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Rumor: Wii U to Cost $299.99?

wii u price rumor

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#41 Joshua


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Posted 06 March 2012 - 03:26 AM

I can only really see this happening if Nintendo were considering taking a lost.

Or have completely lost their minds. :P

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#42 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 06 March 2012 - 07:19 AM

I can only really see this happening if Nintendo were considering taking a lost.

Well Nintendo can keep loosing money like they have these recent year/s until the year 2054, so yes they can sell the console for a loss. That is about seven consoles between the Wii U and 2054 if they release them every six years.

Edited by Cerberuz, 06 March 2012 - 07:45 AM.


#43 Starrgrl24



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Posted 06 March 2012 - 11:06 AM

I am really hoping that it would cost around 350 dollars. I mean, if it's gonna be a powerful console, I see no reason to go for a cheaper price. I'm currently raising 400 dollars JUST for the Wii U....so if it's more than 400 dollars, I'll just wait for the price drop. >.>

#44 Metroid



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Posted 06 March 2012 - 12:51 PM

I'd rather want to pay more to have a more powerful console. Hope it's around $350, then I know it's definitely packed with power.

#45 Gruff



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Posted 07 March 2012 - 09:52 AM

A lot of people want the Wii U to cost more? I guess I wouldn't mind paying more. I don't want to see Nintendo have any finacial crisis's with the Wii U. I would hate to see Nintendo sell the Wii U at a loss. I don't mind one bit giving some extra money to Nintendo. The more money Nintendo has, the more money they have to work on projects like new games. And good people like Reggie and Satoru that work hard at there jobs deserve to get a good pay.

Villager.jpgBleh eh eh.

#46 MoH


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Posted 07 March 2012 - 12:03 PM

Would be nice - but to me, completely unrealistic.

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#47 Plutonas



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Posted 09 March 2012 - 05:10 AM

A lot of people want the Wii U to cost more? I guess I wouldn't mind paying more. I don't want to see Nintendo have any finacial crisis's with the Wii U. I would hate to see Nintendo sell the Wii U at a loss. I don't mind one bit giving some extra money to Nintendo. The more money Nintendo has, the more money they have to work on projects like new games. And good people like Reggie and Satoru that work hard at there jobs deserve to get a good pay.

oh dear, I tried to quote you but I clicked report button by accident.. I didnt confirmed it, but I hope nothing happen.. lol

Anyway.. We dont want wii U to cost more and be equal or 50% or 1x more powerful from ps3 and 360.. Basically a 50% or 100% more powerful is going to be a total WASTE of money.. We want them to focus in a next gen console. Innovation is good, if it follows technology as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or else they can change the shape, or they can make it also a coffee machine, and thats innovation as well! We just need it to be powerful enough, so we DONT NEED TO BUY other console.

All consoles at the next gen, will focus in 3rd parties support, and all consoles will have about the same games. Power and built quality, matters in the next gen of consoles. I want wii U to be in the same level as 720 and ps4.. I dont mind if wii u is 10%-20% less powerful than the others, but if the difference is huge, and in a point, we have to focus in other systems... hmmm.

Personally... I will not buy next 720 or ps4, I will/may buy wii U, as I play pc games as well.. But I want wii U to offer me amazing games in all aspects.. (I am not an arcade guy any more), so its a kind of a demand from Nintendo this time :) Then and only then, I want to see wii U more expensive. I also read the latest announcements for unreal engine 4.. And they say, that it will run in wii U.. thats great news. To be more specific, they say " we will see at a later time games with unreal engine 4 in wii U"

Another example that turns me off is the controller and people who force nintendo to support up to 2 controllers with screen. My turn off is not the controller it self, but the cpu power consumption it does! I mean if people need the wii U the half power that it can give, just to have 2 controller screens, for me its a waste of power.. And while the cpu is a monster, if wii U supports 2 controllers, the gflops for our games will be about 20-40% higher that 360 instead, about 60-65gflops, while it could give us up to 96 glofps with 1 controller! I am solo after all :)

The reason the overall wii U power falls dramatically, is that nintendo to make kids wish come true (2 controllers with screen), they have to lock 2 cpu cores for the controllers! So wii U works with 2 cores /8 threads instead.

Edited by Orion, 09 March 2012 - 05:36 AM.

#48 Nollog


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Posted 09 March 2012 - 06:03 AM

A lot of people want the Wii U to cost more? I guess I wouldn't mind paying more.

A lot of people are going to be in the exact same position as they were in for the 3DS launch.
"Oh I'd pay $250"
"WHAT?! $250?! I'm not paying that Nintendo!"

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#49 TheAmazingXemo


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Posted 09 March 2012 - 07:25 AM

$299 sounds right to me. If they need to charge more, then so be it, I'm gonna buy the damned thing anyway, but $299 sounds like a good price point, if they can hit it. You can get a PS3 for $249, a 360 for $199 or $299 for Kinect. If Nintendo could hit $299, I think it would really hit hard for the initial sales. I surely wouldn't want to get a PS3/360 when I could get a newer, next gen console for about the same amount of money.

#50 Caius Casshern Sins

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Posted 09 March 2012 - 08:17 AM

I won't complain about this as long as it can still compete with the next gen competion as well. If it doesn't I will be willing to pay a bit more for the system so it can still be a powerhouse to compete with the competion next gen. But if Nintendo are truly willing to take a lost for this system, they might be confident they will have a system seller(more) at or around launch to help make up for the lost.
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