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Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Super Smash Bros Ideas Paper Luigi Paper luigi

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#281 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 26 October 2011 - 09:09 PM

I agree with you on three things: Board the Platforms, Better Stage Builder and Better Online.

R.O.B is not useless. There are worse characters out there.

Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON



#282 Gruff



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Posted 27 October 2011 - 08:54 AM

Here is some idea's that came to my head on what I want in Super Smash Bros 4.

Characters (I Want):

  • Sora [kingdom Hearts]
  • Nightmare [Soul Calibur]
  • Pokemon Trainer 2 (it would be a girl and she'll have 5 gen pokemon) [Pokemon]
  • Toon Zelda and Tetra [The Legend of Zelda]
  • King K. Rool [Donkey Kong]
  • Ridley [Metroid]
Characters (I don't want back)
  • R.O.B (hes useless)
- I want more stages for each series (hate it becuase Mario series has like 5 stages and someone like Zelda series has 1. Make it each series has more then 1, maybe 2 or more)

- BRING BACK ALL OLD STAGES (I want to see all Smash Bros, Melee & Brawl stages back becuase I like old stages coming back but when they brought back old stages they chose crappy ones)

- BRING BACK LINK'S BLACK PALLETE (its way better then his brawl one)

- BRING BACK ALL POKEMON (all the pokemon they had was cool, why only so liitle in brawl?)

- MAKE STAGE MUSIC LIKE MELEE (i like how they have many muisc for the stages, but they should make some stage music like the ones in Melee)

- BETTER ONLINE (they should make it like free for all but online)

- BRING BACK EGG (egg as an item was cool)

- MORE THEN 1 FINAL SMASH (some characters had stronger final smash then others, they should have 3... weak, mediun and strong)

- customize own character (just like stage bulider, but with characters)

- BETTER STAGE BULIDER (i want to make moving stages, and they should make that items can overlap other items)

- NO MORE SUBSPACE (subspace was stupid, I hated it, just bring back adventure but with also boss battle so we can still keep boss battle)

- Customize muenu (colours and how the menu tabs looks like)

- BETTER SMASH VILLE (I like there was a animal crossing stage, but it was to small, they should make it like delfino plaza having a moving platform and you get to go around the town and on saturdays at 8pm you fight in 'The Roost' hearing EVERY single song by K.K Slider and if a CD falls when K.K Slider is playing his song it will be in My music so next time you fight and his not there his song is, and make it that the season and weather changes as well so we can fight in winter or when is raining and on speical holidays the stage will celebrate the day like in animal crossinf eg. in new years eve there will be fire works at night and if you connect your DS/3DS you can fight on your Animal Crossing town with the stage name being your town name, but you don't have AC game there will be a default AC stage there already and when you fight on the stage the animals in the town will
walk around, but they won't get in the way)

- BRING BACK BOARD THE PLATFORMS (they were awesome)

- BRING BACK RED SHELL (I missed it. wonder why they didn't bring it back in brawl?)

Thats what I thought of so far. If you guys have anymore idea's please reply more idea's. You can like my idea's or not. Its up to you

I agree with all stages. This would guarantee that Hyrule Temple would be in the game! With the 25 GB discs there should be enough room to fit all the courses on there.

Villager.jpgBleh eh eh.

#283 Merchiodos



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Posted 27 October 2011 - 02:40 PM

I agree with all stages. This would guarantee that Hyrule Temple would be in the game! With the 25 GB discs there should be enough room to fit all the courses on there.

Sometimes I feel like playing on a retro stage.
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If only Link was real <3

#284 Gruff



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Posted 27 October 2011 - 02:55 PM

Sometimes I feel like playing on a retro stage.

When I first played on Hyrule temple I fell in love with that course. Btw, I really like your sig!

Villager.jpgBleh eh eh.

#285 Merchiodos



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Posted 27 October 2011 - 03:25 PM

When I first played on Hyrule temple I fell in love with that course. Btw, I really like your sig!

I screamed when I saw the stage on Dojo.

Thanks. When I first played TP with my family and saw Link we all screamed in love, then later I found this photo on Tumblr and it made me blush so hard I went red... I love Link Posted Image

Edited by Merchiodos, 27 October 2011 - 03:27 PM.

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If only Link was real <3

#286 Gruff



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Posted 27 October 2011 - 04:31 PM

I screamed when I saw the stage on Dojo.

Thanks. When I first played TP with my family and saw Link we all screamed in love, then later I found this photo on Tumblr and it made me blush so hard I went red... I love Link Posted Image

Twilight Princess was is my favorite game! Link looks amazing in that game no doubt, they did a great job giving him his mature look! When I first saw how detailed his face was my jaw dropped! It makes me think how cool will he look when he is finally on the Wii U.

Edited by Wii8461, 27 October 2011 - 04:37 PM.

Villager.jpgBleh eh eh.

#287 Merchiodos



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Posted 27 October 2011 - 06:59 PM

Twilight Princess was is my favorite game! Link looks amazing in that game no doubt, they did a great job giving him his mature look! When I first saw how detailed his face was my jaw dropped! It makes me think how cool will he look when he is finally on the Wii U.

Hi-res will make Link look 110% hotter... can't wait for Wii U and Zelda Wii U

Got a different idea of a roster, but how it'll change depends on if SSB4 is revealed and if this rumor turns out true:
Posted ImageI don't think he has the information for SSB4. Look at it, there's so much wrong with this rumor. Make what you wish of this.

If you guys believe this is true, then you are stupid. Masahiro Sakurai said that he won't realease any Smash Bros 4 stuff utill Kid Icarus: Uprising is finish. what you guys see on the internet (untill Uprisinng comes out) is all fake.
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If only Link was real <3

#288 DANT3


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Posted 28 October 2011 - 02:53 PM

As far as characters go, I want to everybody from Brawl back, as well as Mewtwo, Roy and Dr. Mario. I don't think it would be all that hard to give Roy and Doc new movesets, and they don't seem as clone-y as some of the other guys back in Melee. Yes, the moves are the same, but they play extremely different to their counterparts. Also, bring in a few new characters, maybe Isaac and a few others. Also, I hope I'm not the only one that really doesn't want Krystal from Star Fox... I just don't see much potential for a character there.

Keep some of the stages from Brawl, some from Melee and some from 64 as well as some new stages, that'd make me pretty happy. I also think they should keep and just revamp Final Destination and Battlefield, the two stages that are directly tied to Smash's attempt at a story. They also need to make the Stage Builder larger in general, and give some more options.


Also, has anybody really thought about the game 'speed' or anything? I mean, Brawl is regarded as the slowest, and I don't think the extreme, hard-core fans liked that. I reckon put the overall speed of the game to a level in between 64 and Melee, and maybe bring back L-Cancels. The air dodges with movement - and in turn wavedashing - doesn't need to really come back at all, or if they did put it in, make it be a double-press of the shield button in midair or something: One press for a Brawl styled air dodge, two quick presses for a directional air dodge.

That's about it from me... Might post some other stuff at other times, but for now, this seems good.

#289 Zuperman


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Posted 30 October 2011 - 03:08 AM

Looking forward to this one, I enjoyed Melee and Brawl but never really mastered them, I will for this one.

I think SSB Wii U should give each character 3 different final smashes.

Basic Final Smash: The smash ball looks like the smash ball we already know just being mostly blue. It allows the character to unleash a basic move eg Mario's Finale, Ness's PK Storm or Samus's Zero Laser.

Assist Final Smash: A smash ball taking on a mostly red colour which appears to emit a signal type wave. It sends the character floating behind the stage as his/her friends from his/her gaming history take on the opponents, Kind of like Pit's Palutena's Army. Possible examples could includ Sonic calling on his Wisp's to reek havoc on the stage, Yoshi calling the Storks to spear and carry off his opponents and Bowser sending out his Koopa kids to do his bidding.

Transform Final Smash: Smash ball is green and looks wavy as if it's about to hatch or transform. Allows the character to transform into something like how Bowser transforms into Giga Bowser or how Sonic turns into Super Sonic. Possible examples include Mario/Luigi using a Mega Mushroom and stomping on everyone, Kirby turning into a tank to crush and shoot missiles or Link turning into Wolf Link and does whatever Wolf Link does.

What d'ya think?
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#290 Merchiodos



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Posted 30 October 2011 - 03:28 AM

If they made SSB4 & other Nintendo games looking like this
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I'm sold

Edited by Merchiodos, 30 October 2011 - 03:28 AM.

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If only Link was real <3

#291 Zuperman


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Posted 30 October 2011 - 05:14 AM

That's quite possible, as the Wii U has power arguably superior to that of the PS3 and 360.
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#292 DANT3


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Posted 30 October 2011 - 10:14 PM

Easily. I think the Wii U is about 3 times as strong as a PS3, but I could be wrong. Also, if the discs are really large enough to hold 25 GB of data, just imagine what Smash 4 would actually be. Apparently a standard Wii game holds around 4.3 GB of data, meaning that that's pretty much 5 times as much space for the Wii U. Pretty crazy, eh?

I could be entirely wrong, of course.

#293 Zuperman


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Posted 30 October 2011 - 11:21 PM

I think 3 times as powerful is kind of a big exaggeration, but it's still plenty powerful enough to make graphics look stunning and smooth.

Yeah, there could be quite a lot of content, let's hope Nintendo takes advantage of the power in their hands.
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#294 DANT3


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Posted 30 October 2011 - 11:43 PM

I also think they need to fix the online... It goes without saying, but the online in Brawl is pretty sucky.

#295 Zuperman


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Posted 31 October 2011 - 12:43 AM

Oh yeah, with the Wii U's power SSB4 should do fine with running online. Plus, since MK7's online is surprisingly deep, It's almost a given that SSB4's online will be pretty darn big.
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#296 DANT3


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Posted 31 October 2011 - 12:51 AM

And, again, I mentioned it earlier: Game speed. You know, should they bring back the more advanced techniques and all, or try a completely new approach, keep at Brawl's level, what? I think this is really gonna play a big part in whether or not people buy the game or not, and if Nintendo want to win back the 'hardcore' audience, this should really be a top priority.

#297 Zuperman


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Posted 31 October 2011 - 01:29 AM

I've heard lots of complaints that Brawl was unbalanced. Do you think this'll be sorted out?
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#298 DANT3


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Posted 31 October 2011 - 01:40 AM

I think it's just the random tripping that makes Brawl unbalanced. You can be literally one hit away from getting a KO, when your character slips up and your enemy just gets a free smash attack. Not good, they should get rid of that.

#299 Zuperman


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Posted 31 October 2011 - 03:49 AM

Oh yes I've heard tripping is a problem. But when I was talking about the game being unbalanced I was referring to the power of the characters. What's the deal with that?
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#300 DANT3


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Posted 31 October 2011 - 02:35 PM

Basically, MetaKnight is in a class of his own, quite literally. Every game is going to have at least overpowered character, but he brought it to new levels.

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