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Super Smash Bros Direct on April 8

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#121 Raiden


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Posted 08 April 2014 - 07:22 PM


SO MUCH THIS! Also seeing Mega Man from Legends seems the only way we will see hime on a Nintendo system this gen.

#122 Ledo Jaeger

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Posted 08 April 2014 - 07:37 PM

That Sakurai GIF...is gonna be famous for a loooooong time.

In other words, I love you

#123 tboss



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Posted 08 April 2014 - 07:41 PM

I'll be mad if they don't bring back meta knight...


id be perfectly okay if they leave him out.


if they do bring him back, chances are he will be greatly nerfed and sakuri probably wouldn't mention the details before hand.

#124 Azure-Edge


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Posted 08 April 2014 - 08:05 PM



Mario Kart 8 is the foreplay and Smash Bros. is the.....*clinches fist* ugh! Good show Andre. Well said.


#125 MorbidGod


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Posted 08 April 2014 - 08:28 PM

So I'm just going to say it .. I didn't enjoy this Direct, and this scares me on what's to come.

... Okay, now that the shock factor has wowed down and I somehow dodged all the hate crys lets talk why I didn't like this ND.

1: Too Much Info on games that aren't coming out for a LONG BUTT TIME. Starting the hype now, for a "Summer 2014 and Winter 2014" release isn't a good idea. People are going to start to calm down and when E3 comes around - a time that should be a huge time to talk about this game - all the info is going to be old news and won't have the same effect.

2: No More Surprises? So, I'm sorry but part of the greatness with Super Smash is seeing all the new and guest characters. It's always exciting hearing about them. But, again .. Why tell us ALL OF THEM now, and not at E3?

3: Release date. I totally get the 3DS coming out first, and the Wii U coming out for Holiday 2014. Smart move. But I don't like them saying Winter 2014 because it's a slippery slope to Winter 2015. I feel they said it this way because there is a good chance it might slip into next year, and that's NOT a good feeling.

4: Ok, this one is more about Nintendo. Last year at E3 if Nintendo just released their info during the actual show they would have had a good showing. But people in the media didn't talk about the pre E3 show because it wasn't even in their mind, which means it slipped through the main stream gamers mind too. I have a feeling that like this direct, they are doing to continue giving us info at the WRONG time and make their situation worse.

Anyway, I can see I'm alone in these thoughts. So hopefully I'm just crazy.
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#126 iEatTacos


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Posted 08 April 2014 - 09:34 PM

I.... Forgot to watch this :(

That's like forgetting to be present for your first born's birth smh

#127 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 09 April 2014 - 02:30 AM

Yeah- I wonder what they will have as an extra for the Wii U version.  I thought they would release it first to entice 3ds owners to get the Wii U.  

I wasn't too sure about staggered release, but someone on reddit convinced me it;s a good idea. Look at the thread asking what console you're getting smash for and you'll see the most common answer is both, and quite a few people saying before they were only going to get Wii U, but now they'll get 3DS too. This decision shouldn't really effect Wii U sales negatively because how many people who were actually only thinking of buying Wii U are going to suddenly witch to 3DS, the ever so slightly inferior version, just so they can play it early? Especially since the two are very different experiences.

Also, a lot of people will be wanting more content by winter, and hopefully many more will be so in love with the 3DS version they'll just have to have the Wii U version as well.

Ten there's also the fact people are more likely to buy a Wii U smash combo around the holidays because it's more expensive. If they had come out to together, a larger number may have switched over to the cheaper smash 3DS combo, which would hurt WIi U sales. I definitely think this could end up working out better for Nintendo.

Now I wonder when Zelda U is coming out if Smash is the big holiday title...






#128 3Dude



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Posted 09 April 2014 - 03:01 AM

This is literally more Megaman in that GIF than there was in the past 4 years. I think this is fine.

Maybe if they hadnt forced Inafune to try and milk megaman by turning it into a bad turn based rpg/pokemon rip
, among a million other stupid things he couldnt stand, things would have been better off? We'd probably have Legends 3. Instead, we just have two big stinky reminders of why the series was shelved staring at us everytime we use the final smash.

It's certainly powerful, but I don't know if it's reason to be worried yet. It all depends on how hard it is to land. For all we know, it can be blocked by the shield.

The star punch its based on can be blocked in the Punch out games.

Its also probably lost if he gets hit as well, just like the star that powers it in the actual punch out games.

If people are worried about little mac, just jump.



#129 Scumbag



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Posted 09 April 2014 - 03:23 AM

Little Mac is the answer for slow powerful characters like Bowser etc, I imagine fast nimble characters or ones that excel in zoning will own him.

#130 TheUltimateWaddleDee


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 03:39 AM

Little Mac and Jigglypuff (assumimg it's still in) are perfect counters to each other. Little Mac wrecks kn the ground but can't do anything in the air, and Jigglypuff is the opposite.

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#131 NintendoReport



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Posted 09 April 2014 - 03:45 AM

So I'm just going to say it .. I didn't enjoy this Direct, and this scares me on what's to come.

... Okay, now that the shock factor has wowed down and I somehow dodged all the hate crys lets talk why I didn't like this ND.

1: Too Much Info on games that aren't coming out for a LONG BUTT TIME. Starting the hype now, for a "Summer 2014 and Winter 2014" release isn't a good idea. People are going to start to calm down and when E3 comes around - a time that should be a huge time to talk about this game - all the info is going to be old news and won't have the same effect.


I am sure more info will be released at e3, with release dates and a couple more surprises. Maybe they felt they have bigger announcements for e3 regarding other games.. This was a developer Nintendo direct, similar to what they did with Wonderful 101, and I think Pikmin 3? We've been getting updated on Smash Brothers almost daily with info and new screens, so this direct sort of put everything into perspective, which is good. It answered quite a number of questions people had about online, modes, etc.

2: No More Surprises? So, I'm sorry but part of the greatness with Super Smash is seeing all the new and guest characters. It's always exciting hearing about them. But, again .. Why tell us ALL OF THEM now, and not at E3?


I guarantee they are not showing their full hand, surely there are a few more surprises that will be announced and easter eggs left for us to find on release day.

3: Release date. I totally get the 3DS coming out first, and the Wii U coming out for Holiday 2014. Smart move. But I don't like them saying Winter 2014 because it's a slippery slope to Winter 2015. I feel they said it this way because there is a good chance it might slip into next year, and that's NOT a good feeling.


Really don't see this NOT coming out this year. Have faith, it's coming in November.

4: Ok, this one is more about Nintendo. Last year at E3 if Nintendo just released their info during the actual show they would have had a good showing. But people in the media didn't talk about the pre E3 show because it wasn't even in their mind, which means it slipped through the main stream gamers mind too. I have a feeling that like this direct, they are doing to continue giving us info at the WRONG time and make their situation worse.


Last years e3 was a bit different too, having to compete with two new pieces of hardware. This years it's all about software and Nintendo's got it in the pipeline. It's going to be magical.

Anyway, I can see I'm alone in these thoughts. So hopefully I'm just crazy.


No, not crazy... just caring.

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#132 MorbidGod


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 03:52 AM

So I'm just going to say it .. I didn't enjoy this Direct, and this scares me on what's to come.

... Okay, now that the shock factor has wowed down and I somehow dodged all the hate crys lets talk why I didn't like this ND.

1: Too Much Info on games that aren't coming out for a LONG BUTT TIME. Starting the hype now, for a "Summer 2014 and Winter 2014" release isn't a good idea. People are going to start to calm down and when E3 comes around - a time that should be a huge time to talk about this game - all the info is going to be old news and won't have the same effect.

I am sure more info will be released at e3, with release dates and a couple more surprises. Maybe they felt they have bigger announcements for e3 regarding other games.. This was a developer Nintendo direct, similar to what they did with Wonderful 101, and I think Pikmin 3? We've been getting updated on Smash Brothers almost daily with info and new screens, so this direct sort of put everything into perspective, which is good. It answered quite a number of questions people had about online, modes, etc.

2: No More Surprises? So, I'm sorry but part of the greatness with Super Smash is seeing all the new and guest characters. It's always exciting hearing about them. But, again .. Why tell us ALL OF THEM now, and not at E3?

I guarantee they are not showing their full hand, surely there are a few more surprises that will be announced and easter eggs left for us to find on release day.

3: Release date. I totally get the 3DS coming out first, and the Wii U coming out for Holiday 2014. Smart move. But I don't like them saying Winter 2014 because it's a slippery slope to Winter 2015. I feel they said it this way because there is a good chance it might slip into next year, and that's NOT a good feeling.

Really don't see this NOT coming out this year. Have faith, it's coming in November.

4: Ok, this one is more about Nintendo. Last year at E3 if Nintendo just released their info during the actual show they would have had a good showing. But people in the media didn't talk about the pre E3 show because it wasn't even in their mind, which means it slipped through the main stream gamers mind too. I have a feeling that like this direct, they are doing to continue giving us info at the WRONG time and make their situation worse.

Last years e3 was a bit different too, having to compete with two new pieces of hardware. This years it's all about software and Nintendo's got it in the pipeline. It's going to be magical.

Anyway, I can see I'm alone in these thoughts. So hopefully I'm just crazy.

No, not crazy... just caring.

Even if there are more secrets, it's not like there's going to be tons of them left. And I understand that, hopefully, they have a lot of new games to announce at E3. But that's not my concern. My concern is we have started the hype train for a game that (might) nit be released until Winter 2015, possibly Winter 2014 if they meet their target date. That hype will die down. And at E3, when everyone gets to play the game - and we hear about all these things we all ready know - we won't get rehyped. Because it's all info we all ready know. So, I'm not saying they shouldn't of had this. I'm saying they should have waited.

Oops, hit submit and not done.

I hope you are right. But he said "this game takes a lot of work and we still need more time to make the game. Please understand." Which doesn't give me hope that they will make their target release date. Hopefully I am wrong. But I have no hope that I am.

Edited by MorbidGod, 09 April 2014 - 03:54 AM.

Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#133 Keviin



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Posted 09 April 2014 - 07:28 AM

Alright I'm gonna get flamed for this but, does anyone else agree the graphics look kinda dissapointing? It won't make the game more or less fun, but the Wii U can do better than this I'm sure.

No sig.

#134 meitantei_conan



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Posted 09 April 2014 - 07:56 AM


Alright I'm gonna get flamed for this but, does anyone else agree the graphics look kinda dissapointing? It won't make the game more or less fun, but the Wii U can do better than this I'm sure.


you are not the only one. They do look kinda "meeh" compared to the likes of  mario kart 8. 

#135 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 09:30 AM

id be perfectly okay if they leave him out.
if they do bring him back, chances are he will be greatly nerfed and sakuri probably wouldn't mention the details before hand.

He was the best character in the game...



Add me on Wii U if you want to settle it in Smash

#136 Rockodoodle


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 09:33 AM

Sure hope for Nintendo's sake it makes it out for Winter this year and not Feb. 2015.  


It just seems to me that I've heard a lot of folks say they are holding out for this, Mario Kart or Zelda.  I'd imagine a lot of them already have a 3ds and if they aren't sold yet, but have a Smash Bros. already, they might not pick it up.  The Wii U needs all the help it can get.  As I mentioned- maybe they do some really cool things with the Wii U version that will make it more compelling.




I wasn't too sure about staggered release, but someone on reddit convinced me it;s a good idea. Look at the thread asking what console you're getting smash for and you'll see the most common answer is both, and quite a few people saying before they were only going to get Wii U, but now they'll get 3DS too. This decision shouldn't really effect Wii U sales negatively because how many people who were actually only thinking of buying Wii U are going to suddenly witch to 3DS, the ever so slightly inferior version, just so they can play it early? Especially since the two are very different experiences.

Also, a lot of people will be wanting more content by winter, and hopefully many more will be so in love with the 3DS version they'll just have to have the Wii U version as well.

Ten there's also the fact people are more likely to buy a Wii U smash combo around the holidays because it's more expensive. If they had come out to together, a larger number may have switched over to the cheaper smash 3DS combo, which would hurt WIi U sales. I definitely think this could end up working out better for Nintendo.

Now I wonder when Zelda U is coming out if Smash is the big holiday title...



#137 NintendoReport



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Posted 09 April 2014 - 11:28 AM


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#138 Chaotix


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 11:33 AM

That Sakurai GIF...is gonna be famous for a loooooong time.




#139 Lightning_Ninja


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 12:05 PM

Look at the thread asking what console you're getting smash for and you'll see the most common answer is both, and quite a few people saying before they were only going to get Wii U, but now they'll get 3DS too.

To be fair, this is a forum called, "thewiiu.com".  I would expect the vast majority on here to be getting the Wii U version, if any.  It would probably be stronger data from a non-wii u centric site

#140 Azure-Edge


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 12:13 PM

To be fair, this is a forum called, "thewiiu.com".  I would expect the vast majority on here to be getting the Wii U version, if any.  It would probably be stronger data from a non-wii u centric site


Bingo. Vast majority here already own a Wii U. HOWEVER compare the kind of coverage a console Nintendo game gets compared to a handheld. A lot of poeple are going to consider the Wii U version the 'definitive' version of the game despite coming out later. A lot of people are calling it a glorified demo. Launching the Wii U Smash in the holidays, hopefully with tons of advertisements and promotions should push units. 


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