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#81 3Dude



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Posted 14 October 2014 - 09:04 PM

Wasn't the post she just made linking to her dox from a month ago?

No. Right now. Its still on going, right now. They have a long list of previous adresses shes been hopping from now too.



#82 Xiombarg


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 09:09 PM

Alright, I'm too lazy to go look and need to finish some midterm papers, so I'll just take your word for it.

#83 3Dude



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Posted 14 October 2014 - 09:20 PM

Alright, I'm too lazy to go look and need to finish some midterm papers, so I'll just take your word for it.

The damage controll now that theyve been found out is pretty amazing. Personally I like the 'puuuuuuurrgeee' gifs with the cat poop fails.



#84 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 14 October 2014 - 10:01 PM

The thought that these gaming sites could very well get away with the disgusting behaviour that's been revealed because of how badly this whole thing has been derailed by the whole stupid diversity part of the argument.






#85 3Dude



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Posted 15 October 2014 - 07:10 AM

The thought that these gaming sites could very well get away with the disgusting behaviour that's been revealed because of how badly this whole thing has been derailed by the whole stupid diversity part of the argument.

Seriously? People are being hounded outside their homes, Universities have finally, for the first time EVER EEEEVVVVEEERRRRR God damn fricking EVER, REALLY, TRULY been threatened a shooting BECAUSE of ACTUAL VIDEOGAMES, and not some Fox sensationalist unicorn tongue using weak as crap gamergate style extremely stretched and false 'connections' to it, but actually, directly, WE SHOOT PEOPLE OVER VIDEOGAMES-

And THIS is what you have to say. Grr.... Now theyll get away with the made up crap we accused them of!

What the actual hell, is wrong with you?

Oh, and a run down by the way, of all the 'disgusting things' gamergate 'exposed'

GamerGate claims that Zoe Quinn slept around for coverage favors. This was debunked literally months ago.
Kotaku shows that Nathan never wrote the articles he was accused of writing: http://kotaku.com/in....pos-1624707346
Here is the only aerticle Grayson ever wrote with depression quest in it:
RPS: http://www.rockpaper....s/#more-183169
This is the only article Nathan ever wrote on Rock Paper Shotgun that mentioned Depression quest.
A four word mention, among 50 other greenlighted games.
The 'corrupt' reviews that started gamergate- NEVER EXISTED.

The resulting and incontrovertable debunk didnt result in an apology, or an admittance of fault. No, it simply resulted in GG considering the topic taboo because the mistake makes them look bad. Zoe is still harrassed by gamergate to this day.

So, Nathan Grayson is the journalist accused of this unethical behavior. Despite he never actually wrote the articles he was accused of writing, and despite Nathan Grayson being the journalist here, and GamerGate insisting this is about "ethics in journalism", Gamergate can't seem to stop talking about Zoe Quinn (not a journalist) and Anita Sarkeesian (also not a journalist).

Gamergate then accused Zoe Quinn doxxing herself. No evidence has ever been presented to validate this claim. It is baseless. It has since been proven surprise, false, multiple times. Again, Zoe quinn, is NOT a journalist.

Gamergate also accused Zoe quinn of faking death, rape, and other threats. No evidence has ever been provided to back up why they think they're fake. As when the doxxing was proven true, so were these. Never an apology from anyone in gamergate. Again, Zoe quinn is not a journalist.

Zoe Quinn was accused of lying about donating DQ proceeds to charity

GamerGate first started donating to the charity when they thought Zoe did not.
Turns out, SURPRISE, gamergate was, again, wrong. http://i.imgur.com/zmAyaud.png

After the charity confirmed receiving the donations, GamerGate started harassing the charity and threatening it with legal action because they claim they "didn't disclose publicly" they had received donations from her (even though that is not actuall illegal). This is a charity is made up of volunteers and a part-time paid intern, helping people deal with depression.

THis is why the charity offered refunds of the donations to gamergate in the letter. The vast majority of refunds were taken :|

Gamergate accused Zoe Quinn winning an award she never won(it was Papers Please) for Depression Quest because she slept with someone. These accusations still frequently fly around on Twitter. In actuality, her game didn't receive an award, but just an honorable mention. Papers Please did indeed win the award. No evidence backs up the claim she slept with someone to get the....honorable mention. Have I mentioned Zoe quinn is not a journalist?

Gamergate accused Zoe to have "deliberately sabotaged, DDOSed, doxxed, and shut down" TFYC because they were "competition" for Rebel Game Jam. When in reality she just ranted about them (and briefly argued with them) over Twitter about their policies (especially their trans policy, which was vague enough to be interpreted as something insanely extreme) and the site got temporarily overloaded with traffic. Apparently one of the project's sponsors pulled out over the trans concerns, but Zoe herself didn't do anything and Rebel Game Jam was never mentioned except as a imaginary motive for her imaginary crimes. The fact that she didn't remember how many times she tweeted about something earlier in the year was also supposed to be a scandal, somehow.

TFYC actually ADMITTED it wasnt ZOE. http://i.imgur.com/DIJyXvK.jpg

TFYC was later proven to be an astroturfing charity scam belonging to Autobotika. http://pixietalksgam...tfyc-questions/

Only after this was exposed did Autobotika disclose the link between the two.

Anita Sarkeesian was similarly accused of faking threats. The FBI confirmed that they were real. Gamergate did not apologize, instead gamergate began harrassing her about saying cops instead of fbi.

Anita needed to cancel a lecture at a university, because, for the first time EVER, in video game history, Gamergate assholes finally, FINALLY proved Maniac Jack Thompson right, by ACTUALLY threatening to go on a killing rampage at a school, because of VIDEOGAMES. Thanks Arse clowns. THANKS.

There is a mailing list in which games writers talk to each other. Warning for people not drinking the Kool aid: This is a Breitbart link:

This fact was presented as inherently controversial, but not really explained why. Absolutely nothing worthy of discussing was ever found on this mailing list. Just people who happen to share the same job, joking with each other, and asking each other uncontroversial questions. Like how were they going to handle approaching subjects that were intwined about peoples personal lives, detailing sensitive information about these people. Despite well proclaimed 'Yellow urine stained underpants basement dwelling Gamer' hating Vulture, now hero of gamer gate because he simply pandered to them NERO aka Milo's best attempt at highlighting out of context. Surprise! It was nothing!

Maya Kramer was accused of colluding/sleeping with the IGF chairman to secure an award for The Stanley Parable

www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgW5NRUfs44 (Dont bother, the videos been made private since it was proven they are a god damned MORON, see below)

Unfortunately for gamer gaters strategy of shotgun accusations, where they blast as many accusations as possible with out thought or fact checking to hope on of them sticking, this award the stanley parable won, was THE AUDIENCE AWARD:

Audience Award: Public voters will download demonstrations of the games and vote for their favorite - the game with the most votes will win the award.

That means the chairman doesnt have jack crap to do with who wins the damn award you freaking MORONS!

MEANWHILE, Ubisoft blatanly lies, attempting to use marketing brainwashing to convince people bad is good.
MEANWHILE Shadow of Mordor COmmits true Corruption, And gamergate completely ignores it, DESPITE the story being broken By Jon Bain himself! OF COURSE, this is not new, I was ranting and raving about the EXACT SAME THING WITH BATTLE FIELD 4 LAST YEAR!!!! NO gamergate was started then. And gamergate doesnt care now. The event was never anything more than the tiniest blip to gamergate, despite total biscuits involvement.

Oh, And activision openly laughs at you, basically calling you idiots and morons, who are incredibly stupid and they can get away with anything they want because they brainwash you, and you are too stupid to do anything about it. They then suggest the military should do it, because, like, its REAALLY easy, these guys are morons, we screw them over all the time, like crap all over their face and they just gobble it up and open their mouths like baby birds!

Yeah. Great stuff gamergate. You have accomplished SO MUCH!



#86 Raiden


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 07:28 AM

I'm not saying the USU threats were fake. Still seems out of place. Tho was it not found out Anita used fake accounts to put threats on herself and that she made no report with the FBI or police tho she claimed to?


I would not put it past some people esp having known one that would fake such things to get attention and make their arguments seems more valid. Also she admitted she doesn't play games but on KS claimed she was big into games. She seems to have a lot of claims and all her threats seems to some unseen people. Many things seem vague. BTW don't bother quoting me with ALL CAPS and a billion links. I will just ignore it. Just a lot of things don't match up with her and getting a boy or girl I should say who keeps crying wolf.


It's all pretty fishy to me.


I won't even acknowledge 3Dude if he quotes me,because I don't need a war and peace novel and him insulting and trying to belittle me as he does with everyone as his only way of trying to debate or argue. Yelling and insulting. Tiresome. Anyone else I am game.

Edited by Ryudo, 15 October 2014 - 07:36 AM.

#87 3Dude



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Posted 15 October 2014 - 08:38 AM

I'm not saying the USU threats were fake. Still seems out of place. Tho was it not found out Anita used fake accounts to put threats on herself and that she made no report with the FBI or police tho she claimed to?
I would not put it past some people esp having known one that would fake such things to get attention and make their arguments seems more valid. Also she admitted she doesn't play games but on KS claimed she was big into games. She seems to have a lot of claims and all her threats seems to some unseen people. Many things seem vague. BTW don't bother quoting me with ALL CAPS and a billion links. I will just ignore it. Just a lot of things don't match up with her and getting a boy or girl I should say who keeps crying wolf.
It's all pretty fishy to me.
I won't even acknowledge 3Dude if he quotes me,because I don't need a war and peace novel and him insulting and trying to belittle me as he does with everyone as his only way of trying to debate or argue. Yelling and insulting. Tiresome. Anyone else I am game.

No, you want confirmation bias and group think. Too bad. Reality is here.

What YOU are talking about, is from confirmed rainbow stirrer, and court recognized fraud Milo Yiannopoulos spectacular failure of journalism, in exhange for sensationalism, and the massive circle jerk that followed.

Milo hot on the heels of internet amatuer investigator Aurini: called desk jockey Albie Esperada (Remember this name) of the sfpd, asked him one question, and called it a day, saying he officially confirmed it

Your story, immediately exploded all over the internet to the sounds of fervent circle jerking.

Unfortunately for the cultof the self fulfilling prophecy, reality hit a day later:

Albie Esparza (Remember him, the poice officer called? for proof?) of the San Francisco Police Department has confirmed to The Escapist that the SFPD has handed information over to the FBI from a police report Anita Sarkeesian filed.
Which is why he didnt find it in his 5 minute file search over the phone.

The investigation was handed over to the fbi, robably ecause of he child porn. FBI has a history of really not liking that stuff.

Oh and by the way.


This innocent man was abducted, beaten beyond recognition, murdered, and dumped in a river, because of amatuer internet investigations and 'it just looks so fishy dont you think?' led to him being falsely accused of being the boston bomber.

Yeah, crappy internet investigations like this have a GREAT track record.



#88 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 15 October 2014 - 09:39 AM

I won't even acknowledge 3Dude if he quotes me,because I don't need a war and peace novel and him insulting and trying to belittle me as he does with everyone as his only way of trying to debate or argue. Yelling and insulting. Tiresome. Anyone else I am game.

Yup. That's why I asked him if he was an SJW. It's classic SJW behaviour.






#89 SteventheSlayer



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Posted 15 October 2014 - 09:41 AM


Just out of curiosity, did you read the part where he said he wouldn't reply to you?

I don't even...

#90 3Dude



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Posted 15 October 2014 - 10:00 AM

Just out of curiosity, did you read the part where he said he wouldn't reply to you?

Yes, its not about him, its for others to read, so the truth isnt overpowered by frenzied hearsay.... Again, as thats the ONLY thing, gamergate has done, repeatedly.

Oh, this is nice. Yeah, bang on Gamergate



#91 Xiombarg


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 11:45 AM

Yes, its not about him, its for others to read, so the truth isnt overpowered by frenzied hearsay.... Again, as thats the ONLY thing, gamergate has done, repeatedly.

Oh, this is nice. Yeah, bang on Gamergate

Just looked this up.  Looks like Hotwheels has made it so that /war/, /i/, and other invasion/raid boards no longer appear on the board listings.

#92 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 15 October 2014 - 11:55 AM

Again, as thats the ONLY thing, gamergate has done, repeatedly.

Oh I get it now, guys. It's all satire.






#93 3Dude



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Posted 15 October 2014 - 12:10 PM

Just looked this up.  Looks like Hotwheels has made it so that /war/, /i/, and other invasion/raid boards no longer appear on the board listings.

Yeah, you have to know how to find them manually. The owners of the war/raid boards were pissed the doxxing and raid operation was flooded off the board, and made it harder to be disturbed... I guess... If you dont know how to use the internet.

But yeah, Hotwheels is all about doxxing and raiding with 8chan. WHich makes it blatantly obvious why 4chan gamergate of /b/ /pol/ /v/ went there.

Entertainment Software Association Officially Condemns Gamergate.

And Gamergate Idiots officially rainbows the bed.

The newest operation: Operatin Bayonetta 2, is demanding Nintendo Uses its publisher power to blacklist polygon from receiving preview and review material from Nintendo from now on.

By definition, Gamergate is Now DEMANDING Corruption in the games industry, wit an organized movement.




#94 storabajskorven



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Posted 16 October 2014 - 03:14 AM

Come on, this is stupid. Everyone agrees that there are problems with gaming "journalism" in that it often, directly or indirectly, gets its money from the industry. A debate about how this works and to what extent would be interesting and welcome. So far, I think everyone agrees, so there is on need to discuss that. This "gamergate" business started as someone trying to take completely personal issues and make them public, to get revenge on someone he thought had done wrong to him. This I think is also well known. We also all agree that MOST of what has been coming out of "gamergate" is just a completely misogynist rainbowefest. So what's left to discuss? Whether or not some issues raised by gg might be of benefit to the discussion? Is that really worth continuing this insult tennis match you're playing now?

#95 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 16 October 2014 - 11:06 AM

We also all agree that MOST of what has been coming out of "gamergate" is just a completely misogynist rainbowefest.

No we don't.

And the reason this could be important is because, while everyone agree that there's something wrong with game journalism, nothing has ever actually been done about it. Gamers have never stood up and said "This is wrong, and you guys are being shady. Fix it, or lose your customers." and if no one ever dose that, nothing will ever change. At least not for the better. But I can guarantee things will change for the worse.


Once again, none of you have answered my question; Do any of you have a twitter account you frequently use?






#96 3Dude



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Posted 16 October 2014 - 11:18 AM




#97 SteventheSlayer



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Posted 16 October 2014 - 11:22 AM

Once again, none of you have answered my question; Do any of you have a twitter account you frequently use?

I don't.


Now your question has been answered.

I don't even...

#98 Bill Cipher

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Posted 16 October 2014 - 11:35 AM

No we don't.

And the reason this could be important is because, while everyone agree that there's something wrong with game journalism, nothing has ever actually been done about it. Gamers have never stood up and said "This is wrong, and you guys are being shady. Fix it, or lose your customers." and if no one ever dose that, nothing will ever change. At least not for the better. But I can guarantee things will change for the worse.


Once again, none of you have answered my question; Do any of you have a twitter account you frequently use?

I frequently go on twitter, so I see this unfurling.

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

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#99 3Dude



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Posted 16 October 2014 - 11:39 AM

I frequently go on twitter, so I see this unfurling.

Do not give your twitter account name or it will be flooded by sea lions.



#100 storabajskorven



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Posted 16 October 2014 - 12:04 PM

No we don't.

And the reason this could be important is because, while everyone agree that there's something wrong with game journalism, nothing has ever actually been done about it. Gamers have never stood up and said "This is wrong, and you guys are being shady. Fix it, or lose your customers." and if no one ever dose that, nothing will ever change. At least not for the better. But I can guarantee things will change for the worse.


OK, my opinion on that is that gamergate started for the wrong reasons and it has become worse and worse all the time. I think it's a bit crazy to think that this could be used for anything good, even if I know that some people would like that. The thing that you, and the rest of us, want gamers to stand up and say should be said, but definitely not through gamergate, because of what it is, and has been all the time. I am also very certain that gamergate has already changed things for the worse.


So, the question is: is it possible to start some kind of movement against what we can agree upon is wrong with the gaming industry + journalism without having the misogynist feminist-bashers and other arseholes hijacking it? Sadly, right now I think the answer is no. What do you think?

Once again, none of you have answered my question; Do any of you have a twitter account you frequently use?


Sorry, forgot to answer... Yes, I have and I do.

Oh, and I know the origins of gamergate have been discussed in this thread already, and that we don't really debate that part of it, but this is a good sum-up, where all the origins are on display:




(This is not meant as a reply to the debate, just as info for the curious.)

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