The stick drawing is completly responsive and easy
you guys suck
Again, this could be that its because I did it with my finger.
Posted 11 August 2013 - 01:04 PM
The stick drawing is completly responsive and easy
you guys suck
Again, this could be that its because I did it with my finger.
“Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete.”— Rod Serling, “The Twilight Zone” The Obsolete Man
Smoke meth. Hail Satan. Watch the yearly Twilight Zone marathons. Talk to dead people. Everyone is gay. Ignore people. Live life to the fullest.
Posted 11 August 2013 - 01:31 PM
Should I be more specific? Should I posts pictures for you to understand me better? I never, ever said in any of my posts that I had trouble figuring out the controls. I said in my original post:
"The controls are pretty awful.' " The line drawing stuff is pretty unresponsive" Thinking the controls are pretty mediocre is completely different from not knowing how to play the game. You need to chill out, you're hulking SMASHING your keyboard and trying to breakdown anyone's posts that don't like this game. It's a opinion. Nobody will ever share the same one. Just because you found the controls to be well for you doesn't mean that others won't. There's plenty of people that think the controls are complete trash. Does that mean they couldn't figure how the game plays?
You need to relax, take a chill pill, and stop getting upset over a forum. I think the concept of the game itself is good and original, but the lackluster control hurt it.
Posted 11 August 2013 - 01:38 PM
Of course you arent going to say it.
And yes, thats exactly what it means when you have games with incredibly tight controls and a high skill demand.
If you dont think its controlling well, you are VERY clearly doing it wrong.
And sure. Take pictures, put up video so I can show you what you are doing wrong. 100% garuntee I can make an essay out of everything you are doing wrong. Or, if you post a vid of you playing like a champ,switching between multiple lock ons, flying across the screen and back using lock dashing, while creating an opening for attacking big enemies (dodge countering, guard breaking, blocking, viewtiful joe style dazed enemy missile hitting) leading into a juggle scoring 30-40-50 hit combos or higher with air to ground and back to air juggles switching from fist to launch to gun juggle, dodge cancels and come back up for a multi sword/gun/fist finish, and end the demo with a pure platinum trophy. Then yeah I will accept that you know how to play and you are saying the controls are bad with the experience for it to actually mean something.
But as it stands, I dont think you have any idea how to effectively do much of that at all.
And NO, I have not gone after everybody who states they dont like the game. Plenty have stated they dont like it and thats that.
Only those who attempt to go out of their way to 'prove' the games controls are bad, and stating people who actually can control it are just overhyping fanboys get hit with the fact stick.
Of course I'm not going to say it? You're putting words in my mouth. Why would I agree to something I never said unless I was suffering from some mental disorder?
You take things too literal. You just argue for the sake of winning arguments sometimes. I'm not continuing this further because it's a frivolous argument. It's a MATTER of perspective. Even Kamiya himself wouldn't go to this length to defend his games, because he doesn't know that they aren't perfect. Your perspective of the game is simply different from when I played it. Kamiya knows that not everyone finds all his game as perfect; only the hardcore fanboys do.
The end, if you want to argue with someone meaninglessly for hours upon hours, I'm not that guy. Argue with Desert Punk. People are always going to find a flaw with a game, stop taking it so literal and personal. I'm not trying to prove anything nor am I trying to pursue anyone on here to side with me. It's a matter of PERSPECTIVE/OPINION. Not everyone is going to find everyone Wii U game as excellently as you do.
“Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete.”— Rod Serling, “The Twilight Zone” The Obsolete Man
Smoke meth. Hail Satan. Watch the yearly Twilight Zone marathons. Talk to dead people. Everyone is gay. Ignore people. Live life to the fullest.
Posted 11 August 2013 - 01:39 PM
I advise everyone to watch this playthrough of the demo.
He really shows nearly every aspect of it and explains everything he is doing.
Truly shows how immersive this game is and shows the kind of skill needed to start thinking about doing it on hard mode and up.
Posted 11 August 2013 - 02:05 PM
Of course I'm not going to say it? You're putting words in my mouth. Why would I agree to something I never said unless I was suffering from some mental disorder?
You take things too literal. You just argue for the sake of winning arguments sometimes. I'm not continuing this further because it's a frivolous argument. It's a MATTER of perspective. Even Kamiya himself wouldn't go to this length to defend his games, because he doesn't know that they aren't perfect. Your perspective of the game is simply different from when I played it. Kamiya knows that not everyone finds all his game as perfect; only the hardcore fanboys do.
The end, if you want to argue with someone meaninglessly for hours upon hours, I'm not that guy. Argue with Desert Punk. People are always going to find a flaw with a game, stop taking it so literal and personal. I'm not trying to prove anything nor am I trying to pursue anyone on here to side with me. It's a matter of PERSPECTIVE/OPINION. Not everyone is going to find everyone Wii U game as excellently as you do.
The controls are pretty awful.
Can I play this with a pro controller? The line drawing stuff is pretty unresponsive. I also didn't like the camera angle. You guys really need to stop hyping up every game like its the second-coming of Jesus Christ. I'll probably rent it and that's it.
Posted 11 August 2013 - 02:52 PM
Same people with the same elitism as they had with monster hunter.Of course I'm not going to say it? You're putting words in my mouth. Why would I agree to something I never said unless I was suffering from some mental disorder?
You take things too literal. You just argue for the sake of winning arguments sometimes. I'm not continuing this further because it's a frivolous argument. It's a MATTER of perspective. Even Kamiya himself wouldn't go to this length to defend his games, because he doesn't know that they aren't perfect. Your perspective of the game is simply different from when I played it. Kamiya knows that not everyone finds all his game as perfect; only the hardcore fanboys do.
The end, if you want to argue with someone meaninglessly for hours upon hours, I'm not that guy. Argue with Desert Punk. People are always going to find a flaw with a game, stop taking it so literal and personal. I'm not trying to prove anything nor am I trying to pursue anyone on here to side with me. It's a matter of PERSPECTIVE/OPINION. Not everyone is going to find everyone Wii U game as excellently as you do.
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Posted 11 August 2013 - 03:01 PM
Same people with the same elitism as they had with monster hunter.
Posted 11 August 2013 - 03:06 PM
Edited by Socalmuscle, 11 August 2013 - 03:07 PM.
Posted 11 August 2013 - 05:31 PM
My 8 and 9 year olds have pretty much mastered this game in two days. its not that hard it just takes longer for some than others.
Posted 11 August 2013 - 06:43 PM
demo was cool, but i had trouble switching between heroes. i drew the shape but it didnt change, and i kept getting the blue guy with his big sword....
Posted 11 August 2013 - 06:48 PM
demo was cool, but i had trouble switching between heroes. i drew the shape but it didnt change, and i kept getting the blue guy with his big sword....
You'll get accused of having trouble of figuring out the controls. Careful.
“Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete.”— Rod Serling, “The Twilight Zone” The Obsolete Man
Smoke meth. Hail Satan. Watch the yearly Twilight Zone marathons. Talk to dead people. Everyone is gay. Ignore people. Live life to the fullest.
Posted 11 August 2013 - 06:50 PM
Actually, every clover/platinum game has done exactly what you requested since viewtiful joe.
So will this. It wont just hurl you into the middle of the game like the demo. Im honestly not looking forward to it and hope it can be skipped/turned off. Oh well.
Ohm, Go into the pause menu, to the second menu and equip the rainbow colored 'full auto'. The computer will begin assisting you with combos, and even block or dodge for you sometimes.
also, the "we need a tutorial" argument shows why today's gamers cant beat the first super mario game: no instinct left (specially considering they have mentioned how to play the game each time they have mentioned it on nintendo directs, there are gameplay videos on youtube and even there is the platinum games' blog dedicated to the game where they take you by the hand on getting into the game mechanics)
Edited by Lebon14, 11 August 2013 - 06:51 PM.
Posted 11 August 2013 - 07:05 PM
I love doing the combo attacks its my favorite especially the sword and fist. My favorite single attack is the gun though its just awesome.
Posted 11 August 2013 - 07:23 PM
Edited by Aplg8, 11 August 2013 - 07:25 PM.
Posted 11 August 2013 - 08:19 PM
Well, if they all do it, why not include it in the demo with an option to skip direct to the action? I know that you want to give as much as a preview as possible but you don't want to throw off your future possible players either.
Dont know what you are referring too.Also, OH SORRY FOR MISSING an option.
I also tried mixing this stuff and pressing the Y button did JACK CRAP.
Im not even sure what the middle of this is supposed to mean, but the quote function doesnt always work correctly for mobile browsers/wii u.Finally, use the 'quote' tag, it looks like you copy me. Exemple dialog:
If that was your intention, that was totally immature and unfit for a moderator. Everybody got opinion.
Mine may be biased because the game scared me off so I stopped playing after 15 minutes and I may have not used all the options available. And I did try to check the gamepad help and tried to make use of the tips that appeared here and there the most possible but I was still scared off and unable to play jackcrap. And it was on Easy.
demo was cool, but i had trouble switching between heroes. i drew the shape but it didnt change, and i kept getting the blue guy with his big sword....
Posted 11 August 2013 - 08:41 PM
This:Dont know what you are referring too.
But I just realized that you weren't talking to me.Ohm, Go into the pause menu, to the second menu and equip the rainbow colored 'full auto'. The computer will begin assisting you with combos, and even block or dodge for you sometimes.
Icons lit up on the right side and figured that I used enough ingredients but... it didn't work for some reason. Like the game explained to me how it worked anyway.Probably because you didnt have enough ingrediants. All it gives you are consumables that the demo gives you like candy anyways.
If the [ quote] tag failed then, oh ok. You have ever had this person repeating what you say to annoy the crap out of you? That's what supposed to mean but if the browser is at fault, well, discard that part completely.Im not even sure what the middle of this is supposed to mean, but the quote function doesnt always work correctly for mobile browsers/wii u.
Thanks and thanks again for the tip. However, I'm scared off for good. Last time it happened, it was when I was playing Half-Life 2 and there was this long tongue hanging-from-the-ceiling monsters around a corner. It had been a while since I saw one of those guys so I took for granted that they disappeared for good. So, I turned a corner quick and one of those was RIGHT there and scared the crap out of me, so much that I shot a full clip of pistol at it. After that gaming session, I never played the game again. FACT.Thats cool dude, you arent trying to tell people who do enjoy it that they are full of crap and its a bad game, just because you personally are having trouble/scared off. Theres a pretty big difference between what you've posted and what certain other people have.
If you go into the options, under the second tab labeled 'custom' there should be four gems you can equip, the last one will be rainbowy, its called 'full auto', if you equip that, the cpu will help you out with some of the combos, and even blocking sometimes. Should make the game a little less intimidating.
Posted 11 August 2013 - 09:09 PM
i had trouble switching between heroes.
Posted 11 August 2013 - 09:19 PM
Switching between heroes is easy you draw a new weapon thats it folks come on now....
Posted 11 August 2013 - 10:32 PM
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Posted 11 August 2013 - 10:57 PM
Looks like there is something special in Platinum games only their fans could understand and, guess what - they're not that many. It's not the company having a curse, it is it just sucking pretty hard.
Just kidding, don't overreact again. But they shouldn't have published such an elaborate game to the mass public because they aren't nearly as many Platinum Games fans owning a Wii U as the company needs to sell the game successfully. It may be a great game but judging by the comments it's complexity is putting people off. We don't live in the '90s anymore when you had to use your brain to beat a game, nowadays people are too lazy to play a game like the W101 the way it is meant to be played.
Honestly... I don't think it's overly complicated in a hard to play way. And I'm saying it as someone who scored very poorly by the end of the demo lol. The only flaw of the demo was dropping you right into the action, with the only obvious help for noobs being short on screen hints, no time to practice one feature at a time, with other help being relatively hidden. (visited the menu several times and didn't even realize that there were gems to cheat your way out)
I'm sure the actual game will be easier and less chaotic from the start. So... I think this game can easily have mass appeal in a sort of "easy to learn hard to master" sort of way, even if that means a lot of people who enjoyed the game ends up with bronze trophies or lower lol. This seems to be similar to the whole Monster Hunter demo problem. It was more a demo for previous fans than people looking to get into the series. They did over power you, but you were sorta on your own to figure it all out.
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