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Nintendo Direct 12/18 for Spring 2014 Wii U , 3DS

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#81 Aiddon



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 09:56 AM

Was this Direct that good?


I mean, we still have like no release dates. Not one for Mario Kart 8, and not even a time frame for SSB4.


They give you plenty of things to talk about and yet you move the goal posts AGAIN, this time saying "well, we don't release dates though!" Again, like trying to conquer Russia. It's not their fault you're freezing your toes off

#82 Raiden


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Posted 18 December 2013 - 10:09 AM

Hyrule Warriors. Sold Bought and Paid for now. I LOVE those kinds of games and using Zelda for it is an awesome way to shake things up. I am sure there are many raging. But you know what when Nintendo really shakes rainbow up people blow up or love it but in the end most come to love it.

#83 3Dude



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 10:25 AM

You know, I dont care for Rosalina. I dont like her in galaxy, i dont like the way she looks, i dont like the way she sounds....


But the way she PLAYS in smash? Thats awesome. Looks like Zelda has some competition for my smash time.



#84 grahamf


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Posted 18 December 2013 - 10:58 AM

You know, I dont care for Rosalina. I dont like her in galaxy, i dont like the way she looks, i dont like the way she sounds....


But the way she PLAYS in smash? Thats awesome. Looks like Zelda has some competition for my smash time.

You have to remember she's a really old witch. She's not as preppy as the others because she has years of experience, but those years of experience means she kicks ass.



#85 Lightning_Ninja


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Posted 18 December 2013 - 11:37 AM

Never tried the Warriors games but I've always been interested in trying them.  Guess I've got an excuse now.  While I do wish it looked better,  can live.


Nice that we will be getting a free celebi.  One of very few legendaries I've never had.


I wish Bravely default were here already.  I've been wanting it for a long time now.


Interesting about Sonic.  I'll be getting the game soon so I might check out the dlc.


Rosalina looks like an interesting character.  Reminds me of the puppet masters from clash of ninja.  Separate buttons dedicated to the other part, allowing significant attacking from mid range.  Gonna have to have practice with her to beat someone experienced with her.


All in all, better than I was expecting.  Never blew my socks off either, but I can't complain.

#86 NintendoReport



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 12:49 PM

Never tried the Warriors games but I've always been interested in trying them.  Guess I've got an excuse now.  While I do wish it looked better,  can live.


Nice that we will be getting a free celebi.  One of very few legendaries I've never had.


I wish Bravely default were here already.  I've been wanting it for a long time now.


Interesting about Sonic.  I'll be getting the game soon so I might check out the dlc.


Rosalina looks like an interesting character.  Reminds me of the puppet masters from clash of ninja.  Separate buttons dedicated to the other part, allowing significant attacking from mid range.  Gonna have to have practice with her to beat someone experienced with her.


All in all, better than I was expecting.  Never blew my socks off either, but I can't complain.




Warriors Orochi Hyper 3 for Wii U is pretty bad ass, full action. I highly suggest people pick it up and try it out.





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#87 tboss



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 01:15 PM

another zelda its comming place holder. thats great if the current zelda team isnt working on it. hyrule warriors does look fun, also like the art style more than the WW, although the orange guys look out of place in the demo...  roselina is a fine character for smash, proubly will try her out. did notice the galaxy stage though. im hopping they keep galaxy gravity for that stage, will make that stage fun, and i love all the weird and moving stages like that. was hoping for a mariokart release date, looks good, except for 1 map, but hope that turns out well.

#88 DéliopT



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 02:55 PM

Well, X definately has a release date currently planted in 2014... Its shown up as tba 2014 on all the release sheets, its clearly stated as 2014 in the X flash banner on monolith softs official site....

HOWEVER, the game would need to be localized for western audiences, depending on how the games being created, it could either be done paralell, and come out fairly around the same time world widw, or they could monster hunter it and have it come out a year or more later :(.

It could happen that a western release comes later.
Just today Hyrule Warriors was given a 2014 date for Europe and the States and it`s coming this summer in Japan.


Oh i hope not.
I do believe that it won`t release worldwide at the same time, i just hope there isn`t a big difference as to push some dates into 2015.



#89 Guy Fieri

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 03:00 PM

Hyrule Warriors looks really good, I'll probably get it. Also NES Remix is $15, that seems way too much for Wario Ware style mini games.

#90 Envy



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 07:43 PM

They give you plenty of things to talk about and yet you move the goal posts AGAIN, this time saying "well, we don't release dates though!" Again, like trying to conquer Russia. It's not their fault you're freezing your toes off


Okay, so I did I really wanted information for Mario Kart 8, and of course, SSB4, and both of those requests were met.


However, I'm just saying that I don't really understand where your post came from, as I don't really see what negativity this ND really dispelled.




#91 3Dude



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 08:42 PM

another zelda its comming place holder. thats great if the current zelda team isnt working on it. hyrule warriors does look fun, also like the art style more than the WW, although the orange guys look out of place in the demo...  roselina is a fine character for smash, proubly will try her out. did notice the galaxy stage though. im hopping they keep galaxy gravity for that stage, will make that stage fun, and i love all the weird and moving stages like that. was hoping for a mariokart release date, looks good, except for 1 map, but hope that turns out well.

Its being mwde by tecmo koei, not nintendos zelda u team.

The art style is skyward sword, which is where the bokoblin design comes from. This is really a no brainer once you remember the horde battle from skyward sword.

This must take place in one of the great wars of hyrule, and since a link was er, sleeping through the seven year war of oot.... And was alive as a baby during the hylian civil war... The only other wars I can think of is the pre lttp imprisoning war, and the war described in ww in which the hero... Didnt appear and the gods flooded hyrule.... So... you lose at the end?



#92 grahamf


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Posted 18 December 2013 - 09:15 PM

This must take place in one of the great wars of hyrule, and since a link was er, sleeping through the seven year war of oot.... And was alive as a baby during the hylian civil war... The only other wars I can think of is the pre lttp imprisoning war, and the war described in ww in which the hero... Didnt appear and the gods flooded hyrule.... So... you lose at the end?

Who says it has to be canon? And maybe they'll modify the character so it's less like Link and more like a Warrior in the hero's garb.



#93 Thrash13


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Posted 18 December 2013 - 09:21 PM

This Direct was very solid, and I'm happy they gave the Wii U a lot of focus. I probably won't get the Hyrule Warriors game, but I'm happy for everyone who's excited for it.

Sonic Lost World got pretty crappy reviews, but I'm much more willing to give it a shot after the patch and new DLC levels. Kudos to SEGA.

Dr. Luigi isn't necessarily my type of game, but my wife already has her sights on it. I have to admit I was hoping for a Luigi's Mansion Wii U announcement instead, but Dr. Luigi looks pretty good! And I'm still hopeful we'll get LM in the future.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze looks better every time we see new footage, and I can't wait to play it in a couple months. Retro did an amazing job in making that game look like true next gen at its best.

Lastly, Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros. Wii U look outstanding! I'll get MK8 day one, and I might even end up getting Smash Bros. It's growing on me by the week. These two games along with DKC: TF are going to give the a Wii U a great boost in 2014. I just wish we had release dates for MK8 and Smash Bros.

#94 magiciandude


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Posted 18 December 2013 - 09:40 PM

I wonder if Ryu and Ayane will make an appearance in Hyrule Warriors since they have appeared in several of the Warriors series games. Wouldn't be surprised if other characters from the Warriors made an appearance or even Takamaru if Nintendo allows Tecmo to use him again.

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#95 Zinix



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 09:53 PM

We'll eventually get a Smash and MK8 direct anyway. We'll probably get a MK8 Direct in March, since I feel its launching in April like MKW did. 

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#96 storabajskorven



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Posted 19 December 2013 - 01:18 AM

So... am I the only one who is completely sold on NES Remix? It's a great game!

#97 CUD


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 02:13 AM

Why does Hyrule Warriors exist? Why...?

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

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#98 GAMER1984



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Posted 19 December 2013 - 02:32 AM

Why does Hyrule Warriors exist? Why...?


because they are trying to cater to the Japanese audience as usual. As a gamer that lives in the US that game announcment did nothing for me and LOZ is my favorite gaming series of all time. Seriously japanese audience gets monster hunter, bravely default, Dragon Quest.... What big Western franchises are western gamers getting? I know some will look at Batman AO, ACIV, and COD and say what am i talking about. Seriously though i have no current sports game to play on my Wii U the biggest third party game of them all GTA hasnt graced a nintendo home console EVER. Are they even trying? I know i am nitpicking but try more with western devs unless both sides have givenup on each other.

#99 Mitch



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Posted 19 December 2013 - 02:42 AM

This must take place in one of the great wars of hyrule, and since a link was er, sleeping through the seven year war of oot.... And was alive as a baby during the hylian civil war... The only other wars I can think of is the pre lttp imprisoning war, and the war described in ww in which the hero... Didnt appear and the gods flooded hyrule.... So... you lose at the end?



In the event that young link never gets the master sword from the temple of time and is never sealed away for 7 years then he would just live his life as a normal boy, then by the time he comes of age he would be drafted to fight for Hyrule.

#100 NintendoReport



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Posted 19 December 2013 - 04:51 AM

I am looking forward to Hyrule Warriors or whatever the final name will be. I am pretty confident it will have online modes like passed games in the series, which will be enticing to many.

Edited by Sorceror12, 19 December 2013 - 04:51 AM.

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