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3ds iron fall gears war Mario

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#21 TheUltimateWaddleDee


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Posted 21 November 2013 - 07:51 PM

Vd dev has always been pretty good at making fun good games. Never quite great, but never all flash no substance.

Frederick Zimmer is, er was, the lead technical director of Ubisoft's Watchdogs.

A technical director is precisely, the thing you are looking for to avoid what you are afraid of, a technical director is in charge of not just determining if something is technically possible (he would have very little importance at vd dev for just that, he would be entirely unnecessary), but whether its worthwhile to do from a game perspective, and to further ensure that a game isnt just a tech showpeice, but a worthwhile game as well, to make sure the tech side, and the art side, and the game side make a worthwhile combination. They are often in charge of getting the team together, bogth programming and art teams, and then creating innovative gameplay hooks, and developing new techniques to overcome problems in production.

As a long time consumer of vd dev products, I am actually really looking forward to what Mr. Zimmer is bringing to the table.

This makes me feel a bit better. I haven't played any of their games before, so I don't really know whatbto expect except for a technical marvel. I'm just worried about the replay value, especially with no multiplayer. Even though Kid Icarus had online play, I found myself going back to the singleplayer more because of the risk-reward element the Feind's Cauldron brought. This looks like a game I wouldn't cone back to after a few playthroughs.

I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ordeal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I die with no regrets~Ikaruga Prologue

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: 3ds, iron, fall, gears, war, Mario

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