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Zelda U Gameplay from Game Awards

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#21 3Dude



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Posted 05 December 2014 - 11:36 PM

The huge world excites me. Zelda is often hit or miss with me. SS was the first I skipped all together. This world with so much to explore is the first Zelda to truly get me hyped.
I'm keeping a close eye on all these open world RPG games and now Zelda (since Zelda is not an RPG)

Ive gotten hyped for 3d Zeldas before, but not for the same reasons As the great 2d ones (lttp, la, oracles).

I enjoyed all the Zeldas that have come out since going 3d, as they have all been quality experiences.....

But this is the first one since the series went 3d to excite me for the reasons I became a fan of the series in the first place.



#22 TheDoctor_13


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Posted 06 December 2014 - 12:34 AM

I wonder if you could edit the Horse ai with a slider, so if you want full blown, manual with still tree dodging, to pure manual.


A lot, at least on the game awards video complaining that the world is bland, silly people. 

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#23 CUD


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Posted 06 December 2014 - 01:14 AM


A lot, at least on the game awards video complaining that the world is bland, silly people. 


It is though.

Edited by CUD, 06 December 2014 - 01:14 AM.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

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#24 3Dude



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Posted 06 December 2014 - 01:20 AM

I wonder if you could edit the Horse ai with a slider, so if you want full blown, manual with still tree dodging, to pure manual.
A lot, at least on the game awards video complaining that the world is bland, silly people.

Thats because these people cant find anything unless it mushroom stamps them in the face and screams. Its way game design has devolved into 5 second attention span ubirainbow. Designing for the lowest common denominator.

In the glance over the cliff sequence there are:
A lake
With a lake house
A village
Vines for climbing
a water fall
Top of the mountain of the waterfall with traversable style geometry
Pathways in said mountains on multiple levels.
A stonehenge style rock formation
A man made shrine... thing
multiple caves and tunnels
smoking volcano
multiple sentry towers



#25 TheDoctor_13


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Posted 06 December 2014 - 01:22 AM

It is though.

As shown yes. But this version is probably a little old at the time of the awards show, not to mention probably turned stuff off, and the jump cuts. The comments think that what was shown will be like the final game.



Thats because these people cant find anything unless mushroom stamps them in the face and screams. Its way game design has devolved into 5 second attention span ubirainbow.

In the glance over the cliff sequence there are:
A lake
With a lake house
A village
Vines for climbing
a water fall
Top of the mountain of the waterfall with traversable style geometry
Pathways in said mountains on multiple levels.
A stonehenge style rock formation
A man made shrine... thing
multiple caves and tunnels
smoking volcano
multiple sentry towers

Wow I noticed almost none of that. Can't wait for GameXplain to go through the video. I mean I knew there was stuff like that, due to the E3 reveal. 

Stupid Snowmads!

#26 Supermaddud


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Posted 06 December 2014 - 02:29 AM

People complaining that the world is bland and has little to do in...


You watched a 4 minute off screen gameplay demo with jump cuts..

#27 CUD


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Posted 06 December 2014 - 03:00 AM

As shown yes. But this version is probably a little old at the time of the awards show, not to mention probably turned stuff off, and the jump cuts. The comments think that what was shown will be like the final game.



It might be for all we know. I'm just basing my impressions on what I saw and what I saw didn't look bad but it also didn't look impressive to me.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#28 NintendoReport



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Posted 06 December 2014 - 03:39 AM

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#29 Keviin



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Posted 06 December 2014 - 04:55 AM






I would even be okay with this game being some kind of reboot from the original game. Zellda U so far seems like "what if Zelda 1 was made in 2015". It keeps all the ethics of exploring and adventuring.

Albeit a bit empty, the overworld looks amazing and unlike anything we've ever seen in a Zelda game before. If there's enough secrets to find, enemies to battle and characters to meet, this will be the perfect Zelda world.So far I haven't seen anything I disliked. My initial thoughts were very mixed at E3, but just all kinda makes sense now. The graphics look wonderful, but I want more hi-res screenshots/footage to judge the artstyle. The enemies looked weird, but they're probably placeholder Bokoblins. I'm not the type of player to want full realism or grittiness in games, but I do hope the game will have a "serious" vibe instead of a funny one like WW and SS.

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#30 Lupaie



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Posted 06 December 2014 - 05:56 AM

Nintendo already stated they would creat ZeldaU with exploration adventurisk theme like in Zelda for NES.

It's a huge world yes. And I just hope the opposite of you. I don't hope they fill it up completely. Having blanc spaces actually makes sure the explorer feels rewarded when actually finding something. I think it is needed

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#31 Atticus


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Posted 06 December 2014 - 06:40 AM

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#32 storabajskorven



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Posted 06 December 2014 - 07:01 AM

... I do hope the game will have a "serious" vibe instead of a funny one like WW and SS.

To me, Wind waker is one of the most "serious" Zelda games.

#33 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 06 December 2014 - 08:30 AM

Thats because these people cant find anything unless it mushroom stamps them in the face and screams. Its way game design has devolved into 5 second attention span ubirainbow. Designing for the lowest common denominator.

In the glance over the cliff sequence there are:
A lake
With a lake house
A village
Vines for climbing
a water fall
Top of the mountain of the waterfall with traversable style geometry
Pathways in said mountains on multiple levels.
A stonehenge style rock formation


You must have like super human eyes or something, it was near impossible to see any little details due to the lighting and the fact that it wasn't focused on the TV that much.



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#34 NintendoReport



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Posted 06 December 2014 - 09:11 AM

Japan version. No translation dubbed over so you should hear sound effects

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#35 AdmiralClassy


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Posted 06 December 2014 - 09:42 AM

It's hard to tell in the video but hopefully the game still has environments as colourful and varied as this image.



Even if it doesn't it's a new zelda so it'll be fantastic anyway haha.

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#36 3Dude



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Posted 06 December 2014 - 12:02 PM

To me, Wind waker is one of the most "serious" Zelda games.

Both ww and ss, in purposeful contrast to their visuals, are by far the most thematically serious Zeldas.



#37 MatrixChicken


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Posted 06 December 2014 - 12:08 PM

It's hard to tell in the video but hopefully the game still has environments as colourful and varied as this image.



Even if it doesn't it's a new zelda so it'll be fantastic anyway haha.


Yeah this is my main problem with what they showed. Nothing had as much detail and complexity as what they showed in the E3 trailer. But like I said, I'm sure they'll fix that. But I think that's what most people are complaining about.



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#38 3Dude



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Posted 06 December 2014 - 12:11 PM

You must have like super human eyes or something, it was near impossible to see any little details due to the lighting and the fact that it wasn't focused on the TV that much.

They arent tiny details, they are kind of large structures, given away by blatant design changes in the scenery around them, ie paths and clearings to get to them. I think it would be pretty easy to miss them if looking for tiny pixel details, instead of more big picture, like missing the forest for the trees or something.

Im pretty good at finding that kind of stuff, its literally the founding mechanic of my favourite genre and design style. Honestly, people who cant yet do that are probably in the 'sweet spot' where the impact of stumbling upon, and discovering, and getting adept at finding things will be the greatest. So what REALLY grinds my gears are these obnoxious crappers who think they know SO MUCH, miss EVERYTHING and complain about the game not having things. The whole POINT of the schopl of design zelda was founded on (and the 3d games destroyed) was the excitement and sense of accomplishment that came with FINDING things, which means no neon signs pointing them out, no painfully obvious cutscene introduced, step by step forced walkthrough. Its not obvious, its not supposed to be obvious, and thats the point.

People just VASTLY over estimate their abilities, thinking they are geniuses at game design, when they actually know jack crap. In fact they know so little, they LITERALLY can not begin to comprehend the knowledge it would take for them to REALIZE how ignorant they are. Straight up text book dunning kroger:

Pandering to them is what has destroyed gaming, design has gotten dumber, and dumber, and dumber, and dumber, and dumber, just to appease them and their pitiful powers of observation attached to their obnoxious entitled arrogance.



#39 NintendoReport



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Posted 06 December 2014 - 12:11 PM

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#40 3Dude



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Posted 06 December 2014 - 12:17 PM

Yeah this is my main problem with what they showed. Nothing had as much detail and complexity as what they showed in the E3 trailer. But like I said, I'm sure they'll fix that. But I think that's what most people are complaining about.

Im not concerned. Nothings been downgraded engine wise. The differences seen here are of different areas. The first one shown was chosen because it was near finished level quality, in the areas directly shown close to link, which werent many.

The new footage had clearly unfinished areas, and showed a need for optimization... in conditions that would break just about any engine i know of (except the xeno engine and stuff like witcher 3). But its pretty easy to tell the difference between unfinished and poor or downgraded if you know what to look for.

Just to point out, despite the frame hiccups when the camera is swung around over vast amounts of actually rendered geometry like a madman, when the game is running smoothly, it appears to be going for 60fps. Its tough to tell on a youtube video for obvious reasons, but im pretty confident, the slow mo seems to help a lot with helping me feel like this, Which would make this the first 60fps 3d style/console style zelda.



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