Nintendo.

Now the third parties can take notice.


Quoted for truth.


Yeah the games look amazing now but what if they're already pushing it too it's limit? It's a scary thought that those awesome looking ps4 games are just launch games!


Those 'awesome looking' ps4 games are full of CGI cut scenes masquerading as gameplay. Sony has been using that trick since the PS2's reveal. Also, you're too quick to dismiss the awesomeness of X and Bayonetta 2, among others (WW HD, in 1080 60fps, at times looks more beautiful than any PS4 game). If those games don't look good enough for a $300 console, you're simply, absolutely insane.


It is releated!, because if the wii u had decent power, then other devs would make games for it, even port  multiplatform games, porting games easily and quickly without spending a few years learning  how to gain all the consoles power requires the destination console to be more powerful, much like when 360 games get ported to PC, the wii u is not underpowered compared to the 360, but is when you need to do direct ports quickly, devs had a few years to get to know the ps3 and 360 so they have no issues, The Wii does not have the luxury of time now, especially now the 2 powerhouses xbox one and ps4 are coming, the wii u is left behind! I am so disappointed and feel ROBBED!!!!


How can you feel robbed? You sound like you're 8 years old. There's no way you were the one who paid for the Wii U.


Because I would have gladly forked out an extra $100 on a system that can produce more visually impressive games. It also would have made things much easier in the systems life 3/4 years down the track when we are trying to get 3rd party ports over.


You're in the minority there, buddy. At $400 and with no Gamepad, the Wii U would have sold far fewer consoles. It wouldn't have had more third-party support, since those companies still would have played this 'wait and see' game. Worse, the first-year Wii U versions of multiplatformers still would have only looked on par with the PS360 versions, due to developer's time constraints and/or laziness (which is the reason they only looked on-par). Lower system sales = earlier that third-parties give up. You would not have been happier in that scenario.


I wouldn't trade the Gamepad for $100 worth of more RAM. The Gamepad makes the Wii U what it is. It's an amazingly useful interface, and the greatest controller of all time.


We know pretty much everything about its gameplay. You dont know anything.... Probably because you didnt play its predecessor.

Visual prowess doesnt scale linearly with the increase of the systems power, unfortunately, its quite the opposite.

Welcome to the law of diminishing returns.


I see a big difference between High and Low on Crysis 1, but Crysis 3 looks identical on either side. I'm not familiar with that series, could you elaborate what you mean to say with that example?

#42 syks-1


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 12:49 PM

man theres some delusional people on here

#43 Zinix



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Posted 14 June 2013 - 01:41 PM

Yeah the games look amazing now but what if they're already pushing it too it's limit? It's a scary thought that those awesome looking ps4 games are just launch games!


Only 1 GB is used for games WII U and 7 for PS4.

Yet the PS4 won't be using those 7 for games. 

man theres some delusional people on here

Instead of saying people are delusional, why don't you try to argue your point? 

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#44 3Dude



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Posted 14 June 2013 - 01:49 PM

I see a big difference between High and Low on Crysis 1, but Crysis 3 looks identical on either side. I'm not familiar with that series, could you elaborate what you mean to say with that example?

Thats the exact point of the example. its called diminishing returns.

You cant tell much of a difference, but the amount of power it takes to produce the very high crysis 3 screen over the low crysis 3 screen absolutely dwarfs the amount of power it takes to get to the crysis 1 very high screen from the low settings screen.

Except, most people cant tell the difference past a certain point. Diminishing returns.




#45 Crispy Bacon

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Posted 14 June 2013 - 01:54 PM


Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2 and X look absolutely insane. I have no worries. And this is just the beginning. Nintendo's output will only get better. If third-parties put in the same effort with their offerings and truly take advantage of the U's capabilities, Wii U will stand tall and proud. Sure, the other machines have more under the hood, but the Wii U has shown that it can produce some amazing results. It's all about the games and Nintendo always delivers. I tremble in excitement and anticipation for Metroid and Zelda. I can't wait!
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#46 CrimsonDivine


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 02:06 PM

I couldn't believe it was Mario Kart when I first saw the trailer.


#47 MorbidGod


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 02:22 PM

Yeah the games look amazing now but what if they're already pushing it too it's limit? It's a scary thought that those awesome looking ps4 games are just launch games!

I seriously doubt the Wii U is being pushed to it's limits. And remember, I was one of those saying the Wii U is capable of graphics like Bayonetta 2 and X showed, when people here were saying it can't even run current generation graphics.

Will the PS4 be capable of more details? Of course. Your an idiot if you think anything else. But the Wii U is going to be able to run any engine that developers will use this generation. It's a year old, that's all.

But again, X1 and PS4 will be more capable. It's like the Wii U is mid level, and the X1 and PS4 are higher, mid level PC's.
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#48 grahamf


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 02:42 PM

Because I would have gladly forked out an extra $100 on a system that can produce more visually impressive games. It also would have made things much easier in the systems life 3/4 years down the track when we are trying to get 3rd party ports over.

I wouldn't have. I still have to upgrade to a 1080p tv. and my current 51" 1080i tv is perfectly fine, despite not having enough HD inputs to connect the Wii U to.



#49 EvilMoogle



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Posted 14 June 2013 - 03:40 PM

We know pretty much everything about its gameplay. You dont know anything.... Probably because you didnt play its predecessor.

Visual prowess doesnt scale linearly with the increase of the systems power, unfortunately, its quite the opposite.

Welcome to the law of diminishing returns.



It's a shame people still don't understand this concept. I have a high-end PC from digital storm and as much as I hate to admit it I don't really see a huge difference in playing for example Skyrim on my PC and watching my friend play it on his Xbox 360 same goes with Bioshock Infinite. Now, obviously my PC versions looks better but in general the games run the same and feel the same because there just isn't a huge leap at the moment.


#50 TheUltimateWaddleDee


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 04:32 PM

Thats the exact point of the example. its called diminishing returns.

You cant tell much of a difference, but the amount of power it takes to produce the very high crysis 3 screen over the low crysis 3 screen absolutely dwarfs the amount of power it takes to get to the crysis 1 very high screen from the low settings screen.

Except, most people cant tell the difference past a certain point. Diminishing returns.


I have been saying this ever since the Wii U was announced. Technological leaps will only get smaller from here on out.

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#51 ccccombo



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Posted 14 June 2013 - 10:36 PM

Thats the exact point of the example. its called diminishing returns.

You cant tell much of a difference, but the amount of power it takes to produce the very high crysis 3 screen over the low crysis 3 screen absolutely dwarfs the amount of power it takes to get to the crysis 1 very high screen from the low settings screen.

Except, most people cant tell the difference past a certain point. Diminishing returns.



So then, everyone should be able to agree here that the difference between Wii U and PS4 is like the High and Low settings on Crysis 3. There will be occasions when developers use PS4's extra power just for the sake of showing off what it can do (I hate stuff like that, personally - I don't want to play tech demos!), but 99% of the time there won't be a significant difference, and what difference there is will enhance how FUN a game is exactly 0% of the time.

#52 Penguin101


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 11:43 PM

The Wii U graphically is fine. I do wish that they had shoved in an extra CPU core, and more RAM for third party developers 4GB would have been nice. I think when third party games get impossible to port to because they wont fit on 1GB of RAM, Nintendo will need a new console. However seeing the games such as Mario Kart, Smash Bros and Wind Waker are all rendered natively at 1080p and 60FPS on the hardware they have, and at that kind of detail.


Just take a look at that screenshot from SSB for Wii U, that's one badass link, I'd compl;etely but Zelda U if Link looks like this, just amazing detail for a Smash Bros game!



Edited by Penguin101, 14 June 2013 - 11:45 PM.

#53 Mewbot


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Posted 15 June 2013 - 12:06 AM

Only 1 GB is used for games WII U and 7 for PS4.

I'm expecting the wii u's OS to be streamlined in the future to allow more RAM for use. Remember, though, the PS3 had RAM in use for it's OS too.


Also, the Wii U is running games in 1080p 60fps, do you see the PS4 running games in anything higher than that? No. *cough*law of diminishing yet again*cough*

Edited by R00bot, 15 June 2013 - 12:10 AM.


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#54 SoldMyWiiU



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Posted 15 June 2013 - 12:09 AM

I'm expecting the wii u's OS to be streamlined in the future to allow more RAM for use. Remember, though, the PS3 had RAM in use for it's OS too.

I hope so.

#55 Mewbot


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Posted 15 June 2013 - 12:14 AM

I hope so.

I hope so too. It just seems to me like an OS like that surely can't be using a full gigabyte of RAM, especially since the PS3 OS used just 50 MB of RAM and was arguably better (apart from the multitasking part).

Edited by R00bot, 17 June 2013 - 07:54 PM.


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#56 Pjsprojects


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Posted 15 June 2013 - 01:10 AM

This thread seems daft to me, i have seen nothing on the Xbone that out shines the WiiU stuff! the Xbone is very dragged down with all it's clutter they added.

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#57 Mewbot


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Posted 15 June 2013 - 02:12 AM

This thread seems daft to me, i have seen nothing on the Xbone that out shines the WiiU stuff! the Xbone is very dragged down with all it's clutter they added.

My thoughts exactly. X looks better graphically than anything that the Xbone has shown us.


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#58 Distractionwolf


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Posted 15 June 2013 - 08:31 AM

I'm not so sure it would have mattered. Two important patterns we see in gaming history; one is that the most powerful console is never the winner. Master System was more potent than the NES. SNES had a bit more juice than the Genesis (I know that's a controversial one in the "who won" arguments department. Most people would say its a tie, having reviewed the Genesis and its library extensively I argue Genesis won in sales by a few hairs) PS3 trumped 360 and wii in tech but couldn't overcome in sales and is probably the best example of this. Secondly, perception is everything, tech means little, when it comes to numbers. Sadly Nintendo is such a polarized issue most people with a passionate stance one way or the other aren't going to be swayed by tech, the brand has a fixed perception for everyone good or ill. If Wii U had been the most powerful of the 3 I think it would have done nothing but hurt them. On top of all the stigma people who swear by Sony or Microsoft give Nintendo they would now add to it the wasteful price point for technology that will never be fully exploited.


On a side note, I've seen a couple people say the wii u should have had a normal controller. I can see a legitimate complaint in that it will be a hard controller to replace.... Am I the only one though for which the controller was actually the selling point? The wii u controller, weird as that may seem, is my killer app. I love it. And I think its a matter of perception maybe we just aren't ready for it. To understand the wii u one must embrace the concept that the controller is just as much a part of the machine as anything else. It IS the console. Just curious though if the controller was something anyone else got excited about or if I am just nuts.

#59 Nintyfan86



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Posted 15 June 2013 - 10:45 AM

I'm not so sure it would have mattered. Two important patterns we see in gaming history; one is that the most powerful console is never the winner. Master System was more potent than the NES. SNES had a bit more juice than the Genesis (I know that's a controversial one in the "who won" arguments department. Most people would say its a tie, having reviewed the Genesis and its library extensively I argue Genesis won in sales by a few hairs) PS3 trumped 360 and wii in tech but couldn't overcome in sales and is probably the best example of this. Secondly, perception is everything, tech means little, when it comes to numbers. Sadly Nintendo is such a polarized issue most people with a passionate stance one way or the other aren't going to be swayed by tech, the brand has a fixed perception for everyone good or ill. If Wii U had been the most powerful of the 3 I think it would have done nothing but hurt them. On top of all the stigma people who swear by Sony or Microsoft give Nintendo they would now add to it the wasteful price point for technology that will never be fully exploited.


On a side note, I've seen a couple people say the wii u should have had a normal controller. I can see a legitimate complaint in that it will be a hard controller to replace.... Am I the only one though for which the controller was actually the selling point? The wii u controller, weird as that may seem, is my killer app. I love it. And I think its a matter of perception maybe we just aren't ready for it. To understand the wii u one must embrace the concept that the controller is just as much a part of the machine as anything else. It IS the console. Just curious though if the controller was something anyone else got excited about or if I am just nuts.

Very valid points! I could not agree more with the factual analysis in your first paragraph. 


Your side note-no, your not the only one. I have been PC gaming with a little PS3/Wii on the side since 2010. Before that, I also had a 360. I love FPS/3rdPS, but, the games begin to run together, and you need something in the middle. The PC has some of that, and the Playstation Universe gives you variety, but you are, more or less, going to get better versions of similar concepts. It just gets tiresome. 


The Wii U controller, combined with the Wii Controls (something Nintendo has not really exploited-where is that golf thing from E3 2011?) is a really cool concept.  Don't get me wrong, I would have bought the console if it had an update Gamecube controller. However, the gamepad is pretty awesome. 


I wonder if we would be having this discussion if the games looked like this at launch? Plus, has anyone noticed you can still preorder the machines from Sony and Microsoft online, and get them this year? If you are old like me (27), you remember having to camp out to get a preorder, and those selling it online selling out within minutes. I wonder what's up? 

#60 syks-1


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Posted 15 June 2013 - 12:42 PM

xbox one and ps4 games looked waaaay better than what wii u showed at e3,are you all mad???

one of the best wii u had to offer ages after release



ps4 launch game



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