I agree with your comments. And 3dude and certain other people just seem like putting people down and make out like they're gods gift to gaming. Too many people here seem to defend 3dude out of blindness thinking he is is so clever with what he says when anyone can do research on the Internet and come up with the same information and wording.
Yes, yes they could, if they put the tiniest microcosm of effort into their idle opinion they could back it facts or find out it doesnt hold any weight with reality. Its almost like im constantly telling people to put in some effort and support their opinions. But they never do.
As for this game it is overrated and shallow not to mention technically flawed.
It hasnt even been rated yet, shallow is factually wrong, as well as technically flawed.
Drawing whether on the screen or using an analogue stick is not precise in the least and hit or miss.
No, its actually completely rock solid, you just suck, and have your head shoved way too far up your rectum to even consider changing your self fulfilling prophecy. They are the same drawing controls critically and unanimously praised with platinum/clovers previous game Okami, which recieved over 30 awards, many for its innovative 'celestial brush' mechanic, which is reborn as unite morph here. Its also much faster and simpler to draw than okami.
Plus there is often lots of stuff going on on the screen the graphics don't help in keeping track of whats going on.
Those statements are completely unrelated. Your brain cant keep track with whats going on. Probably because you dont understand what you are doing.
Too many people are justifying this game because its a Wii U exclusive and they are counting on it to be a saviours for the Wii U when there is no way its going to be.
No, thats a narrative you completely made up born of ignorance and bias.
If youll notice, these people are ALL clover/platinum fans, who follow the great games from ps2 to cube to wii to 360/ps3.
The reason we KNOW you are full of crap and just suckis because unlike you, we know where this game came from. W101 isnt just some game that fell out of nowhere made by nobodies and just happens to be a wii u exclusive.
It comes from a looooooooooong line of critically and user acclaimed games praised for the very mechanics and deep gameplay in thew101 you are trying to pass off as shallow and technically flawed, except refined with over a decade of experience.
We know you are full of crap, because if what you are trying to say is true here, it would be true for every other clover/platinum/kamiyah game they are featured in.

It may sell a few thousand or even hundred thousand copies but its not going to be a system seller or save the Wii U. Its too much of a niche games for that. And that is the problem with Platinum and Clover games. They are way to obscure and are part of a niche genre to sell well enough to have any impact.
Who are you even talking to. Only one single person, has claimed this.
If people like this game and are planning on buying it then that's fine but this game is not one of those top notch AAA games.
AAA is a bracket designation for a production advertising budget, you poor brainwashed tool. It has absolutely nothing to do with a game being top notch. In fact, since the bloated business model has started flooding the market with them, a great many AAA games now are complete garbage.